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This training document is a Rego Consulting Quick Reference Guide to assist with Entering and Submitting Time in Clarity’s Modern User Experience. This doc references version 16.2.1 views. Document includes Accessing & Selecting Timesheets, Populate Timesheet, Updating Timesheet, Submitting Timesheet and Entering Time for Someone Else.
This training document is a Rego Consulting Quick Reference Guide to assist with Entering and Submitting Time in Clarity’s Modern User Experience. This doc references version 16.3 views. Document includes Accessing & Selecting Timesheets, Populate Timesheet, Updating Timesheet, Submitting Timesheet and Entering Time for Someone Else.
Have you looked in the regoXchange or reviewed Rego’s innovation offerings? This class will show you the power of Rego’s pre-built content library, integrations, and other assets. See example after example of portlets, processes, and materials you can use to add value to your instance of Clarity. Learn how you can introduce email-based approvals with Rego's action item responder. Get a peek at Rego's new MSP integration that avoids the issues faced with the OOTB integration. Finally, understand Rego's pre-built connectors and how they can benefit your instance. Including blueprint migrator. Include free tools like GEL builder, query, XOGbridge.
Have you looked in the regoXchange or reviewed Rego’s innovation offerings? This class will show you the power of Rego’s pre-built content library, integrations, and other assets. See example after example of portlets, processes, and materials you can use to add value to your instance of Clarity. Learn how you can introduce email-based approvals with Rego's action item responder. Get a peek at Rego's new MSP integration that avoids the issues faced with the OOTB integration. Finally, understand Rego's pre-built connectors and how they can benefit your instance. Including blueprint migrator. Include free tools like GEL builder, query, XOGbridge.
Resource Availability – 4 Weeks is a grid portlet that displays all resources with their total allocated hours by week, and an average availability percent (4 Wk Avail %) for next four weeks. If % Available is negative, this indicates an over-allocation. Zero% Average Availability indicates fully allocated (no remaining availability). Filterable by Role, Resource, Resource Type, Full-Time/Part-Time, Availability Range. Contractor Type is a custom attribute (Lookup - String) created on the Resource object. It is attached to the lookup, Contractor Type (Lookup ID: REGO_CONTRACTOR_TYPE) that has static values Part Time (PT) and Full Time(FT).
Resource Availability – 4 Weeks is a grid portlet that displays all resources with their total allocated hours by week, and an average availability percent (4 Wk Avail %) for next four weeks. If % Available is negative, this indicates an over-allocation. Zero% Average Availability indicates fully allocated (no remaining availability). Filterable by Role, Resource, Resource Type, Full-Time/Part-Time, Availability Range. Contractor Type is a custom attribute (Lookup - String) created on the Resource object. It is attached to the lookup, Contractor Type (Lookup ID: REGO_CONTRACTOR_TYPE) that has static values Part Time (PT) and Full Time(FT).
Resource Availability – 4 Weeks is a grid portlet that displays all resources with their total allocated hours by week, and an average availability percent (4 Wk Avail %) for next four weeks. If % Available is negative, this indicates an over-allocation. Zero% Average Availability indicates fully allocated (no remaining availability). Filterable by Role, Resource, Resource Type, Full-Time/Part-Time, Availability Range. Contractor Type is a custom attribute (Lookup - String) created on the Resource object. It is attached to the lookup, Contractor Type (Lookup ID: REGO_CONTRACTOR_TYPE) that has static values Part Time (PT) and Full Time(FT).
Resource Availability – 4 Weeks displays all resources with their total allocated hours by week, and an average availability percent (4 Wk Avail %) for next four weeks. This report also displays Resource Primary Role and Employment Type. User can further narrow their search by Resource Name, Resource Type & Week Start Date. User can use exact dates or relative dates for Week Start Date filter parameters.
Course description: “Is there a way to simplify time tracking? Time is a function 90% of companies use. What are ways to have time be less of a burden to users? How can you minimize the negative perception? This session will discuss options within CA PPM or outside CA PPM to make time tracking less of a burden for all.” Download file is the presentation slide deck.
The Time by Assignment portlet displays time logged to assignments for all investments the logged in user has security rights to view - pulling data from the timeslices. It is capable of displaying the data by weekly, monthly or quarterly segments. The portlet may also be filtered by investment and resource OBS.
The Time by Assignment portlet displays time logged to assignments for all investments the logged in user has security rights to view - pulling data from the timeslices. It is capable of displaying the data by weekly, monthly or quarterly segments. The portlet may also be filtered by investment and resource OBS.
The Time by Assignment portlet displays time logged to assignments for all investments the logged in user has security rights to view - pulling data from the timeslices. It is capable of displaying the data by weekly, monthly or quarterly segments. The portlet may also be filtered by investment and resource OBS.
Time by Assignment report displays time logged to assignments and its associated actuals on monthly basis for all filtered investments. It also displays total ETC and Actual hours associated with an assignment. User can further narrow their search by OBS Type & Path, Investment Type, Investment Charge Code, Investment Name, Task Name, Resource Name, Assignment Start Date and Assignment Finish Date. User can use exact dates or relative dates for Assignment Start and Finish Dates filter parameters.
