  • Part of our Business Transformation collection, this portlet relates exclusively to Benefit costs in the Portfolio and its investments.  Portlet is a combination of Line Chart and Vertical Bar Charts.  It displays data for one or more portfolios depending on rights and filters.  Green Line represents Portfolio Target Benefits.  Light blue bar represents aggregation of investment Planned Benefits.  Dark blue bar represents aggregation of Investment Realized Benefits (actual benefits).  Filtering is available for Above or Below Waterline investments OR all portfolio Investments.  May also filter on Portfolio values as well as Plan values.  Filtering also available for Active vs Inactive Portfolios.
  • Part of our Business Transformation collection, this portlet relates exclusively to Benefit costs in the Portfolio and its investments.  Portlet is a combination of Line Chart and Vertical Bar Charts.  It displays data for one or more portfolios depending on rights and filters.  Green Line represents Portfolio Target Benefits.  Light blue bar represents aggregation of investment Planned Benefits.  Dark blue bar represents aggregation of Investment Realized Benefits (actual benefits).  Filtering is available for Above or Below Waterline investments OR all portfolio Investments.  May also filter on Portfolio values as well as Plan values.  Filtering also available for Active vs Inactive Portfolios.
  • This portlet shows resource allocation by percent and hours, and gives ability to filter on allocation percent. The RM can use the portlet to see if any of the resources is over/ under allocated.
  • The Global Action Items portlet will help users and clarity admins to keep track of action items in the CA PPM system. This is useful to keep track of Timesheet Approval through Action Item or any other Action Item related workflows. The portlet displays Name, Type Assignee, Created by, Due Date, Health and Status of the Action Items as default columns. The portlet provides  Project, Project Manager, Project OBS, Assignee, Status and Due Dates of the Action Items as default filters.
  • The Global Action Items portlet will help users and clarity admins to keep track of action items in the CA PPM system. This is useful to keep track of Timesheet Approval through Action Item or any other Action Item related workflows. The portlet displays Name, Type Assignee, Created by, Due Date, Health and Status of the Action Items as default columns. The portlet provides  Project, Project Manager, Project OBS, Assignee, Status and Due Dates of the Action Items as default filters.
  • Pie Chart displays counts of all projects by out-of-box Status Indicator attributes.  Filterable by OBS structure and Manager.  Data label displays count.  Mouse-over and Legend display Indicator name.  Chart also displays count for projects with no Indicator.
  • The Team Skills portlet displays Skill Proficiency and Interest Level by Resource.  Users can utilize this view to search for Resources by Skill, Parent Skill, Interest, Role, Parent Role, Resource and Resource OBS.   This portlet grants a Project Manager or Resource Manager the ability to determine which Resources best fit the needs for their project.
  • The Team Skills portlet displays Skill Proficiency and Interest Level by Resource.  Users can utilize this view to search for Resources by Skill, Parent Skill, Interest, Role, Parent Role, Resource and Resource OBS.   This portlet grants a Project Manager or Resource Manager the ability to determine which Resources best fit the needs for their project.
  • The Task Baseline Compare portlet displays the tasks in a specific Investment and provides the ability to compare the baseline hours for the tasks in each version of the baseline.
  • The RM Governance portlet provides resource availability, allocation, and comparison of the two values at 2, 4, and 8-week intervals. Allows searching on any RM or resource OBS instead of pre-filtering for the logged in user.
  • The Proposed Estimates vs. Task Estimates portlet gives the ability to identify when the Proposed Estimates for any given task exceed the Task Estimates. The portlet filters by investment name, investment ID, project OBS unit, investment active (yes/no/all), investment manager, resource name, resource ID, resource OBS unit, resource active (yes/no/all), and resource manager. Additionally, the results can be filtered by the proposed ETC greater than task ETC flag (yes/no/all). The information provided on the portlet includes the investment name, investment ID, investment active (yes/no), investment start/end dates, task name, resource name, resource active (yes/no), resource manager, total hours, total ETC, proposed ETC greater than task ETC flag (yes/no), pending actual hours, and proposed ETC hours.
  • Project managers may use this portlet to show the planned effort and the remaining effort on projects.  Includes actual hours as well as estimate at completion. You may narrow the results by filtering by project name, project manager, project OBS, or active flag. The portlet will display each project by ID, name, project manager, planned effort (total allocation hours), actual hours, remaining effort (ETC), and estimate at complete (actual + ETC).
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