  • The Late Milestones portlet displays all action items related to active projects that the logged in user has view rights to.  The milestones displayed are those that are not closed but are past their finish date or past their baseline finish date.  The portlet provides a Project Manager the ability to view and track action items across multiple projects without going into each project individually. This portlet provides a single consolidated view of late milestones based on the current project baseline, and the age of the milestone. The portlet will display the Project ID, Project Name, Project Manager, Milestone Name, Due Date, Baseline Date, Days Late (calculated from baseline dates), and Days Old (calculated from today’s date).
  • The Late Milestones portlet displays all action items related to active projects that the logged in user has view rights to.  The milestones displayed are those that are not closed but are past their finish date or past their baseline finish date.  The portlet provides a Project Manager the ability to view and track action items across multiple projects without going into each project individually. This portlet provides a single consolidated view of late milestones based on the current project baseline, and the age of the milestone. The portlet will display the Project ID, Project Name, Project Manager, Milestone Name, Due Date, Baseline Date, Days Late (calculated from baseline dates), and Days Old (calculated from today’s date).
  • Late Issues report provides the Project Managers a single place to view all the Open Issues that are past their target resolution date. This report provides information such as Issue Count, Issues by OBS Level 2, Priority, Status and Target Resolution Date in Stacked Column Chart. In addition, this report has also Table view of Issue information such as Investment Name, Issue Name, Investment Manager, Issue ID, Owner, Target Resolution Date, Status and Priority. User can further narrow their search by OBS Type & Path and Target Resolution Date.
  • The Late Issues portlet displays all issues related to active projects that the logged in user has view rights to.  The issues displayed are those that are past their target resolution date but not Closed or Resolved.   The portlet provides a Project Manager the ability to view and track issues across multiple projects without going into each project individually. This portlet displays the issue, the associated project name and project manager, as well as the issue owner, target resolution date, status, and priority of the issue, along with the total number of days the issue has been open. The user has the ability to filter by several criteria in order to narrow down the late issues.
  • The Late Issues portlet displays all issues related to active projects that the logged in user has view rights to.  The issues displayed are those that are past their target resolution date but not Closed or Resolved.   The portlet provides a Project Manager the ability to view and track issues across multiple projects without going into each project individually. This portlet displays the issue, the associated project name and project manager, as well as the issue owner, target resolution date, status, and priority of the issue, along with the total number of days the issue has been open. The user has the ability to filter by several criteria in order to narrow down the late issues.
  • The Last Logged In portlet provides the administrator with an overview of all users within the system and the last time he or she logged into Clarity. Using this portlet, administrators can quickly cleanup any inactive users or provide a list of users to managers that are not logging into the system. The portlet provides several pieces of information related to the resource as well as a “Days Since Last Login” with a status indicator. The administrator may filter on resource/id, OBS, user status, resource manager, or last logged in date to narrow down the results.
  • The Last Logged In portlet provides the administrator with an overview of all users within the system and the last time he or she logged into Clarity. Using this portlet, administrators can quickly cleanup any inactive users or provide a list of users to managers that are not logging into the system. The portlet provides several pieces of information related to the resource as well as a “Days Since Last Login” with a status indicator. The administrator may filter on resource/id, OBS, user status, resource manager, or last logged in date to narrow down the results.
  • The Last Logged In portlet provides the administrator with an overview of all users within the system and the last time he or she logged into Clarity. Using this portlet, administrators can quickly cleanup any inactive users or provide a list of users to managers that are not logging into the system. The portlet provides several pieces of information related to the resource as well as a “Days Since Last Login” with a status indicator. The administrator may filter on resource/id, OBS, user status, resource manager, or last logged in date to narrow down the results.
  • Course Description:   This unique session is divided into presentation and open discussion segments, where we will focus on offering philosophies and practical tips to increase the wisdom we have about ourselves as we navigate our corporate lives. Using conscious leadership principles as a guide, we will cover topics such as empathy in the workplace, understanding and working through internal drama, and the benefits of meditation and silence.
  • A presentation by the Broadcom leadership on the meaning of ValueOps and the future of Clarity and Rally.
  • A presentation by the Broadcom leadership on the meaning of ValueOps and the future of Clarity and Rally.
  • What should I expect to see within my organization related to PPM over the next couple of years? How should I prepare my PMs, PMOs, or myself to embrace the new trends within the industry. This class will share Rego's observations on industry trends within PPM.
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