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The Users Logged In portlet displays all users logged into the system. This portlet is helpful to determine the capacity during peak times, users still working before downtime, and the ability to view users logged in during the day. The portlet will display the resource, ID, OBS unit, OBS path, and when the user’s session was last updated.
The Users Logged In portlet displays all users logged into the system. This portlet is helpful to determine the capacity during peak times, users still working before downtime, and the ability to view users logged in during the day. The portlet will display the resource, ID, OBS unit, OBS path, and when the user’s session was last updated.
The Customized Object/Portlet Views portlet displays all user edited object/portlet views and the resource(s) that have edited them. This can assist in identifying users who need to be notified prior to publishing view changes. The table below describes the available columns on the object.
Column Label Description Resource Name Name of the resource Resource ID ID of the resource Type Object or Portlet Portlet Code ID of the portlet Portlet Name Name of the portlet Object Associated Object Object View ID of the modified view on the object Object Code Internal code used by the query pkid Internal code used by the query portlet_dbid Database id of the portlet res_dbid Database id of the resource -
The Customized Object/Portlet Views portlet displays all user edited object/portlet views and the resource(s) that have edited them. This can assist in identifying users who need to be notified prior to publishing view changes. The table below describes the available columns on the object.
Column Label Description Resource Name Name of the resource Resource ID ID of the resource Type Object or Portlet Portlet Code ID of the portlet Portlet Name Name of the portlet Object Associated Object Object View ID of the modified view on the object Object Code Internal code used by the query pkid Internal code used by the query portlet_dbid Database id of the portlet res_dbid Database id of the resource -
Course Description: Struggling to figure out how to best organize your blueprints? This class will walk through best practice blueprint design, including how many to have, how to use channels, using custom subobjects within the blueprint, and swapping blueprints at various project stages to mimic project phases or ideas. We’ll highlight some of the creative ways we’ve seen blueprints used in client implementations.
When configuring the Timesheet Options, the browse window for selecting a lookup on the User Value 1 field only shows a choice of one lookup definition and that is the definition for the stock 'Time Entry User Value 1' Static Lookup. We want to develop our own user-defined dynamic query lookup for use on this field. How can we get this to work properly? Are there any special requirements or configuration considerations that should be reviewed in understanding this functionality for using a custom Time Entry User Value 1 dynamic query lookup? The use of a custom, dynamic lookup on the Timesheet Entry is available with specific requirements and special considerations for storing and displaying data for this field. It is recommended that you use the stock, 'Time Entry User Value 1' Static Lookup if possible.