  • The portlet displays posted time by project for the logged in user based on time period and date range.  This allows the user to see at a glance their ETC and actuals on the projects. The portlet displays the Total Allocation and Total Actuals to Date for the user on the projects they are allocated/assigned to.  The actuals are displayed per month in the form of TSVs.
  • The portlet displays posted time by project for the logged in user based on time period and date range.  This allows the user to see at a glance their ETC and actuals on the projects. The portlet displays the Total Allocation and Total Actuals to Date for the user on the projects they are allocated/assigned to.  The actuals are displayed per month in the form of TSVs.
  • The portlet displays posted time by project for the logged in user based on time period and date range.  This allows the user to see at a glance their ETC and actuals on the projects. The portlet displays the Total Allocation and Total Actuals to Date for the user on the projects they are allocated/assigned to.  The actuals are displayed per month in the form of TSVs.
  • Allocation Compliance Area Chart provides the resource manager a single place to view the Monthly Resource Allocation compliance for all resources in the form of an Area chart. Allocation Compliance is calculated based on the value of 'Availability to Allocation Hours %' Allocation Compliance is 'Under Allocated (Less Than 80%)' WHEN 'Availability to Allocation Hours %’ is less than 80 Allocation Compliance is 'Appropriately Allocated (Between 80-120%)' WHEN 'Availability to Allocation Hours %' is between 80 and 120 Allocation Compliance is 'Over Allocated (Over 120%)' WHEN 'Availability to Allocation Hours %' is greater than  120 User can further narrow their search by Resource Is Active?, OBS Type, OBS Path and Month Start Date. User can use exact dates or relative dates for Month Start Date filter parameter.
  • Allocation Compliance by PM report provides project managers a single place to view Available hours, Allocation Hours and Allocation Percentage of Investment Team Resources. It considers the investments of selected project manager and it displays the following: Allocation Details Grid: Displays Resource and its Allocated hours, Available hours and Allocation percentage (Allocated hours/Available Hours) Allocation Percent by Resource: Column chart that displays Allocation Percentage for various resources during the selected Time frame. You can further narrow your search by Project Manager & Month Start Date range.
  • Allocation Compliance by RM report provides resource managers a single place to view Available hours, Allocation Hours and Allocation Percentage of Resources. It considers the resources of selected resource manager and it displays the following: Allocation Details Grid: Displays Resource and its Allocated hours, Available hours and Allocation percentage (Allocated hours/Available Hours) Allocation Percent by Resource: Bar chart that displays Allocation Percentage (top 10) for various resources during the selected Time frame. You can further narrow your search by Resource Manager & Month Start Date range.
  • This view depicts Allocation Compliance for resources grouped by OBS.  Using the daily Resource Availability and Daily Resource Allocation Time Slices this column chart groups aggregate Allocation vs Availability by OBS Unit.  The chart allows quick analysis to see if resources are adequately allocated (between 80% to 120% of their capacity) or if they are significantly under or over allocated. NOTE:  The grouping of OBS unit is limited to 1 level below the selected OBS in the portlet filter.
  • This view depicts Allocation Compliance for resources grouped by OBS.  Using the daily Resource Availability and Daily Resource Allocation Time Slices this column chart groups aggregate Allocation vs Availability by OBS Unit.  The chart allows quick analysis to see if resources are adequately allocated (between 80% to 120% of their capacity) or if they are significantly under or over allocated. NOTE:  The grouping of OBS unit is limited to 1 level below the selected OBS in the portlet filter.
  • This view depicts Allocation Compliance for resources grouped by OBS.  Using the daily Resource Availability and Daily Resource Allocation Time Slices this column chart groups aggregate Allocation vs Availability by OBS Unit.  The chart allows quick analysis to see if resources are adequately allocated (between 80% to 120% of their capacity) or if they are significantly under or over allocated. NOTE:  The grouping of OBS unit is limited to 1 level below the selected OBS in the portlet filter.
  • Allocation Compliance Column Chart provides the resource manager a single place to view the Allocation compliance information in the form of a stacked column chart. Allocation Compliance is calculated based on the value of 'Availability to Allocation Hours %'. Allocation Compliance is 'Under Allocated (Less Than 80%)' WHEN 'Availability to Allocation Hours %’ is less than 80. Allocation Compliance is 'Appropriately Allocated (Between 80-120%)' WHEN 'Availability to Allocation Hours %' is between 80 and 120. Allocation Compliance is 'Over Allocated (Over 120%)' WHEN 'Availability to Allocation Hours %' is greater than  120. User can further narrow their search by Resource Is Active?, OBS Type & Path, Associated Project OBS?, Allocation Start Date, Investment Name and Resource Manager. User can use exact dates or relative dates for Allocation Start Date filter parameter.
