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The Populate Prior Periods Forecast From Actuals in Cost Plans process updates Cost Plans for Active Projects, it updates the Forecast for previous months = Posted Actuals, to remove variances from past periods. This is an On Demand process in Clarity named Populate Prior Periods Forecast From Actuals in Cost Plans and can be manually executed from the Organizer or scheduled through the “Execute a Process” job. If there are number of processes in the Organizer – Available Processes, this process can be filtered and then checked to Start. When the process is started it will be seen in the Initiated on the Processes tab. The process status can be monitored from Running to the Completed stage. The process is very flexible and supports Cost Plans with any given grouping and it also works without any dependency on timeslices or other jobs. The process fetches Cost plan of records for all active projects in the system that have Actuals transactions in WIP table. It then process those cost plans to update all of the prior monthly forecast periods with the corresponding monthly Actuals.
The Populate Prior Periods Forecast From Actuals in Cost Plans process updates Cost Plans for Active Projects, it updates the Forecast for previous months = Posted Actuals, to remove variances from past periods. This is an On Demand process in Clarity named Populate Prior Periods Forecast From Actuals in Cost Plans and can be manually executed from the Organizer or scheduled through the “Execute a Process” job. If there are number of processes in the Organizer – Available Processes, this process can be filtered and then checked to Start. When the process is started it will be seen in the Initiated on the Processes tab. The process status can be monitored from Running to the Completed stage. The process is very flexible and supports Cost Plans with any given grouping and it also works without any dependency on timeslices or other jobs. The process fetches Cost plan of records for all active projects in the system that have Actuals transactions in WIP table. It then process those cost plans to update all of the prior monthly forecast periods with the corresponding monthly Actuals.
The Populate Prior Periods Forecast From Actuals in Cost Plans process updates Cost Plans for Active Projects, it updates the Forecast for previous months = Posted Actuals, to remove variances from past periods. This is an On Demand process in Clarity named Populate Prior Periods Forecast From Actuals in Cost Plans and can be manually executed from the Organizer or scheduled through the “Execute a Process” job. If there are number of processes in the Organizer – Available Processes, this process can be filtered and then checked to Start. When the process is started it will be seen in the Initiated on the Processes tab. The process status can be monitored from Running to the Completed stage. The process is very flexible and supports Cost Plans with any given grouping and it also works without any dependency on timeslices or other jobs. The process fetches Cost plan of records for all active projects in the system that have Actuals transactions in WIP table. It then process those cost plans to update all of the prior monthly forecast periods with the corresponding monthly Actuals.
The All Transactions portlets have the capability to display any transaction within the system. Transactions from any type of investment can be viewed on this page. There are two version of this process:
- All Transactions (with security) – this will display rows only where the logged in resource has access to cost plans for projects or ideas. The portlet will check instance, OBS and global rights.
- All Transactions (without security) – will display all rows, regardless of cost plan access rights.
Column Label Description ID An unique identifier for each row displayed in the portlet. Transaction Date The data the transaction has been coded to. Time Period Start For transactions arising from timesheet entries, this will show the start period of the timesheet. Time Period Finish For transactions arising from timesheet entries, this will show the finish period of the timesheet. Project Code The ID of the investment. Project Name The name of the investment. Task ID The ID of the investment task where the actual cost has been assigned. Task Name The name of the investment task where the actual cost has been assigned. Cost Center Credit The department assigned to the resource where a cost needs to be credited. Project Manager The resource managing the investment. Resource ID The ID for the resource that has been assigned the cost. Rate (Standard) The rate for the cost. Invoice Number The invoice number. May come from a manual transaction or may be imported from a financial system integration. PO # The purchase order number. May come from a manual transaction or may be imported from a financial system integration. Vendor Code The vendor code that has been listed against the transaction. Cost Centre Charge To The department assigned to the resource where a cost needs to be charged. Cost Type Indicates whether the transaction is capital or operating. Charge Code The charge code assigned to the transaction as per the Clarity Charge Code list. Transaction Type Labour, Expense, Equipment or Material. Transaction Class The transaction class assigned to the transaction as per the Clarity transaction class list. Transaction Amount Rate x Quantity. Quantity The number of units. Notes Free text field for the transaction. -
This training document is a Rego Consulting Quick Reference Guide to assist with the creation of Benefit Plans in Clarity’s Modern User Experience. This doc references version 16.1.2 views. Doc provides detail on how to create a Benefit Plan, how to categorize Benefit Class and Benefit Subclass, how to add financial values to your Benefit Plan, and how to add the Benefit Plan to your Cost Plan.