The Time by Investment portlet displays time logged to investments for all investments the logged in user has security rights to view using data from timeslices. It is capable of displaying the data by annual, quarterly, monthly, weekly, and daily segments with totals per date also being presented. The portlet may can be filtered by investment, resource OBS, and time segments. This portlet can be used as a management and governance tool to review aggregate hours posted to investments by time period.
The Time by Investment portlet displays time logged to investments for all investments the logged in user has security rights to view using data from timeslices. It is capable of displaying the data by annual, quarterly, monthly, weekly, and daily segments with totals per date also being presented. The portlet may can be filtered by investment, resource OBS, and time segments. This portlet can be used as a management and governance tool to review aggregate hours posted to investments by time period.
The Time by Investment portlet displays time logged to investments for all investments the logged in user has security rights to view using data from timeslices. It is capable of displaying the data by annual, quarterly, monthly, weekly, and daily segments with totals per date also being presented. The portlet may can be filtered by investment, resource OBS, and time segments. This portlet can be used as a management and governance tool to review aggregate hours posted to investments by time period.
Time by Investment report displays time spent by resources on investment(s). User can view only the investments that he has access to view. Information can be drilled to Yearly, Quarterly or Monthly level. User can further narrow their search by OBS Type & Path, Investment Name, Month Start Date and Is Project Active?.
This portlet displays Actual Time by Project over a span of time. It supports Annual, Quarterly, Monthly, and Weekly time periods. The time span displayed is controlled by a filter field for the Start Date (of the time span) and by a filter field for the Number of Time Periods to be displayed. There are also filters for Project name, Project Manager, and Project Type.
This portlet displays Actual Time by Project over a span of time. It supports Annual, Quarterly, Monthly, and Weekly time periods. The time span displayed is controlled by a filter field for the Start Date (of the time span) and by a filter field for the Number of Time Periods to be displayed. There are also filters for Project name, Project Manager, and Project Type.
This portlet displays Actual Time by Project over a span of time. It supports Annual, Quarterly, Monthly, and Weekly time periods. The time span displayed is controlled by a filter field for the Start Date (of the time span) and by a filter field for the Number of Time Periods to be displayed. There are also filters for Project name, Project Manager, and Project Type.
Time by resource is a grid report that provides resource and project managers a single place to view time logged to projects by resource over a period of time. This report provides information such as Investment ID, Investment Name, Resource Name and Time Logged Hours on period basis. Report provides you the flexibility of changing period type to Year, Quarter, Month and Day. You can further narrow your search by OBS Type & Path, Resource Name, Investment Name, Period Start Date and Is Investment Active?
The Time By Resource and Investment - PM portlet shows time spent on projects where the logged in user is the project manager. This portlet is used to get a snapshot of investments and the time that has been put against them at the individual resource level for the projects that user has access to. This portlet is used for determining what resources have put time against specific investments and can be used to see where resources are spending their time or to help rationalize ETCs for remaining work for planning purposes. The portlet may be filtered by time-scale, date, resource or investment to narrow the search results.
The Time By Resource and Investment - PM portlet shows time spent on projects where the logged in user is the project manager. This portlet is used to get a snapshot of investments and the time that has been put against them at the individual resource level for the projects that user has access to. This portlet is used for determining what resources have put time against specific investments and can be used to see where resources are spending their time or to help rationalize ETCs for remaining work for planning purposes. The portlet may be filtered by time-scale, date, resource or investment to narrow the search results.
The Time By Resource and Investment - PM portlet shows time spent on projects where the logged in user is the project manager. This portlet is used to get a snapshot of investments and the time that has been put against them at the individual resource level for the projects that user has access to. This portlet is used for determining what resources have put time against specific investments and can be used to see where resources are spending their time or to help rationalize ETCs for remaining work for planning purposes. The portlet may be filtered by time-scale, date, resource or investment to narrow the search results.
The Time by Stage and Timescale – Graph portlet displays a graphical representation of hours for all tasks, by stage, for a user-defined time period on projects. The user may filter the results on: Time Scale, Resource OBS Unit, and Date Range. This portlet pulls data from the timeslices. Using this portlet, management can determine if excess time is being spent on certain task stages within projects.
The Time by Stage and Timescale – Graph portlet displays a graphical representation of hours for all tasks, by stage, for a user-defined time period on projects. The user may filter the results on: Time Scale, Resource OBS Unit, and Date Range. This portlet pulls data from the timeslices. Using this portlet, management can determine if excess time is being spent on certain task stages within projects.
The Time by Stage and Timescale – Graph portlet displays a graphical representation of hours for all tasks, by stage, for a user-defined time period on projects. The user may filter the results on: Time Scale, Resource OBS Unit, and Date Range. This portlet pulls data from the timeslices. Using this portlet, management can determine if excess time is being spent on certain task stages within projects.
The Time by Stage and Timescale – Grid portlet displays hours for all tasks on projects by their stage for a user-defined time period. The user may narrow the results by time scale, resource OBS unit, and dates. The portlet not only provides the total hours per stage, but also the percentage of time spent on each task type. This portlet pulls data from the timeslices. Using this portlet, management can determine if excess time is being spent on a certain task stage within a project.