  • The Open and Close Periods process closes the earliest open time period and opens the first closed time period after the latest open time period. This process may be used for a non-administrator to open and close time periods without having access to the administrative side. The process is executed through the job Execute Process. For example, our oldest time period is January 6, and our most recent is May 1, it would close out January 6, and open a time period for the week after May 1.
  • The Open and Close Periods process closes the earliest open time period and opens the first closed time period after the latest open time period. This process may be used for a non-administrator to open and close time periods without having access to the administrative side. The process is executed through the job Execute Process. For example, our oldest time period is January 6, and our most recent is May 1, it would close out January 6, and open a time period for the week after May 1.
  • There’s an upgrade in your future. Do you want to understand the costs, durations, and lessons learned? We’ll review existing and upcoming releases, the pros and cons of moving to various versions, and upgrade strategies, so you can prepare your budget and plan.
  • Do you want to add interfaces to your CA PPM instance? This class will review the pros and cons of various integration methods and provide best practice on how to handle various interfaces. We’ll walk you through specific interface examples and showcase Rego’s pre-built interface sets you can leverage to reduce the time and cost of implementation.
  • Course Description:   Struggling to figure out how to best organize your blueprints? This class will walk through best practice blueprint design, including how many to have, how to use channels, using custom subobjects within the blueprint, and swapping blueprints at various project stages to mimic project phases or ideas. We’ll highlight some of the creative ways we’ve seen blueprints used in client implementations.
  • Are your project teams using SharePoint effectively and getting the most value out of it? Is document management a daily struggle? Learn how to use SharePoint with Clarity in a more seamless way to improve collaboration and team productivity.
  • Do you want to understand the OOTB configuration and functionality of resource management?  In this class, we will review the OOTB objects, views, and functions of assignments, allocations, and other related areas.  We will cover both classic and new UX highlighting differences.
  • Portlet to quickly show License Compliance for all license types.  Simply Enter your License Limits in the filter – The portlet will display the three license types in a grid format with compliance chart and RYG Icons.
  • This portlet displays list of resources with OBS rights. This would be helpful for admins to know if a user can perform any actions on object instances of an OBS.
  • View Rate Matrix is a grid portlet that provides users a single place to view all the rates defined across multiple rate matrix without going to administration tab. Each Matrix may be defined with different columns (ex: Charge Code, Client, Department, Entity, Input type Code etc). This portlet dynamically brings only the columns associated with that rate matrix and provides the detailed information. User can view information related to one matrix at a time.
  • This process grants Project Management instance rights to all of the project team members within the program hierarchy.  Allows users to view management properties, roster and key tasks of the project.  This also allows user view access to the project in Microsoft Project.
  • The Timesheet Audit portlet displays timesheet information in order to perform an audit.  The only required data needed to search the portlet is start and finish date. Additionally, you may narrow the results by filtering by resource, resource ID, OBS Unit, resource manager, timesheet status, project, and task. The portlet provides reporting on the following:
    • Resource
    • Resource ID
    • Email Icon of Resource (So the reviewer can quickly email the Resource)
    • Resource is Active
    • Resource Open for Time
    • Time Period (Start and Finish Dates)
    • Timesheet Status
    • Is Adjustment (If the timesheet is adjusted)
    • Timesheet Modified Date
    • Timesheet Posted Date
    • Timesheet Submitted By
    • Timesheet Approved By
    • Project
    • Task
    • Proposed ETC Hours
    • Pending Actual Hours
    • Total Actual Hours
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