The REGO Timesheets - WIP portlet displays timesheet information for timesheets that have a status of posted but have not been posted to the WIP tables. This does not include records hung up in invalid transactions. Users can further narrow their search by Project Name, Resource Name, Timesheet Status, Start Date, and Finish Date.
The Resource Management training document provides an in-depth guide to resource management. This presentation is designed to provide resource managers with an overview to managing time, inputting users and roles, adjust allocations, availability and more within Clarity’s resource management module. This guide provides step-by-step instructions as well as detailed screenshots to ensure that the learning curve for your resource managers is minimal.
Learn how to create Custom Domains and Dashboards on the fly with Rego's Atul Kunkulol. This is a fun technique to use with your Demand and Capacity. Download is the slide deck file. To view the webinar click here - http://event.on24.com/wcc/r/1219157/B398371FAAAF960D6B26717D66F8011A
A slide deck that reviews the processes for time entry and approval of timesheets in Clarity’s Modern UX. Used for Rego’s training engagements, it covers the Time Entry process via flow chart, steps for submitting a timesheet, adjusting a returned timesheet, and adding or removing tasks from a timesheet.
A slide deck used in Rego’s training classed for Project Management in the Modern User Experience. Reviews terms and definitions, the OBS, Work Breakdown Structure, Templates, Roles and Responsibilities, Allocation vs ETC, Accessing Projects, Project Creation, Staffing, Tasks, Assignments, To Dos, Project Financials, and more.