  • The Rego Estimation Module Provides a more accurate estimate earlier in the idea/project lifecycle.
    • Is applied consistently so it can be improved.
    • Retains the data in Clarity to enable analysis.
    • Provides ongoing feedback by comparing estimates to current EAC.
    • Provides historical record of estimating for projects overall as well as change requests.
  • The Rego Estimation Module Provides a more accurate estimate earlier in the idea/project lifecycle.
    • Is applied consistently so it can be improved.
    • Retains the data in Clarity to enable analysis.
    • Provides ongoing feedback by comparing estimates to current EAC.
    • Provides historical record of estimating for projects overall as well as change requests.
  • The Rego Estimation Module Provides a more accurate estimate earlier in the idea/project lifecycle.
    • Is applied consistently so it can be improved.
    • Retains the data in Clarity to enable analysis.
    • Provides ongoing feedback by comparing estimates to current EAC.
    • Provides historical record of estimating for projects overall as well as change requests.
  • Over time notifications can build up in the CA PPM system and should be purged, so as not to hinder performance. The SQL statements mentioned in the tech doc can be implemented within a process in CA PPM to either purge notifications on an ongoing basis or remove all of them at once.
  • The Cost Type field was introduced in CA PPM 13.3, but had some limitations because it wasn’t available in certain financial areas.  The CA PPM 14.3 release includes the addition of Cost Type in the Cost/Rate Matrix, Chargebacks, Transactions and WIP Adjustments.  This Technical Trick assists you in moving from Charge Code to Cost Type.
  • JasperSoft as two font databases – one for display and one for pdf exporting. Not all fonts in the display database are in the exporting database. If you find you are not getting the proper fonts when exporting to PDF from JasperSoft this tech trick will show you how to add the missing font so your report exports as expected.
  • Styles can be applied to reports in two ways. The first is to select the item and apply a style directly to it.  The other is to apply a style to an entire report. When an item has had a style directly applied to it the application of a style to the entire report will not change the styles with manual styles applied. The manual styles override the entire report style application. This trick shows you how to find and remove manual styles.
  • This tip with show you the html needed to add a JasperSoft report to a CA PPM HTML portlet.
  • Looking for metrics that you can implement immediately in CA PPM? This class will be a working session to review all of the content available out of the box and within the CA and Rego content packs.  This will provide you the options for metrics the represent industry best practice without the costs to develop them.
  • This technical trick provides a supported method for removing team members from a project programmatically.  This is a XOG-based solution that might be called by a gel script in a process workflow.  Limitation is that the resource must NOT have actuals booked.
  • This tech trick demonstrates how to use Microsoft Excel to map data to XOG files by using the Developer tab in Excel 2010+.  Using a standard XML XOG file as provided by CA the guide and walkthrough video shows off the power of Excel and the ease in which object instance values can be directly inserted into or updated in Clarity.
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