  • This portlet provides a view into the number of timesheets that were expected to be completed for a specified time period(s) as well as the number of timesheets that were completed and the percent complete.  This can also be filtered by OBS so that a company can see timesheet compliance at the OBS level.
  • This portlet provides a view into the number of timesheets that were expected to be completed for a specified time period(s) as well as the number of timesheets that were completed and the percent complete.  This can also be filtered by OBS so that a company can see timesheet compliance at the OBS level.
  • Timesheet compliance is a dashboard containing multiple visualizations that shows timesheet compliance data under various scenarios. Dashboard shows count of timesheets grouped by Status and total available timesheets. % Time Compliance – Gauge graph that shows percentage of completed timesheets against overall timesheets. Compliance by Resource Manager – Grid section that shows percent timesheet compliance by resource manager. Timesheet count by Employment type and Timesheet Status – Stacked column chart, each column represents Employment type and sections of the column represent count of timesheets by Status. Count of Timesheets by Months – Stacked column chart, each column represents a month and sections of the column represent count of timesheets by Status. Dashboard also const of two grid sections displaying number of Open timesheets by Organization and Vendor.
  • Spot opportunities to improve timesheet accuracy and resource allocations by assessing timesheet compliance and allocation. Report Views include: • Allocation Variance • Capex vs Opex • Hours Detail • Resource Dtails • Single Manager Drill Down • Single Resource Drill Down • Timesheet Detail • Timesheet Summary • Unapproved Timesheets Demo Video:  
  • Spot opportunities to improve timesheet accuracy and resource allocations by assessing timesheet compliance and allocation.  Report Views include:
    • Allocation Variance
    • Capex vs Opex
    • Hours Detail
    • Resource Dtails
    • Single Manager Drill Down
    • Single Resource Drill Down
    • Timesheet Detail
    • Timesheet Summary
    • Unapproved Timesheets
    Demo Video: The main .rpt file will access data through the Data Warehouse.  For clients on Rego’s AWS hosting, we have versions that work with Oracle and Postgres DB and access the live database, if the Rego Odata connector is being used.
  • The Timesheet Detail report is a transaction based Jaspersoft report that does not require the Load Jaspersoft Datawarehouse job to be run.  The report will pull real-time data from the transaction tables in Clarity.  This report can be run from either the Advanced Reporting or Reports and Jobs area within Clarity. The Timesheet Detail report displays timesheet entries for a resource and time period. The timesheet entries include tasks, other time, incidents, and indirect time. The report shows the timesheet hours by day and in total, with any notes related to the time entry.
  • The Timesheet Notes portlet displays all timesheet notes split out by resource, investment and task.  This is very useful in situations where you want to review multiple notes as you do not have to open each note separately. The table below describes the available filter fields in the portlet.
    Column Label Description
    Timesheet Period Start Range of time periods to display filtered by start date
    Timesheet Period Finish Range of time periods to display filtered by finish date
    Resource Resource(s) to display
    Type Note on a timesheet or time entry (task specific)
  • The Timesheet Notes portlet displays all timesheet notes split out by resource, investment and task.  This is very useful in situations where you want to review multiple notes as you do not have to open each note separately. The table below describes the available filter fields in the portlet.
    Column Label Description
    Timesheet Period Start Range of time periods to display filtered by start date
    Timesheet Period Finish Range of time periods to display filtered by finish date
    Resource Resource(s) to display
    Type Note on a timesheet or time entry (task specific)
  • The Timesheet Notes portlet displays all timesheet notes split out by resource, investment and task.  This is very useful in situations where you want to review multiple notes as you do not have to open each note separately. The table below describes the available filter fields in the portlet.
    Column Label Description
    Timesheet Period Start Range of time periods to display filtered by start date
    Timesheet Period Finish Range of time periods to display filtered by finish date
    Resource Resource(s) to display
    Type Note on a timesheet or time entry (task specific)
  • The Timesheet Smoothing Process Workflow kicks-off when an individual timesheet is Submitted.  It splits each transaction on the timesheet when total timesheet actuals exceed total weekly availability for the resource.  Total weekly availability is determined by multiplying resource availability rate by the number of workdays in the week.  Non-workdays include weekends, holidays, PTO, and other scheduled days off, as set on the resource calendar.  If timesheet actuals <= total weekly availability, then the timesheet remains unchanged.  But if timesheet actuals > total weekly availability, then the following occurs. Each timesheet transaction is reduced by a calculated percentage that will reduce the total regular hours to equal the total weekly availability.  Then the remaining transaction hours are placed in a “Split” row for that task on that day, with an Input Type Code set based on a process parameter (which parameter can be set within the script action on the process). Note:  If a single day has overtime hours, but the total timesheet actuals <= total weekly availability, no splitting occurs.
  • The Timesheet Smoothing Process Workflow kicks-off when an individual timesheet is Submitted.  It splits each transaction on the timesheet when total timesheet actuals exceed total weekly availability for the resource.  Total weekly availability is determined by multiplying resource availability rate by the number of workdays in the week.  Non-workdays include weekends, holidays, PTO, and other scheduled days off, as set on the resource calendar.  If timesheet actuals <= total weekly availability, then the timesheet remains unchanged.  But if timesheet actuals > total weekly availability, then the following occurs. Each timesheet transaction is reduced by a calculated percentage that will reduce the total regular hours to equal the total weekly availability.  Then the remaining transaction hours are placed in a “Split” row for that task on that day, with an Input Type Code set based on a process parameter (which parameter can be set within the script action on the process). Note:  If a single day has overtime hours, but the total timesheet actuals <= total weekly availability, no splitting occurs.
  • The Timesheet Smoothing Process Workflow kicks-off when an individual timesheet is Submitted.  It splits each transaction on the timesheet when total timesheet actuals exceed total weekly availability for the resource.  Total weekly availability is determined by multiplying resource availability rate by the number of workdays in the week.  Non-workdays include weekends, holidays, PTO, and other scheduled days off, as set on the resource calendar.  If timesheet actuals <= total weekly availability, then the timesheet remains unchanged.  But if timesheet actuals > total weekly availability, then the following occurs. Each timesheet transaction is reduced by a calculated percentage that will reduce the total regular hours to equal the total weekly availability.  Then the remaining transaction hours are placed in a “Split” row for that task on that day, with an Input Type Code set based on a process parameter (which parameter can be set within the script action on the process). Note:  If a single day has overtime hours, but the total timesheet actuals <= total weekly availability, no splitting occurs.
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