  • Allocation Compliance Column Chart report provides resource managers a single place to view Allocation compliance for various resources. It displays the following: Allocated Hours by OBS chart: Stacked Column chart that displays percentage of resources that are fully allocated (80 -120 %) and under allocated (less than 80%) for a particular OBS and selected period range. Grid: Displays Resource Name, Resource Id, Primary Role, Booking Manager, Period, Allocated hours and Actual hours during that period. You can further narrow your search by OBS Type, OBS Path & Period Start Date range.
  • The Allocation Compliance by Person (Project Manager) portlet gives a view of resource allocation compliance for active resources on the team of an investment the logged in user is the manager for.  It allows the PM to see resources on their project over the coming months and whether they are over or under allocated.   This portlet leverages the daily allocation and daily availability slices as well as only active investments.  The portlet provides filters for specific dates, filtering by resource ID, and resource name may also be added.
  • The Allocation Compliance by Person (Project Manager) portlet gives a view of resource allocation compliance for active resources on the team of an investment the logged in user is the manager for.  It allows the PM to see resources on their project over the coming months and whether they are over or under allocated.   This portlet leverages the daily allocation and daily availability slices as well as only active investments.  The portlet provides filters for specific dates, filtering by resource ID, and resource name may also be added.
  • The Allocation Compliance by Person (Project Manager) portlet gives a view of resource allocation compliance for active resources on the team of an investment the logged in user is the manager for.  It allows the PM to see resources on their project over the coming months and whether they are over or under allocated.   This portlet leverages the daily allocation and daily availability slices as well as only active investments.  The portlet provides filters for specific dates, filtering by resource ID, and resource name may also be added.
  • Allocation Compliance for PM report gives a view of resource Allocation percentage for active resources on the team of an investment for a selected Investment Manager. It allows the PM to see resources on their project over the coming months and whether they are over or under allocated. Allocation Percentage is calculated as (‘Allocated Hours’ / ‘Available Hours’) * 100. User can further narrow their search Month Start Date and Investment Manager. User can use exact dates or relative dates for Month Start Date filter parameter.
  • The Allocation Compliance by Resource (Resource Manager) portlet gives a view of resource allocation compliance for all active resources the logged in user is the Resource Manager for.  It allows the RM to see resources they manage over the coming months and whether they are over or under allocated.  This portlet leverages the daily allocation and daily availability slices as well as only active investments.  The portlet provides filters for specific dates, filtering by resource ID, and resource name may also be added.
  • The Allocation Compliance by Resource (Resource Manager) portlet gives a view of resource allocation compliance for all active resources the logged in user is the Resource Manager for.  It allows the RM to see resources they manage over the coming months and whether they are over or under allocated.  This portlet leverages the daily allocation and daily availability slices as well as only active investments.  The portlet provides filters for specific dates, filtering by resource ID, and resource name may also be added.
  • The Allocation Compliance by Resource (Resource Manager) portlet gives a view of resource allocation compliance for all active resources the logged in user is the Resource Manager for.  It allows the RM to see resources they manage over the coming months and whether they are over or under allocated.  This portlet leverages the daily allocation and daily availability slices as well as only active investments.  The portlet provides filters for specific dates, filtering by resource ID, and resource name may also be added.
  • The Allocation Compliance Pie Chart portlet gives a view of active resources' allocation compliance within a date range and OBS displayed in a pie chart.  It allows the user to the percentage of resources over, under, and adequately staffed on projects over a selected time period.   This portlet leverages the daily allocation and daily availability slices as well as only active investments.  The portlet provides filters for specific dates (required) and OBS.
  • Allocation Compliance Pie Chart provides the resource manager a single place to view the Allocation compliance information in the form of a Pie chart. Allocation Compliance is calculated based on the value of 'Availability to Allocation Hours %'. Allocation Compliance is 'Under Allocated (Less Than 80%)' WHEN 'Availability to Allocation Hours %’ is less than 80. Allocation Compliance is 'Appropriately Allocated (Between 80-120%)' WHEN 'Availability to Allocation Hours %' is between 80 and 120. Allocation Compliance is 'Over Allocated (Over 120%)' WHEN 'Availability to Allocation Hours %' is greater than 120. User can further narrow their search by Resource Is Active?, OBS Type, OBS Path, Allocation Start Date, Investment Name and Resource Manager. User can use exact dates or relative dates for Allocation Start Date filter parameter.
