  • The Adjusted Timesheet Stalker process is designed to be run via a scheduled job. The end user will need to set up the job and can choose the frequency at which this job should be run. The process will search the system for timesheets with a status of ‘Adjusted’. An email is sent to the resource manager for any resources identified as having adjusted timesheets. The email will provide: • Name of resource • Time period The resource manager is advised that once the timesheet is resubmitted, they will need to approve it. A link to the timesheet itself is provided in the body of the email.
  • The Adjusted Timesheet Stalker process is designed to be run via a scheduled job. The end user will need to set up the job and can choose the frequency at which this job should be run. The process will search the system for timesheets with a status of ‘Adjusted’. An email is sent to the resource manager for any resources identified as having adjusted timesheets. The email will provide: • Name of resource • Time period The resource manager is advised that once the timesheet is resubmitted, they will need to approve it. A link to the timesheet itself is provided in the body of the email.  
  • The Timesheet Approval - Auto process is an auto-start process that begins once the resource submits his or her timesheet. This process bypasses a Resource Manager approval and allows the user to post his or her timesheet. Once the timesheet is submitted, the process will lock the user’s timesheet to prevent editing. The process will then select the next action based on three different factors:
    1. The timesheet has less than 40 hours.
    2. The timesheet has 40 or more hours.
    3. The resource’s availability is less than 8hrs/day.
    If the user has submitted a timesheet with less than 40 hours, then the process will email the user informing him/her of the issue, unlock the timesheet, and change the status to “Returned”. If the user has an availability of less than 8hrs/day or the timesheet has 40 or more hours, then an action item will be sent to the user as a last step before the timesheet is approved. Once the timesheet is approved, then the script will set the status of the timesheet to “Approved” and unlock the timesheet.
  • The Timesheet Approval - Auto process is an auto-start process that begins once the resource submits his or her timesheet. This process bypasses a Resource Manager approval and allows the user to post his or her timesheet. Once the timesheet is submitted, the process will lock the user’s timesheet to prevent editing. The process will then select the next action based on three different factors:
    1. The timesheet has less than 40 hours.
    2. The timesheet has 40 or more hours.
    3. The resource’s availability is less than 8hrs/day.
    If the user has submitted a timesheet with less than 40 hours, then the process will email the user informing him/her of the issue, unlock the timesheet, and change the status to “Returned”. If the user has an availability of less than 8hrs/day or the timesheet has 40 or more hours, then an action item will be sent to the user as a last step before the timesheet is approved. Once the timesheet is approved, then the script will set the status of the timesheet to “Approved” and unlock the timesheet.
  • The Timesheet Approval - Auto process is an auto-start process that begins once the resource submits his or her timesheet. This process bypasses a Resource Manager approval and allows the user to post his or her timesheet. Once the timesheet is submitted, the process will lock the user’s timesheet to prevent editing. The process will then select the next action based on three different factors:
    1. The timesheet has less than 40 hours.
    2. The timesheet has 40 or more hours.
    3. The resource’s availability is less than 8hrs/day.
    If the user has submitted a timesheet with less than 40 hours, then the process will email the user informing him/her of the issue, unlock the timesheet, and change the status to “Returned”. If the user has an availability of less than 8hrs/day or the timesheet has 40 or more hours, then an action item will be sent to the user as a last step before the timesheet is approved. Once the timesheet is approved, then the script will set the status of the timesheet to “Approved” and unlock the timesheet.
  • Portlet to show the stage of any Action Item triggered by Timesheet submission.  Portlet allows for a period start date input, filters by Resource, Approver, Action Item Status and Timesheet Status.  A link to the action item is provided for direct action by review if needed. This portlet is only for the clients who have established a process that triggers on Timesheet Status change to Submitted and to send Action Items to the person responsible for timesheet approval/validation i.e. PM for project tracking and/or RM for overall approval of the timesheet. The portlet won’t display any data if there are no timesheet Action Items.  Examples of such processes would be CA’s OOTB Project Manager Approval or the Timesheet Approval - PM and RM process found on RegoXchange.
