The Revenue Forecast portlet displays projected revenue at a project level broken out by month. This portlet assists in viewing all project revenue data at once and making it easily exportable.
The table below describes the available filter fields in the portlet.
790 results
Out of the box, there is no way to export or report on the Modern UX Roadmap Grid view. This report allows the end user to select one or more roadmaps and provides an exportable view of several OOTB fields from those roadmaps. When exported to and open in excel, the first tab will display a combined view of all selected Roadmaps, one row for every Roadmap Item, and additional tabs will display Roadmap-specific views. Custom attributes may be added to the report by your developers.
Out of the box, there is no way to export or report on the Modern UX Roadmap Grid view. This report allows the end user to select one or more roadmaps and provides an exportable view of several OOTB fields from those roadmaps. When exported to and open in excel, the first tab will display a combined view of all selected Roadmaps, one row for every Roadmap Item, and additional tabs will display Roadmap-specific views. Custom attributes may be added to the report by your developers.
Course description: “Are some of your users leveraging a Smartsheet add-on for project planning, or are you looking for an alternative to OWB and MSP? Learn how this new scheduling tool is making waves and adding value for project managers working within CA PPM.” Download file is the presentation slidedeck.
The Status Report Publish workflow process pushes values from the status report sub-object to the parent project object. The process is started when the user ticks the “Publish” Boolean field on the status report (custom field added). This workflow will update the project object with the overall status indicator, the status comment, the previous overall status, and the as of date. This eliminates the project manager having to update the fields in both the status report and the project overall.
The Status Report Publish workflow process pushes values from the status report sub-object to the parent project object. The process is started when the user ticks the “Publish” Boolean field on the status report (custom field added). This workflow will update the project object with the overall status indicator, the status comment, the previous overall status, and the as of date. This eliminates the project manager having to update the fields in both the status report and the project overall.
A Quick Reference Guide to assist in the creation and management of Status Reports in Clarity’s Modern UX. Reviews accessing the project details from the grid or tile view, creation of a new status report, existing status reports in Classic, updating status reports, customizing project status, and the project status list view.
Course Description: Have you ever thought of using Clarity PPM for surveys or quality audits? Would you like to create dashboards with metrics from surveys, lessons learned, project audits, and quality? In this class, we will review a customer use case where all of this was done in Clarity PPM—linking to SharePoint to capture survey results, then producing dashboards inside of PPM and SharePoint based on very specific metrics.
Connect with user and get familiar with them via Office 365/Azure Profile photos synced with the Clarity PPM Avatars. This is a good way to collaborate with the team and users for any quick update or interaction. This is a scheduled process in Clarity named Sync Profile Photo from Office 365 and will be scheduled to run as a job. When the process is executed, it will be setting the Microsoft O365 profile photo into the users Avatar photo in Clarity PPM and optionally, sync custom attribute of the Resource with profile photo, which can be used for quick identification of the user. Sync Process come with some parameters for the Support team, which they can use as per there environment configurations. These some important Gel parameters for quick configuration are:
- msProfilePicField : Custom Resource Field to store Photo, if not provided process will skip syncing the custom field.
- msTenantId: Microsoft Azure Tenant Id
- msClientId: Microsoft Azure Application client Id
- msClientSecret: Microsoft Azure Application client Secret
- msTeamPhotoSize: Define size of the photo to be fetched
- syncPPMAvatar: Parameter to Sync PPM User Avatar photo from MS Team