This Project Variances portlet provides a project manager a consolidated view of all of their active projects and open project tasks and shows them the baseline variance for the task EAC’s and the task start and finish dates. This gives the project manager a single place to view and manage how their projects are progressing against their baselines. The PM can easily detect when projects are running behind and pinpoint which tasks are causing the variance in the schedule.
This Project Variances portlet provides a project manager a consolidated view of all of their active projects and open project tasks and shows them the baseline variance for the task EAC’s and the task start and finish dates. This gives the project manager a single place to view and manage how their projects are progressing against their baselines. The PM can easily detect when projects are running behind and pinpoint which tasks are causing the variance in the schedule.
Project Variances is a grid chart that provides project managers a single place to view baseline variance at task level for various projects. This report helps managers analyze how projects are progressing against their baselines and helps them in taking correcting measures if required. You can further narrow your search by OBS Type, OBS Path, Project ID, Task Finish Date, Task Total EAC to Baseline Hours variance, Task Total EAC to Baseline Hours variance%, Task Total Baseline Hours, Task Total EAC Hours and Is Project Active?
Grid Portlet displays project and task data--including name, dates, status, effort, %Complete, and schedule. Portlet initially displays project data. But there is a + sign toggle, which, when clicked, reveals task data, and the toggle becomes a – sign. User can choose to Automatically Expand all levels from Options Icon>Configure>List Column Section>Options. Portlet supports up to 10 levels of WBS. Portlet filterable by project name and ID, OBS structure, manager name, active/inactive, and open for time entry.
Grid Portlet displays project and task data--including name, dates, status, effort, %Complete, and schedule. Portlet initially displays project data. But there is a + sign toggle, which, when clicked, reveals task data, and the toggle becomes a – sign. User can choose to Automatically Expand all levels from Options Icon>Configure>List Column Section>Options. Portlet supports up to 10 levels of WBS. Portlet filterable by project name and ID, OBS structure, manager name, active/inactive, and open for time entry.
Grid Portlet displays project and task data--including name, dates, status, effort, %Complete, and schedule. Portlet initially displays project data. But there is a + sign toggle, which, when clicked, reveals task data, and the toggle becomes a – sign. User can choose to Automatically Expand all levels from Options Icon>Configure>List Column Section>Options. Portlet supports up to 10 levels of WBS. Portlet filterable by project name and ID, OBS structure, manager name, active/inactive, and open for time entry.
Horizontal Bar Graph displays total number of projects for each Business Owner/Sponsor for a selected Project Parent Stage (only Project Investments included). Vertical Axis displays Business Owner name. Horizontal Axis displays number of projects. Filter selectable for any Project Parent Stage. Color coding of bar and legend are synchronized to detail stage under the parent. Total for each detail stage displays on each segment of the bar. A mouseover displays a percent of total for each detail stage.
Horizontal Bar Graph displays total number of projects for each Business Owner/Sponsor for a selected Project Parent Stage (only Project Investments included). Vertical Axis displays Business Owner name. Horizontal Axis displays number of projects. Filter selectable for any Project Parent Stage. Color coding of bar and legend are synchronized to detail stage under the parent. Total for each detail stage displays on each segment of the bar. A mouseover displays a percent of total for each detail stage.
Horizontal Bar Graph displays total number of projects for each Business Owner/Sponsor for a selected Project Parent Stage (only Project Investments included). Vertical Axis displays Business Owner name. Horizontal Axis displays number of projects. Filter selectable for any Project Parent Stage. Color coding of bar and legend are synchronized to detail stage under the parent. Total for each detail stage displays on each segment of the bar. A mouseover displays a percent of total for each detail stage.
Pie Chart Portlet displays counts of active projects with various Stale ratings. Calculation is Percent Stale Tasks = number of open (not completed) tasks with a finish date over 15 days old, divided by total open tasks. Filterable by OBS structure and project manager. Data label = project count. Mouse-over and Legend labels = stale rating. More than 90% Stale means 90 to 100% of open tasks on a project have finish dates older than 15 days. More than 71% Stale means 71 to 89% of open tasks on a project have finish dates older than 15 days. 0 - 70% Stale means fewer than 70% of open tasks on a project have finish dates older than 15 days.
Pie Chart Portlet displays counts of active projects with various Stale ratings. Calculation is Percent Stale Tasks = number of open (not completed) tasks with a finish date over 15 days old, divided by total open tasks. Filterable by OBS structure and project manager. Data label = project count. Mouse-over and Legend labels = stale rating. More than 90% Stale means 90 to 100% of open tasks on a project have finish dates older than 15 days. More than 71% Stale means 71 to 89% of open tasks on a project have finish dates older than 15 days. 0 - 70% Stale means fewer than 70% of open tasks on a project have finish dates older than 15 days.