This training document is a Rego Consulting Quick Reference Guide to assist with the management of Budget Plans in Clarity’s Modern User Experience. This doc references version 16.1.2 views. Doc provides detail on how to submit a cost plan for approval, how to approve or reject submitted budgets and also provides additional detail on the rules that apply to the submission of budget plans.
This training document is a Rego Consulting Quick Reference Guide to assist with the creation of Cost Plans in Clarity’s Modern User Experience. Instructions are provided on how to access Cost Plans from the Financials tab and how to create a new Cost Plan. Detail is provided on how to create a cost plan with project information (Populate from Allocations and Populate from Assignments), how to manually enter data into a cost plan and how to set a cost plan as the Plan of Record.
This training document is a Rego Consulting Quick Reference Guide to assist with the entering of financial transactions in Clarity’s Classic User Experience. This doc references version 16.1.2 views. Document provides basic information on the definition of a transaction and the composition of transaction items. Detail is provided on how to create a new transaction from the Transaction Entry page of the Classic User Experience. Information is provided on how to enter detail into each individual line item for a transaction.
This training document is a Rego Consulting Quick Reference Guide to assist with Financial Actuals and Reporting in Clarity’s Modern User Experience. This doc references version 16.1.2 views. Document includes detail on which jobs should be run to ensure project and financial data is synchronized with the latest posted actuals. Information is provided on how to analyze cost plans and how to review actual transactions. Instructions are provided on how to analyze budget plans.
This training document is a Rego Consulting Quick Reference Guide to assist with the management of project Financials in Clarity’s Modern User Experience. This doc references version 16.1.2 views. Document includes summary information on the Financials module and provides detail on how to customize the grid and save views. Instructions are provided on how to filter data and how to use the ⋮ (vertical ellipses) icon to access further features. Detail is provided on the group by function, the column panel, the export of cost plan and editing cost plan and budget plan data from the grid.
Gain a financial view of your investments by comparing actuals to planned cost and planned benefit. Report views include: • Financial Summary • Planned Benefit vs Actual Cost • Actuals vs Planned Costs Demo Video - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uyDSbbgG1O8&list=PLXJ5ktuWV0jiS9CvBpHvBIwpKPmA9uvwK&index=2
This training document is a Rego Consulting Quick Reference Guide to assist with the creation of Benefit Plans in Clarity’s Modern User Experience. This doc references version 16.2.1 views. Doc provides detail on how to create a Benefit Plan, how to categorize Benefit Class and Benefit Subclass, how to add financial values to your Benefit Plan, and how to add the Benefit Plan to your Cost Plan.
This training document is a Rego Consulting Quick Reference Guide to assist with the management of Budget Plans in Clarity’s Modern User Experience. This doc references version 16.2.1 views. Doc provides detail on how to submit a cost plan for approval, how to approve or reject submitted budgets and also provides additional detail on the rules that apply to the submission of budget plans.
This training document is a Rego Consulting Quick Reference Guide to assist with the creation of Cost Plans in Clarity’s Modern User Experience. Instructions are provided on how to access Cost Plans from the Financials tab and how to create a new Cost Plan. Detail is provided on how to create a cost plan with project information (Populate from Allocations and Populate from Assignments), how to manually enter data into a cost plan and how to set a cost plan as the Plan of Record.
This training document is a Rego Consulting Quick Reference Guide to assist with the entering of financial transactions in Clarity’s Classic User Experience. This doc references version 16.2.1 views. Document provides basic information on the definition of a transaction and the composition of transaction items. Detail is provided on how to create a new transaction from the Transaction Entry page of the Classic User Experience. Information is provided on how to enter detail into each individual line item for a transaction.
This training document is a Rego Consulting Quick Reference Guide to assist with Financial Actuals and Reporting in Clarity’s Modern User Experience. This doc references version 16.2.1 views. Document includes detail on which jobs should be run to ensure project and financial data is synchronized with the latest posted actuals. Information is provided on how to analyze cost plans and how to review actual transactions. Instructions are provided on how to analyze budget plans.
This training document is a Rego Consulting Quick Reference Guide to assist with the management of project Financials in Clarity’s Modern User Experience. This doc references version 16.2.1 views. Document includes summary information on the Financials module and provides detail on how to customize the grid and save views. Instructions are provided on how to filter data and how to use the ⋮ (vertical ellipses) icon to access further features. Detail is provided on the group by function, the column panel, the export of cost plan and editing cost plan and budget plan data from the grid.
Are you struggling with implementing Agile tools in your organization in addition to Clarity? This class will review best practices for implementing Agile tools in conjunction with Clarity - living in a Bi-Modal world. We will discuss how Clarity can be used to govern both types of work and teams and how Agile tools should interface into Clarity.