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Make sure project deliverables are completed on time by tracking work progress and monitoring task assignments. Report Views include:
This training document is a Rego Consulting Quick Reference Guide to assist with use of the Common Grid. You can find the grid throughout the application to manage projects, tasks, roadmaps, ideas, and timesheets to name a few. The QRG reviews View Options, Column Adjustments, the Details Panel and more.
A presentation slide deck from Rego University 2022. Document reviews the 7 trends that Rego is seeing in the PPM space.
- Trend 1: Going Beyond Strategic Alignment
- Trend 2: Pivoting Quickly
- Trend 3: Value Scrutiny for PPM
- Trend 4: Hybrid Financial Management
- Trend 5: AI has the Buzz, Predictive Analytics has the Momentum
- Trend 6: Balanced Ecosystem of Tools
- Trend 7: Collaboration
A slide deck that reviews the processes for time entry and approval of timesheets in Clarity’s Modern UX. Used for Rego’s training engagements, it covers the Time Entry process via flow chart, steps for submitting a timesheet, adjusting a returned timesheet, and adding or removing tasks from a timesheet.
You are no longer regulated to the desktop browser to respond to action items. Learn how Rego solved this problem using just your email. We’ll talk about various use cases where you would get maximum benefit from a simple response on an action item directly from your email. It doesn’t matter if you are using email on your desktop, laptop, phone or tablet. The Action Item Responder as you covered.
Make sure project deliverables are completed on time by tracking work progress and monitoring task assignments. Report Views include: • Work Details • Work Overview • Work Risk Issue and Change The main .rpt file will access data through the Data Warehouse. For clients on Rego’s AWS hosting, we have versions that work with Oracle and Postgres DB and access the live database, if the Rego Odata connector is being used.
You are no longer regulated to the desktop browser to respond to action items. Learn how Rego solved this problem using just your email. We’ll talk about various use cases where you would get maximum benefit from a simple response on an action item directly from your email. It doesn’t matter if you are using email on your desktop, laptop, phone or tablet. The Action Item Responder as you covered.
This training document is a Rego Consulting Quick Reference Guide to assist with the creation and editing of Tasks in the Timeline View of Clarity’s Modern User Experience. This doc references version 16.1.2 views. Doc covers how to create a new task in the Timeline View, how to insert sibling or insert child tasks, how to set Milestones, access the Details pane and add resource Assignments. Also details how to move tasks by clicking and dragging within the Timeline View.
You can’t wait, integrate! Clarity is highly capable of being the center of a hub and spoke ecosystem for your project delivery. With flexible integration options and robust portfolio reporting and decision support functionality, Clarity will help you consolidate data from multiple systems of record into one source of truth. Join this class to see common use cases for optimizing a PPM delivery value stream that cuts across a diverse suite of applications, including HR, Finance, ITSM, Agile, Work Management, and many more.
This Process sends an email to every Action Item Assignee where the Due Date/Time has passed and the Status is either Open, or In Progress. Users may want to modify this stalker to include Status = Deferred. In addition, the Resource Manager for the Assignee receives a copy of the email. In order to generate emails, the SMTP gateway must be up and running and Resources must have a valid email address.
Have you looked in the regoXchange or reviewed Rego’s innovation offerings? This class will show you the power of Rego’s pre-built content library, integrations, and other assets. See example after example of portlets, processes, and materials you can use to add value to your instance of Clarity. Learn how you can introduce email-based approvals with Rego's action item responder. Get a peek at Rego's new MSP integration that avoids the issues faced with the OOTB integration. Finally, understand Rego's pre-built connectors and how they can benefit your instance. Including blueprint migrator. Include free tools like GEL builder, query, XOGbridge.
The Capacity Graph portlet displays Availability, Allocations, Actuals and Assignments for one or more active resource(s) in a single view. This portlet pulls data from timeslices, and allows the user to filter on a weekly, monthly or quarterly data. The Estimated Time to Complete (ETC) and Allocation data will only show for projects that are active. This portlet provides Resource Managers, PMOs and Executives with a simple way to analyse: Allocations vs. Availability, Allocations vs. Actuals, Allocations vs. ETC and ETC vs. Availability. The graph allows the user to determine where areas of improvement may exist and quickly identify potential areas of constraint. Note: the information displayed is dependent on what the user has security rights to view.
This training document is a Rego Consulting Quick Reference Guide to assist with Entering and Submitting Time in Clarity’s Modern User Experience. This doc references version 16.1.2 views. Document includes Accessing & Selecting Timesheets, Populate Timesheet, Updating Timesheet, Submitting Timesheet and Entering Time for Someone Else.
The portlet displays posted time by project for the logged in user based on time period and date range. This allows the user to see at a glance their ETC and actuals on the projects. The portlet displays the Total Allocation and Total Actuals to Date for the user on the projects they are allocated/assigned to. The actuals are displayed per month in the form of TSVs.
The Auto-Approve Old Timesheets workflow process can be run through the "Execute a Process" job and may be used to quickly close out timesheets for a specified timeframe for period closure. The workflow will execute a query that will automatically approve ALL (no matter the status of the timesheet) timesheets that have a time period start date before the Approve Date specified within the process itself.
The portlet displays posted time by project for the logged in user based on time period and date range. This allows the user to see at a glance their ETC and actuals on the projects. The portlet displays the Total Allocation and Total Actuals to Date for the user on the projects they are allocated/assigned to. The actuals are displayed per month in the form of TSVs.
This training document is a Rego Consulting Quick Reference Guide to assist with the creation and editing of Tasks in the Timeline View of Clarity’s Modern User Experience. This doc references version 16.0.3 views. Doc covers how to create a new task in the Timeline View, how to insert sibling or insert child tasks, how to set Milestones, access the Details pane and add resource Assignments. Also details how to move tasks by clicking and dragging within the Timeline View.