  • This portlet displays the % allocation of resources to projects. The portlet shows if the resource is allocated to the projects as an individual resource or as part of an Agile team, in which case it will display the resource % allocation to the team and what that will represent in terms of % allocation to the project. The Total Allocation % display the allocation of the resource to all investments is allocated to. Remaining Capacity and Over/Under columns will help identify the resources that still have availability and the ones that are over allocated.
  • This grid portlet shows the OBS name and ID along with the associated hierarchy, both as an aggregated view along with each of the levels broken out. The table below describes the available filter fields in the portlet.
    Column Label Description
    Branch Branch of the OBS
    OBS Type OBS to use
    OBS Path Path of the OBS
  • The User Activity portlet is in essence an expansion of the out of the box User List by License Type portlet, which only display the Last Logged In date of resources.  This portlet offers several additional fields to help admins dig deeper into user activity within the tool. The table below describes the available filter fields for the portlet.
    Column Label Description
    OBS OBS the resource(s) belong to
    Resource Full Name Resource’s First and Last Name
    Resource ID Resource’s ID
    First Name Resource’s First Name
    Last Name Resource’s Last Name
    Date Last Logged In Date the Resource last logged in
    Date Last Time Investment Updated Date the Resource last made an Investment update
    Resource Active The Resource’s active status
    Employment Type Resource’s Employment Type
    Financial Location Resource’s Financial Location
    Email Resource’s Email Address
    Date Last Time Financial Plans Edited Date the Resource last made a Financial Plan edit
    Date of last entry on a Timesheet Date the Resource last made an entry on a timesheet
    Created Date Date the resource was added to the system
    Date of Hire Resource’s Date of Hire
    Date of Termination Resource’s Date of Termination
    Financial Department Resource’s Financial Department
    Home Page Resource’s Home Page
    Language Default Language of the Resource
    Primary role Resource’s Primary Role
    Resource manager Resource’s Manager
    Track Mode Resource’s Track Mode
    User Name Resource’s Username
  • Resource Financial Settings portlet provides resource managers a single place to view financial settings of various resources. It is a grid portlet that displays Resource details such as Name, Email, Manager, Employment Type, Is Active?, Is Open for Time?, Resource Class, Transaction Class and Department. You can further narrow your search by Resource(s), Active, Open for Time, Employment Type, Resource Class, Transaction class and Department.
  • Funnel Chart displays aggregated counts of Ideas by “Idea Progress”, a custom attribute.  Chart shows Idea Progress names in legend, and count total is available as a mouse-over.  No filters available on this portlet.
  • The Investment Resource Rate portlet allows a user to search for effective (or missing) rates for resources across all investment types.  It pulls rate information from the matrix extraction tables and includes currency conversion if the environment supports multiple currencies. The portlet can be used both to search for the rate of any given resource and to determine which resources might be missing rates when an error is generated when attempting to populate a cost plan (REVMGR-20728:Rates and Costs are both missing for one or more roles/resources).  
  • The Investment Resource Rate portlet allows a user to search for effective (or missing) rates for resources across all investment types.  It pulls rate information from the matrix extraction tables and includes currency conversion if the environment supports multiple currencies. The portlet can be used both to search for the rate of any given resource and to determine which resources might be missing rates when an error is generated when attempting to populate a cost plan (REVMGR-20728:Rates and Costs are both missing for one or more roles/resources).  
  • The Timesheets by Resource portlet gives the ability to highlight the time periods where resources are working overtime or working less than 25 hours a week. The filter requires timesheet Start Date and End Date to be provided. Additionally, the information can be filtered by Resource, Resource ID, OBS Unit, Employment Type, Resource Manager, Open for Time, and Active status. This portlet displays Resource, Resource ID, Active (yes/no), Employment Type, Primary Role, Resource Manager, and Timesheet Hours Flag. The flags are set with the logic
    • Yellow = timesheets not posted / zero hour timesheets
    • Green = where number of hours posted is > 25 and less than 45
    • Red = where number of hours posted is < 25 or > 45
    The thresholds can, of course, be modified.
  • The My Resource Count by Project portlet displays project information, total team count and the current user’s resource count assigned to each project. The user may narrow the results by filtering on project name, manager, status, team count, managed resource count or percentage managed resource count. Using this portlet, resource managers can quickly identify which projects their resources are allocated to without having to navigate to each resource individually. Not only does this portlet display the overall team count on the project (team count), but it also displays the managed resource count (logged in user’s number of resources allocated to the project) as well as the percentage of managed resource count to team count.
  • The Dashboard: Project Information portlet gives a set of high-level information about the project.  The portlet will pull the "id" from the page it is placed on, so this portlet is usually placed on the project dashboard tab.  The portlet displays the name, project ID, project manager, description, start date, finish date, baseline start, and baseline finish.
  • It is quite common for Rally and Jira to coexist. However, connecting them effectively enhances the value stream for development teams and product owners. Learn what is available to make this happen along with some typical design patterns.
  • Have you considered using Rally in conjunction with Clarity?  Have you seen or heard about the OOTB connector?  This class will go through the OOTB connector in detail and show how Rego has built our ad-on to enhance the connectivity between these two tools.
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