  • The Allocation Compliance by Resource (Resource Manager) portlet gives a view of resource allocation compliance for all active resources the logged in user is the Resource Manager for.  It allows the RM to see resources they manage over the coming months and whether they are over or under allocated.  This portlet leverages the daily allocation and daily availability slices as well as only active investments.  The portlet provides filters for specific dates, filtering by resource ID, and resource name may also be added.
  • The Allocation Compliance by Resource (Resource Manager) portlet gives a view of resource allocation compliance for all active resources the logged in user is the Resource Manager for.  It allows the RM to see resources they manage over the coming months and whether they are over or under allocated.  This portlet leverages the daily allocation and daily availability slices as well as only active investments.  The portlet provides filters for specific dates, filtering by resource ID, and resource name may also be added.
  • The Allocation Compliance by Resource (Resource Manager) portlet gives a view of resource allocation compliance for all active resources the logged in user is the Resource Manager for.  It allows the RM to see resources they manage over the coming months and whether they are over or under allocated.  This portlet leverages the daily allocation and daily availability slices as well as only active investments.  The portlet provides filters for specific dates, filtering by resource ID, and resource name may also be added.
  • The Allocation Compliance by Person (Project Manager) portlet gives a view of resource allocation compliance for active resources on the team of an investment the logged in user is the manager for.  It allows the PM to see resources on their project over the coming months and whether they are over or under allocated.   This portlet leverages the daily allocation and daily availability slices as well as only active investments.  The portlet provides filters for specific dates, filtering by resource ID, and resource name may also be added.
  • The Allocation Compliance by Person (Project Manager) portlet gives a view of resource allocation compliance for active resources on the team of an investment the logged in user is the manager for.  It allows the PM to see resources on their project over the coming months and whether they are over or under allocated.   This portlet leverages the daily allocation and daily availability slices as well as only active investments.  The portlet provides filters for specific dates, filtering by resource ID, and resource name may also be added.
  • The Allocation Compliance by Person (Project Manager) portlet gives a view of resource allocation compliance for active resources on the team of an investment the logged in user is the manager for.  It allows the PM to see resources on their project over the coming months and whether they are over or under allocated.   This portlet leverages the daily allocation and daily availability slices as well as only active investments.  The portlet provides filters for specific dates, filtering by resource ID, and resource name may also be added.
  • This view depicts Allocation Compliance for resources grouped by OBS.  Using the daily Resource Availability and Daily Resource Allocation Time Slices this column chart groups aggregate Allocation vs Availability by OBS Unit.  The chart allows quick analysis to see if resources are adequately allocated (between 80% to 120% of their capacity) or if they are significantly under or over allocated. NOTE:  The grouping of OBS unit is limited to 1 level below the selected OBS in the portlet filter.
  • This view depicts Allocation Compliance for resources grouped by OBS.  Using the daily Resource Availability and Daily Resource Allocation Time Slices this column chart groups aggregate Allocation vs Availability by OBS Unit.  The chart allows quick analysis to see if resources are adequately allocated (between 80% to 120% of their capacity) or if they are significantly under or over allocated. NOTE:  The grouping of OBS unit is limited to 1 level below the selected OBS in the portlet filter.
  • This view depicts Allocation Compliance for resources grouped by OBS.  Using the daily Resource Availability and Daily Resource Allocation Time Slices this column chart groups aggregate Allocation vs Availability by OBS Unit.  The chart allows quick analysis to see if resources are adequately allocated (between 80% to 120% of their capacity) or if they are significantly under or over allocated. NOTE:  The grouping of OBS unit is limited to 1 level below the selected OBS in the portlet filter.
  • The All Tasks portlet displays all tasks related to active projects that the logged in user has view rights to.  The portlet provides the project manager a single place to view tasks across multiple projects without having to go into each project individually, and allows for more efficient management and reporting across projects. The portlet displays project actuals and estimates from the project (datamart tables). The portlet allows analysis like:
    • PMs may have several critical tasks that were supposed to start on a certain date.  To verify progress, they filter for that start date to perform a review of the tasks.
    • PMs can review days late to see how tasks are doing against the baseline date (<7 days is green, 7-14 is yellow, and >14 is red)
    • PMs can review days old to see how tasks are doing against today’s date (<7 days is green, 7-14 is yellow, and >14 is red)
    The table below describes the available columns in the portlet. The first 10 are configured in the default view:
    Column Label Description
    Project ID Unique project identifier
    Project Name Name of the project
    Project Manager Manager of the project
    Task Name Name of the task
    Task Status Not Started, Started, or Completed
    Task Start Start Date of this task
    Task Finish Finish Date of this task
  • The All Tasks portlet displays all tasks related to active projects that the logged in user has view rights to.  The portlet provides the project manager a single place to view tasks across multiple projects without having to go into each project individually, and allows for more efficient management and reporting across projects. The portlet displays project actuals and estimates from the project (datamart tables). The portlet allows analysis like:
    • PMs may have several critical tasks that were supposed to start on a certain date.  To verify progress, they filter for that start date to perform a review of the tasks.
    • PMs can review days late to see how tasks are doing against the baseline date (<7 days is green, 7-14 is yellow, and >14 is red)
    • PMs can review days old to see how tasks are doing against today’s date (<7 days is green, 7-14 is yellow, and >14 is red)
    The table below describes the available columns in the portlet. The first 10 are configured in the default view:
    Column Label Description
    Project ID Unique project identifier
    Project Name Name of the project
    Project Manager Manager of the project
    Task Name Name of the task
    Task Status Not Started, Started, or Completed
    Task Start Start Date of this task
    Task Finish Finish Date of this task
  • The All Tasks portlet displays all tasks related to active projects that the logged in user has view rights to.  The portlet provides the project manager a single place to view tasks across multiple projects without having to go into each project individually, and allows for more efficient management and reporting across projects. The portlet displays project actuals and estimates from the project (datamart tables). The portlet allows analysis like:
    • PMs may have several critical tasks that were supposed to start on a certain date.  To verify progress, they filter for that start date to perform a review of the tasks.
    • PMs can review days late to see how tasks are doing against the baseline date (<7 days is green, 7-14 is yellow, and >14 is red)
    • PMs can review days old to see how tasks are doing against today’s date (<7 days is green, 7-14 is yellow, and >14 is red)
    The table below describes the available columns in the portlet. The first 10 are configured in the default view:
    Column Label Description
    Project ID Unique project identifier
    Project Name Name of the project
    Project Manager Manager of the project
    Task Name Name of the task
    Task Status Not Started, Started, or Completed
    Task Start Start Date of this task
    Task Finish Finish Date of this task
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