  • Portlet to show the stage of any Action Item triggered by Timesheet submission.  Portlet allows for a period start date input, filters by Resource, Approver, Action Item Status and Timesheet Status.  A link to the action item is provided for direct action by review if needed. This portlet is only for the clients who have established a process that triggers on Timesheet Status change to Submitted and to send Action Items to the person responsible for timesheet approval/validation i.e. PM for project tracking and/or RM for overall approval of the timesheet. The portlet won’t display any data if there are no timesheet Action Items.  Examples of such processes would be CA’s OOTB Project Manager Approval or the Timesheet Approval - PM and RM process found on RegoXchange.
  • Portlet to show the stage of any Action Item triggered by Timesheet submission.  Portlet allows for a period start date input, filters by Resource, Approver, Action Item Status and Timesheet Status.  A link to the action item is provided for direct action by review if needed. This portlet is only for the clients who have established a process that triggers on Timesheet Status change to Submitted and to send Action Items to the person responsible for timesheet approval/validation i.e. PM for project tracking and/or RM for overall approval of the timesheet. The portlet won’t display any data if there are no timesheet Action Items.  Examples of such processes would be CA’s OOTB Project Manager Approval or the Timesheet Approval - PM and RM process found on RegoXchange.
  • The Timesheet Audit portlet displays timesheet information in order to perform an audit.  The only required data needed to search the portlet is start and finish date. Additionally, you may narrow the results by filtering by resource, resource ID, OBS Unit, resource manager, timesheet status, project, and task. The portlet provides reporting on the following:
    • Resource
    • Resource ID
    • Email Icon of Resource (So the reviewer can quickly email the Resource)
    • Resource is Active
    • Resource Open for Time
    • Time Period (Start and Finish Dates)
    • Timesheet Status
    • Is Adjustment (If the timesheet is adjusted)
    • Timesheet Modified Date
    • Timesheet Posted Date
    • Timesheet Submitted By
    • Timesheet Approved By
    • Project
    • Task
    • Proposed ETC Hours
    • Pending Actual Hours
    • Total Actual Hours
  • The Timesheet Audit portlet displays timesheet information in order to perform an audit.  The only required data needed to search the portlet is start and finish date. Additionally, you may narrow the results by filtering by resource, resource ID, OBS Unit, resource manager, timesheet status, project, and task. The portlet provides reporting on the following:
    • Resource
    • Resource ID
    • Email Icon of Resource (So the reviewer can quickly email the Resource)
    • Resource is Active
    • Resource Open for Time
    • Time Period (Start and Finish Dates)
    • Timesheet Status
    • Is Adjustment (If the timesheet is adjusted)
    • Timesheet Modified Date
    • Timesheet Posted Date
    • Timesheet Submitted By
    • Timesheet Approved By
    • Project
    • Task
    • Proposed ETC Hours
    • Pending Actual Hours
    • Total Actual Hours
  • The Timesheet Audit portlet displays timesheet information in order to perform an audit.  The only required data needed to search the portlet is start and finish date. Additionally, you may narrow the results by filtering by resource, resource ID, OBS Unit, resource manager, timesheet status, project, and task. The portlet provides reporting on the following:
    • Resource
    • Resource ID
    • Email Icon of Resource (So the reviewer can quickly email the Resource)
    • Resource is Active
    • Resource Open for Time
    • Time Period (Start and Finish Dates)
    • Timesheet Status
    • Is Adjustment (If the timesheet is adjusted)
    • Timesheet Modified Date
    • Timesheet Posted Date
    • Timesheet Submitted By
    • Timesheet Approved By
    • Project
    • Task
    • Proposed ETC Hours
    • Pending Actual Hours
    • Total Actual Hours
  • This portlet provides a view into the number of timesheets that were expected to be completed for a specified time period(s) as well as the number of timesheets that were completed and the percent complete.  This can also be filtered by OBS so that a company can see timesheet compliance at the OBS level.
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