  • Allocation Compliance Pie Chart report provides resource managers a single place to view Allocation compliance for various resources. It displays the following: Allocated Hours by OBS chart: Pie chart that displays percentage of resources that are fully allocated (80 -120 %) and under allocated (less than 80%) for a particular OBS and selected period range. Grid: Displays Resource Name, Resource Id, Primary Role, Booking Manager, Period, Allocated hours and Actual hours during that period. You can further narrow your search by OBS Type, OBS Path & Period Date range.
  • This Allocation Compliance Drilldown Enhancement portlet is used in conjunction with the Allocation Compliance Pie Chart. Once the user selects a specific section of the chart, the Allocation Compliance Drilldown Enhancement will display a list of resources fulfilling that selection.  The Allocation Compliance list portlet shows the Resource Name, the Resource Manager, Availability, Allocated Hours and Allocation % for the selection. Note: The Allocation compliance pie chart is displayed first based on the filter selection i.e., Start Date, End Date and OBS. The pie chart is displayed as per the following three slices of the pie: Under Allocated (Less than 80%) Appropriately Allocated (Between 80-120%) Over Allocated (Above 120%) The slice of a pie can be clicked to display resource allocation compliance information in the Allocation Compliance List portlet, as described earlier. The table below describes the available columns in the Allocation Compliance list portlet. The first 5 are configured in the default view:
    Column Label Description
    Resource Name Name of the Resource
    Resource Manager Resource Manager
    Availability Resource Availability
    Allocated Resource Allocation
    Allocation % Resource Allocation %
    Res_id Unique identifier of the Resource
  • This Allocation Compliance Drilldown Enhancement portlet is used in conjunction with the Allocation Compliance Pie Chart. Once the user selects a specific section of the chart, the Allocation Compliance Drilldown Enhancement will display a list of resources fulfilling that selection.  The Allocation Compliance list portlet shows the Resource Name, the Resource Manager, Availability, Allocated Hours and Allocation % for the selection. Note: The Allocation compliance pie chart is displayed first based on the filter selection i.e., Start Date, End Date and OBS. The pie chart is displayed as per the following three slices of the pie: Under Allocated (Less than 80%) Appropriately Allocated (Between 80-120%) Over Allocated (Above 120%) The slice of a pie can be clicked to display resource allocation compliance information in the Allocation Compliance List portlet, as described earlier. The table below describes the available columns in the Allocation Compliance list portlet. The first 5 are configured in the default view:
    Column Label Description
    Resource Name Name of the Resource
    Resource Manager Resource Manager
    Availability Resource Availability
    Allocated Resource Allocation
    Allocation % Resource Allocation %
    Res_id Unique identifier of the Resource
  • This Allocation Compliance Drilldown Enhancement portlet is used in conjunction with the Allocation Compliance Pie Chart. Once the user selects a specific section of the chart, the Allocation Compliance Drilldown Enhancement will display a list of resources fulfilling that selection.  The Allocation Compliance list portlet shows the Resource Name, the Resource Manager, Availability, Allocated Hours and Allocation % for the selection. Note: The Allocation compliance pie chart is displayed first based on the filter selection i.e., Start Date, End Date and OBS. The pie chart is displayed as per the following three slices of the pie: Under Allocated (Less than 80%) Appropriately Allocated (Between 80-120%) Over Allocated (Above 120%) The slice of a pie can be clicked to display resource allocation compliance information in the Allocation Compliance List portlet, as described earlier. The table below describes the available columns in the Allocation Compliance list portlet. The first 5 are configured in the default view:
    Column Label Description
    Resource Name Name of the Resource
    Resource Manager Resource Manager
    Availability Resource Availability
    Allocated Resource Allocation
    Allocation % Resource Allocation %
    Res_id Unique identifier of the Resource
  • A Process run via Execute a Process job; sends an email to active resources, containing a facsimile of their Resource Allocation Detail page.  It shows the next six weeks of allocations by investment, with a column total.  The email also contains a click here link to this page in CA PPM, to enable editing of the data, as appropriate.
