Based on the pre-determined schedule frequency, this job will send an email to Resource Managers that have a Resource meeting the criteria of: Average allocations are less than 100% where Resource(s) and Project(s) are active over the next two weeks. This serves as a reminder to Resource Managers to monitor and manage allocations. The contents of the email include a message indicating the Resource Manager has at least one Resource meeting this criteria and a table indicating the Resource and that resource’s average, next 90 days allocations.
Based on the pre-determined schedule frequency, this job will send an email to Resource Managers that have a Resource meeting the criteria of: Average allocations are less than 100% where Resource(s) and Project(s) are active over the next two weeks. This serves as a reminder to Resource Managers to monitor and manage allocations. The contents of the email include a message indicating the Resource Manager has at least one Resource meeting this criteria and a table indicating the Resource and that resource’s average, next 90 days allocations.
Based on the pre-determined schedule frequency, this job will send an email to Resource Managers that have a Resource meeting the criteria of: Average allocations are less than 100% where Resource(s) and Project(s) are active over the next two weeks. This serves as a reminder to Resource Managers to monitor and manage allocations. The contents of the email include a message indicating the Resource Manager has at least one Resource meeting this criteria and a table indicating the Resource and that resource’s average, next 90 days allocations.
Based on the pre-determined schedule frequency, this job will send an email to Resource Managers that have a Resource meeting the criteria of: Average allocations are greater than 120% where Resource(s) and Project(s) are active over the next 90 days. This serves as a reminder to Resource Managers to monitor and manage allocations. The contents of the email include a message indicating the Resource Manager has at least one Resource meeting this criteria and a table indicating the Resource and that resource’s average, next 90 days allocations.
Based on the pre-determined schedule frequency, this job will send an email to Resource Managers that have a Resource meeting the criteria of: Average allocations are greater than 120% where Resource(s) and Project(s) are active over the next 90 days. This serves as a reminder to Resource Managers to monitor and manage allocations. The contents of the email include a message indicating the Resource Manager has at least one Resource meeting this criteria and a table indicating the Resource and that resource’s average, next 90 days allocations.
This portlet displays the % allocation of resources to projects. The portlet shows if the resource is allocated to the projects as an individual resource or as part of an Agile team, in which case it will display the resource % allocation to the team and what that will represent in terms of % allocation to the project. The Total Allocation % display the allocation of the resource to all investments is allocated to. Remaining Capacity and Over/Under columns will help identify the resources that still have availability and the ones that are over allocated.
This portlet displays the monthly allocation per resource. The PM can view by the RM or the resource to get the data for monthly resource allocations. The table below describes the available filter fields in the portlet. Column Label Description Work Effort Manager Manager of the Investment the Work Effort is on Work Effort Active Active status of the Investment the Work Effort is on Resource Resource’s Name Internal Resource ID Resource’s ID Zero Allocation Show Allocations that equal zero Open for Time Entry Is the Resource Open for Time Entry Resource Active Resource’s Active status Role Resource’s Primary Role OBS Unit Resource’s OBS Start Allocation Start Time to filter by End Allocation Finish time to filter by -
Resource Availability – 4 Weeks is a grid portlet that displays all resources with their total allocated hours by week, and an average availability percent (4 Wk Avail %) for next four weeks. If % Available is negative, this indicates an over-allocation. Zero% Average Availability indicates fully allocated (no remaining availability). Filterable by Role, Resource, Resource Type, Full-Time/Part-Time, Availability Range. Contractor Type is a custom attribute (Lookup - String) created on the Resource object. It is attached to the lookup, Contractor Type (Lookup ID: REGO_CONTRACTOR_TYPE) that has static values Part Time (PT) and Full Time(FT).
This Allocation Compliance Drilldown Enhancement portlet is used in conjunction with the Allocation Compliance Pie Chart. Once the user selects a specific section of the chart, the Allocation Compliance Drilldown Enhancement will display a list of resources fulfilling that selection. The Allocation Compliance list portlet shows the Resource Name, the Resource Manager, Availability, Allocated Hours and Allocation % for the selection. Note: The Allocation compliance pie chart is displayed first based on the filter selection i.e., Start Date, End Date and OBS. The pie chart is displayed as per the following three slices of the pie: Under Allocated (Less than 80%) Appropriately Allocated (Between 80-120%) Over Allocated (Above 120%) The slice of a pie can be clicked to display resource allocation compliance information in the Allocation Compliance List portlet, as described earlier. The table below describes the available columns in the Allocation Compliance list portlet. The first 5 are configured in the default view: Column Label Description Resource Name Name of the Resource Resource Manager Resource Manager Availability Resource Availability Allocated Resource Allocation Allocation % Resource Allocation % Res_id Unique identifier of the Resource -
This Allocation Compliance Drilldown Enhancement portlet is used in conjunction with the Allocation Compliance Pie Chart. Once the user selects a specific section of the chart, the Allocation Compliance Drilldown Enhancement will display a list of resources fulfilling that selection. The Allocation Compliance list portlet shows the Resource Name, the Resource Manager, Availability, Allocated Hours and Allocation % for the selection. Note: The Allocation compliance pie chart is displayed first based on the filter selection i.e., Start Date, End Date and OBS. The pie chart is displayed as per the following three slices of the pie: Under Allocated (Less than 80%) Appropriately Allocated (Between 80-120%) Over Allocated (Above 120%) The slice of a pie can be clicked to display resource allocation compliance information in the Allocation Compliance List portlet, as described earlier. The table below describes the available columns in the Allocation Compliance list portlet. The first 5 are configured in the default view: Column Label Description Resource Name Name of the Resource Resource Manager Resource Manager Availability Resource Availability Allocated Resource Allocation Allocation % Resource Allocation % Res_id Unique identifier of the Resource -
This is the same portlet as the out of the box Weekly Detail with an additional filter element for Program (multiple select). Portlet displays resource allocations graphically for each project in the specified program(s), for the next six weekly periods. Portlet filterable by numerous project, resource, and assignment attributes. Graphical representation shows Resource Availability Threshold and Allocation in hours, as a mouse-over.
A Process run via Execute a Process job; sends an email to active resources, containing a facsimile of their Resource Allocation Detail page. It shows the next six weeks of allocations by investment, with a column total. The email also contains a click here link to this page in CA PPM, to enable editing of the data, as appropriate.