Pie Chart Portlet displays counts of active projects with various Stale ratings. Calculation is Percent Stale Tasks = number of open (not completed) tasks with a finish date over 15 days old, divided by total open tasks. Filterable by OBS structure and project manager. Data label = project count. Mouse-over and Legend labels = stale rating. More than 90% Stale means 90 to 100% of open tasks on a project have finish dates older than 15 days. More than 71% Stale means 71 to 89% of open tasks on a project have finish dates older than 15 days. 0 - 70% Stale means fewer than 70% of open tasks on a project have finish dates older than 15 days.
Pie Chart Portlet displays counts of active projects with various Stale ratings. Calculation is Percent Stale Tasks = number of open (not completed) tasks with a finish date over 15 days old, divided by total open tasks. Filterable by OBS structure and project manager. Data label = project count. Mouse-over and Legend labels = stale rating. More than 90% Stale means 90 to 100% of open tasks on a project have finish dates older than 15 days. More than 80% Stale means 80 to 89% of open tasks on a project have finish dates older than 15 days. Less than 70% Stale means fewer than 70% of open tasks on a project have finish dates older than 15 days. By clicking on pie slice, a drilldown grid portlet appears with listing of projects and their Stale Ratings.
Pie Chart Portlet displays counts of active projects with various Stale ratings. Calculation is Percent Stale Tasks = number of open (not completed) tasks with a finish date over 15 days old, divided by total open tasks. Filterable by OBS structure and project manager. Data label = project count. Mouse-over and Legend labels = stale rating. More than 90% Stale means 90 to 100% of open tasks on a project have finish dates older than 15 days. More than 80% Stale means 80 to 89% of open tasks on a project have finish dates older than 15 days. Less than 70% Stale means fewer than 70% of open tasks on a project have finish dates older than 15 days. By clicking on pie slice, a drilldown grid portlet appears with listing of projects and their Stale Ratings.
Pie Chart Portlet displays counts of active projects with various Stale ratings. Calculation is Percent Stale Tasks = number of open (not completed) tasks with a finish date over 15 days old, divided by total open tasks. Filterable by OBS structure and project manager. Data label = project count. Mouse-over and Legend labels = stale rating. More than 90% Stale means 90 to 100% of open tasks on a project have finish dates older than 15 days. More than 80% Stale means 80 to 89% of open tasks on a project have finish dates older than 15 days. Less than 70% Stale means fewer than 70% of open tasks on a project have finish dates older than 15 days. By clicking on pie slice, a drilldown grid portlet appears with listing of projects and their Stale Ratings.
Project by Stage is a bar chart that displays count of projects by out of box Stage attribute. Stage attribute values are plotted on Y axis. Label on the bar chart slice displays the count of projects associated with that respective Stage value. User can further drill down the information to investment level by clicking on particular bar slice. You can further narrow your search by OBS Type & Path, Investment Manager.
Horizontal Bar Chart displays one bar per manager (manager name on vertical axis). Horizontal axis shows project count. Filtered by Parent Stage. Each bar shows color coded stages, where length of each color is proportional to the count. Data label = count by stage. Mouse-over = stage name and percent count of total projects. Legend = child stage names. Drilldown functionality: Clicking on a bar color yields a project grid portlet with projects in that stage for that manager.
Horizontal Bar Chart displays one bar per manager (manager name on vertical axis). Horizontal axis shows project count. Filtered by Parent Stage. Each bar shows color coded stages, where length of each color is proportional to the count. Data label = count by stage. Mouse-over = stage name and percent count of total projects. Legend = child stage names. Drilldown functionality: Clicking on a bar color yields a project grid portlet with projects in that stage for that manager.
Horizontal Bar Chart displays one bar per manager (manager name on vertical axis). Horizontal axis shows project count. Filtered by Parent Stage. Each bar shows color coded stages, where length of each color is proportional to the count. Data label = count by stage. Mouse-over = stage name and percent count of total projects. Legend = child stage names. Drilldown functionality: Clicking on a bar color yields a project grid portlet with projects in that stage for that manager.
The Projects by Stage and Manager portlet displays all active projects (excluding programs), with a project stage and project manager. The portlet color codes the different stages that and counts the number of projects in each stage by project manager. This portlet provides a quick snapshot of all projects with stage details so the PMO may get an overview of where certain projects are sitting with each Project Manager.
The Projects by Stage and Manager portlet displays all active projects (excluding programs), with a project stage and project manager. The portlet color codes the different stages that and counts the number of projects in each stage by project manager. This portlet provides a quick snapshot of all projects with stage details so the PMO may get an overview of where certain projects are sitting with each Project Manager.
The Projects by Stage and Manager portlet displays all active projects (excluding programs), with a project stage and project manager. The portlet color codes the different stages that and counts the number of projects in each stage by project manager. This portlet provides a quick snapshot of all projects with stage details so the PMO may get an overview of where certain projects are sitting with each Project Manager.
Projects by Stage and Manager report is a stacked bar chart that displays percentage of projects associated with project manager at a particular stage. Legend displays colors used to represent various Project Stages. This report provides to PMO a quick snapshot of where certain projects are sitting with each Project Manager. You can further narrow your search by Project Manager, Project Name, Is Project Active? , Is Template? And Is Program?