  • A Process run via Execute a Process job; sends an email to active resources, containing a facsimile of their Resource Allocation Detail page.  It shows the next six weeks of allocations by investment, with a column total.  The email also contains a click here link to this page in CA PPM, to enable editing of the data, as appropriate.
  • A Process run via Execute a Process job; sends an email to active resources, containing a facsimile of their Resource Allocation Detail page.  It shows the next six weeks of allocations by investment, with a column total.  The email also contains a click here link to this page in CA PPM, to enable editing of the data, as appropriate.
  • This portlet displays the monthly allocation per resource. The PM can view by the RM or the resource to get the data for monthly resource allocations. The table below describes the available filter fields in the portlet.
    Column Label Description
    Work Effort Manager Manager of the Investment the Work Effort is on
    Work Effort Active Active status of the Investment the Work Effort is on
    Resource Resource’s Name
    Internal Resource ID Resource’s ID
    Zero Allocation Show Allocations that equal zero
    Open for Time Entry Is the Resource Open for Time Entry
    Resource Active Resource’s Active status
    Role Resource’s Primary Role
    OBS Unit Resource’s OBS
    Start Allocation Start Time to filter by
    End Allocation Finish time to filter by
  • This portlet displays the monthly allocation per resource. The PM can view by the RM or the resource to get the data for monthly resource allocations. The table below describes the available filter fields in the portlet.
    Column Label Description
    Work Effort Manager Manager of the Investment the Work Effort is on
    Work Effort Active Active status of the Investment the Work Effort is on
    Resource Resource’s Name
    Internal Resource ID Resource’s ID
    Zero Allocation Show Allocations that equal zero
    Open for Time Entry Is the Resource Open for Time Entry
    Resource Active Resource’s Active status
    Role Resource’s Primary Role
    OBS Unit Resource’s OBS
    Start Allocation Start Time to filter by
    End Allocation Finish time to filter by
  • This portlet displays the monthly allocation per resource. The PM can view by the RM or the resource to get the data for monthly resource allocations. The table below describes the available filter fields in the portlet.
    Column Label Description
    Work Effort Manager Manager of the Investment the Work Effort is on
    Work Effort Active Active status of the Investment the Work Effort is on
    Resource Resource’s Name
    Internal Resource ID Resource’s ID
    Zero Allocation Show Allocations that equal zero
    Open for Time Entry Is the Resource Open for Time Entry
    Resource Active Resource’s Active status
    Role Resource’s Primary Role
    OBS Unit Resource’s OBS
    Start Allocation Start Time to filter by
    End Allocation Finish time to filter by
  • Evaluate resource allocations, identify bottlenecks, and ensure optimal resource utilization across projects and teams. Report Views include: • Over Allocation • By Project • By People • Project Resource Details • No Allocations by Project • No Allocations by People The main .rpt file will access data through the Data Warehouse.
  • Evaluate resource allocations, identify bottlenecks, and ensure optimal resource utilization across projects and teams. Report Views include: • Over Allocation • By Project • By People • Project Resource Details • No Allocations by Project • No Allocations by People The main file will access data through custom queries created via Rego Odata connector.
  • This is the same portlet as the out of the box Weekly Detail with an additional filter element for Program (multiple select).  Portlet displays resource allocations graphically for each project in the specified program(s), for the next six weekly periods.  Portlet filterable by numerous project, resource, and assignment attributes.  Graphical representation shows Resource Availability Threshold and Allocation in hours, as a mouse-over.
  • This is the same portlet as the out of the box Weekly Detail with an additional filter element for Program (multiple select).  Portlet displays resource allocations graphically for each project in the specified program(s), for the next six weekly periods.  Portlet filterable by numerous project, resource, and assignment attributes.  Graphical representation shows Resource Availability Threshold and Allocation in hours, as a mouse-over.
  • A presentation slide deck from Rego University 2022.   This document reviews the best practices for resource management in Clarity.
    • Implementation
    • Availability
    • Allocation
    • Assignment
    • Reporting
    • Notification
    • Data Maintenance
  • The Capacity Graph - Investment portlet displays Availability, Allocations, Assignments and Actuals for active resources in a single project. This portlet pulls from timeslices and allows the user to filter on weekly, monthly, or quarterly data. This portlet provides a Project Manager with a simple way to analyse:  Allocations vs. Actuals and Allocations vs. ETC.  Depending on metric goals, the graph allows the user to determine where areas of improvement may exist.
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