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Most organizations use CA PPM as part of an annual planning process, in conjunction with an ITFM or financial system. There is often a struggle to know where CA PPM fits into the process and how to effectively connect the data and processes between these tools. In this class, we will discuss how a PPM tool and an ITFM tool fit together to support annual planning.
The Late Issues portlet displays all issues related to active projects that the logged in user has view rights to. The issues displayed are those that are past their target resolution date but not Closed or Resolved. The portlet provides a Project Manager the ability to view and track issues across multiple projects without going into each project individually. This portlet displays the issue, the associated project name and project manager, as well as the issue owner, target resolution date, status, and priority of the issue, along with the total number of days the issue has been open. The user has the ability to filter by several criteria in order to narrow down the late issues.
The Late Issues portlet displays all issues related to active projects that the logged in user has view rights to. The issues displayed are those that are past their target resolution date but not Closed or Resolved. The portlet provides a Project Manager the ability to view and track issues across multiple projects without going into each project individually. This portlet displays the issue, the associated project name and project manager, as well as the issue owner, target resolution date, status, and priority of the issue, along with the total number of days the issue has been open. The user has the ability to filter by several criteria in order to narrow down the late issues.
Late Issues report provides the Project Managers a single place to view all the Open Issues that are past their target resolution date. This report provides information such as Issue Count, Issues by OBS Level 2, Priority, Status and Target Resolution Date in Stacked Column Chart. In addition, this report has also Table view of Issue information such as Investment Name, Issue Name, Investment Manager, Issue ID, Owner, Target Resolution Date, Status and Priority. User can further narrow their search by OBS Type & Path and Target Resolution Date.
The Late Milestones portlet displays all action items related to active projects that the logged in user has view rights to. The milestones displayed are those that are not closed but are past their finish date or past their baseline finish date. The portlet provides a Project Manager the ability to view and track action items across multiple projects without going into each project individually. This portlet provides a single consolidated view of late milestones based on the current project baseline, and the age of the milestone. The portlet will display the Project ID, Project Name, Project Manager, Milestone Name, Due Date, Baseline Date, Days Late (calculated from baseline dates), and Days Old (calculated from today’s date).
The Late Milestones portlet displays all action items related to active projects that the logged in user has view rights to. The milestones displayed are those that are not closed but are past their finish date or past their baseline finish date. The portlet provides a Project Manager the ability to view and track action items across multiple projects without going into each project individually. This portlet provides a single consolidated view of late milestones based on the current project baseline, and the age of the milestone. The portlet will display the Project ID, Project Name, Project Manager, Milestone Name, Due Date, Baseline Date, Days Late (calculated from baseline dates), and Days Old (calculated from today’s date).
The Late Milestones portlet displays all action items related to active projects that the logged in user has view rights to. The milestones displayed are those that are not closed but are past their finish date or past their baseline finish date. The portlet provides a Project Manager the ability to view and track action items across multiple projects without going into each project individually. This portlet provides a single consolidated view of late milestones based on the current project baseline, and the age of the milestone. The portlet will display the Project ID, Project Name, Project Manager, Milestone Name, Due Date, Baseline Date, Days Late (calculated from baseline dates), and Days Old (calculated from today’s date).
Late Milestones report displays the list of all milestones that are not closed but are past their finish date or past their baseline finish date. The report provides Project Manager the ability to view and track late milestones across multiple projects without going into each project individually. This report displays Project ID, Project Name, Project Manager, Milestone Name, Due Date, Baseline Date, Days Late (Elapsed days between Task Finish date and Task Baseline Finish date), and Days Old (Elapsed days between Task Finish Date and Today's Date). User can further narrow their search by Project ID, Project Name, Project Manager Name, Milestone Name, Due Date between, Baseline Date between, Is Milestone?, Is late?, Task Status, Is Template?. User can use exact dates or relative dates for Due Date between and Baseline Date between filter parameters.
The Late Project Action Items portlet displays all action items related to active projects that the logged in user has view rights to. The action items displayed are those that are past their due date with a status of “In Progress” or “Open”. The portlet provides a Project Manager the ability to view and track action items across multiple projects without going into each project individually. In a single consolidated list, all late project action items can be easily viewed, along with the project with which they are associated, the individual assigned, and the owner of the action item.
The Late Project Action Items portlet displays all action items related to active projects that the logged in user has view rights to. The action items displayed are those that are past their due date with a status of “In Progress” or “Open”. The portlet provides a Project Manager the ability to view and track action items across multiple projects without going into each project individually. In a single consolidated list, all late project action items can be easily viewed, along with the project with which they are associated, the individual assigned, and the owner of the action item.
The Late Project Action Items portlet displays all action items related to active projects that the logged in user has view rights to. The action items displayed are those that are past their due date with a status of “In Progress” or “Open”. The portlet provides a Project Manager the ability to view and track action items across multiple projects without going into each project individually. In a single consolidated list, all late project action items can be easily viewed, along with the project with which they are associated, the individual assigned, and the owner of the action item.
The Late Risks portlet displays all risks related to active projects that the logged in user has view rights to. The risks displayed are those that are past their target resolution date but not Closed or Resolved. The portlet provides a Project Manager the ability to view and track Risks across multiple projects without going into each project individually. This portlet displays the risk, the associated project name and project manager, as well as the risk owner, target resolution date, status, priority of the risk, and the total number of days the risk has been open.
The Late Risks portlet displays all risks related to active projects that the logged in user has view rights to. The risks displayed are those that are past their target resolution date but not Closed or Resolved. The portlet provides a Project Manager the ability to view and track Risks across multiple projects without going into each project individually. This portlet displays the risk, the associated project name and project manager, as well as the risk owner, target resolution date, status, priority of the risk, and the total number of days the risk has been open.
All Risks report provides the project manager a single place to view risks across multiple projects. This report displays Project Information such as ID, Name & Manager, Risk Information such as its ID, Name, Owner, Status, Probability, Impact, Target Resolution Date & Days Open. You can further narrow your search by Risk Status, Risk Name Risk Impact, Risk Owner, Project Name and Project Manager.
Late Risk report provides the Project Managers a single place to view all the Open Risks that are past their target resolution date. This report provides information such as Risk Count, Risks by OBS Level 2, Priority, Status and Year in Stacked Column Chart. In addition, this report has also Table view of Risk information such as Investment Name, Risk Name, Investment Manager, Risk ID, Owner, Target Resolution Date, Status, Priority and Days Open. User can further narrow their search by OBS Type & Path and Target Resolution Date.
The Late Tasks portlet provides a Project Manager the ability to view and track tasks across multiple projects with due dates in the past. This portlet provides a single consolidated view of late tasks, their task start and finish date, and ETCs remaining for the task. Also displayed is the number of days that the Task Finish Date is different from the current baseline finish date (Days Late) as well as the number of days that have passed beyond the task finish date and the current date (Days Old). The user will see all tasks associated with the projects to which they have access.
The Late Tasks portlet provides a Project Manager the ability to view and track tasks across multiple projects with due dates in the past. This portlet provides a single consolidated view of late tasks, their task start and finish date, and ETCs remaining for the task. Also displayed is the number of days that the Task Finish Date is different from the current baseline finish date (Days Late) as well as the number of days that have passed beyond the task finish date and the current date (Days Old). The user will see all tasks associated with the projects to which they have access.
The Late Tasks portlet provides a Project Manager the ability to view and track tasks across multiple projects with due dates in the past. This portlet provides a single consolidated view of late tasks, their task start and finish date, and ETCs remaining for the task. Also displayed is the number of days that the Task Finish Date is different from the current baseline finish date (Days Late) as well as the number of days that have passed beyond the task finish date and the current date (Days Old). The user will see all tasks associated with the projects to which they have access.
Late Tasks report provides the Project Managers a single place to view all the Tasks that are past their baseline finish date. This report provides information such as Investment ID, Investment Name, Investment Manager, Task Name, Start Date, Finish Date, ETC Hours, Days Old and Days Late in Table view. User can further narrow their search by OBS Type & Path, Investment Manager, Investment Name and whether the Task is a Milestone or not.
Late Tasks with Assignments report displays the list of all Tasks (with their Total ETC Hours) that are not closed but are past their finish date or past their baseline finish date. The report provides Project Manager the ability to view and track late tasks across multiple projects without going into each project individually. This report displays Project Name, Project Manager, Task Name, Task Status, Task Start Date, Task Finish Date, Days Old (Elapsed days between Task Finish Date and Today's Date), Days Late (Elapsed days between Task Finish date and Task Baseline Finish date). User can further narrow their search by Task Name, Task Status, Project ID, Project Name, Project Manager, Is Milestone?, Is late?, Task Start Date, Task Finish Date and Is Template?. User can use exact dates or relative dates for Task Start Date and Task Finish Date filter parameters.
Launch a Team chat with your users directly from the Clarity PPM tool. This is a good way to collaborate with the team and users for any quick update or interaction. This is a scheduled process in Clarity named Sync MS Team Launching Chat URL and will be scheduled to run for various frequency. When the process kick in it will be setting the Team link into the custom URL attribute of the Resource, which can be used to Launch Team chat from the tool. Sync Process come with two parameters for the Support team, which they can use as per there environment configurations. These two Gel parameters for quick configuration are:
- launchMSTeamField: parameter for the Custom Resource Field to store Launch URL
- emailAddressField: parameter for field to pick mail address in SRM_RESOURCES table
Rego’s course materials for managing projects with Clarity PPM. This slide deck is created using Clarity version 15.6 and focuses on the Classic user interface. The course material covers the following:
- Project Management Overview
- Managing Projects
- Staff the Team
- Work Breakdown Structure (WBS)
- Resource Assignments to Tasks
- Clarity PPM Autoschedule
- Financial Management
- Risks, Issues, and Change Requests
- Controlling a Project
- Program Management
- Portlets and Reports
- Clarity PPM New UX – Life of the PM Interface
A presentation slide deck from Rego University 2022. This document reviews the options for managing schedules outside of the Clarity tool.
- Introduction to scheduling
- Why use an external scheduler?
- Who uses what?
- Scheduler-Specific Decision Factors
- Discussion: Scheduler Challenges
- Tips to help user adoption
- Is it time to just use Clarity?
- Microsoft Project OOTB or The Rego Connector?
The Milestone Task Dependency portlet shows the milestone task dependency count and has a drilldown to the details. The portlet looks at the dependency impact on milestones, and is not limited to just dependencies that are on different projects. The lag days calculation is based off of the maximum dependency impact and the drilldown portlet (Milestone Task Dependency Details :::: rego_milestone_dependency_det)shows the details for each.
The Milestone Task Dependency portlet shows the milestone task dependency count and has a drilldown to the details. The portlet looks at the dependency impact on milestones, and is not limited to just dependencies that are on different projects. The lag days calculation is based off of the maximum dependency impact and the drilldown portlet (Milestone Task Dependency Details :::: rego_milestone_dependency_det)shows the details for each.
Most leaders in this current climate understand the need for more agility, but don't always understand the changes necessary for this. New ways of working require a new mindset and new behaviors. In this session you'll learn about some of the critical mindset and behavioral shifts that are important for leaders as well as what types of conversations need to take place with various stakeholders to put your teams on the path to effective agility.