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Course Description: In the new bimodal IT environment, does your organization lack insights into what Agile work is being done and what value is being delivered? Learn how Apptio Agile Insights merges data from multiple Agile tools, including Clarity PPM, to bring together a total picture of the value IT is delivering.
PMOs/EPMOs are feeling some pressure from Agile disruptors in their organizations. Some Agile purists insist that they can do everything with an Agile tool and no PMO governance, but this really isn’t the case. If you belong to a PMO or EPMO, this session will help you to better collaborate with your Agile counterparts in finding better and more holistic solutions to value delivery. Tips on how to use Agile principles in your talking points will also be shared.
This portlet displays the % allocation of resources to projects. The portlet shows if the resource is allocated to the projects as an individual resource or as part of an Agile team, in which case it will display the resource % allocation to the team and what that will represent in terms of % allocation to the project. The Total Allocation % display the allocation of the resource to all investments is allocated to. Remaining Capacity and Over/Under columns will help identify the resources that still have availability and the ones that are over allocated.
The Timesheet Notes portlet displays all timesheet notes split out by resource, investment and task. This is very useful in situations where you want to review multiple notes as you do not have to open each note separately. The table below describes the available filter fields in the portlet.
Column Label Description Timesheet Period Start Range of time periods to display filtered by start date Timesheet Period Finish Range of time periods to display filtered by finish date Resource Resource(s) to display Type Note on a timesheet or time entry (task specific) -
The Timesheet Notes portlet displays all timesheet notes split out by resource, investment and task. This is very useful in situations where you want to review multiple notes as you do not have to open each note separately. The table below describes the available filter fields in the portlet.
Column Label Description Timesheet Period Start Range of time periods to display filtered by start date Timesheet Period Finish Range of time periods to display filtered by finish date Resource Resource(s) to display Type Note on a timesheet or time entry (task specific) -
The Timesheet Notes portlet displays all timesheet notes split out by resource, investment and task. This is very useful in situations where you want to review multiple notes as you do not have to open each note separately. The table below describes the available filter fields in the portlet.
Column Label Description Timesheet Period Start Range of time periods to display filtered by start date Timesheet Period Finish Range of time periods to display filtered by finish date Resource Resource(s) to display Type Note on a timesheet or time entry (task specific) -
This portlet displays the monthly allocation per resource. The PM can view by the RM or the resource to get the data for monthly resource allocations. The table below describes the available filter fields in the portlet. Column Label Description Work Effort Manager Manager of the Investment the Work Effort is on Work Effort Active Active status of the Investment the Work Effort is on Resource Resource’s Name Internal Resource ID Resource’s ID Zero Allocation Show Allocations that equal zero Open for Time Entry Is the Resource Open for Time Entry Resource Active Resource’s Active status Role Resource’s Primary Role OBS Unit Resource’s OBS Start Allocation Start Time to filter by End Allocation Finish time to filter by -
The Project Dependencies portlet displays all projects and their associated dependencies that the logged in user has rights to. This can assist in scheduling and visualizing the breakout of dependencies. The table below describes the available columns in the portlet. Column Label Description Project ID ID of the project Project Name Name of the project Type Relationship to above project, Parent Project (P) or Sub Project (S) Manager Manager of the project Start Start Date of the project Finish Finish Date of the project Gantt Visualization of project timelines Sort Column Used to order the columns for proper display of the portlet dimkey Internal code used by the query Inv_hlth_int Internal code used by the query Link_dbid Internal code used by the query link_toggle Internal code used by the query rel_active Internal code used by the query rel_dbid Internal code used by the query rel_mgr_dbid Internal code used by the query rel_sort Internal code used by the query -
The Project Dependencies portlet displays all projects and their associated dependencies that the logged in user has rights to. This can assist in scheduling and visualizing the breakout of dependencies. The table below describes the available columns in the portlet. Column Label Description Project ID ID of the project Project Name Name of the project Type Relationship to above project, Parent Project (P) or Sub Project (S) Manager Manager of the project Start Start Date of the project Finish Finish Date of the project Gantt Visualization of project timelines Sort Column Used to order the columns for proper display of the portlet dimkey Internal code used by the query Inv_hlth_int Internal code used by the query Link_dbid Internal code used by the query link_toggle Internal code used by the query rel_active Internal code used by the query rel_dbid Internal code used by the query rel_mgr_dbid Internal code used by the query rel_sort Internal code used by the query -
The Project Dependencies portlet displays all projects and their associated dependencies that the logged in user has rights to. This can assist in scheduling and visualizing the breakout of dependencies. The table below describes the available columns in the portlet. Column Label Description Project ID ID of the project Project Name Name of the project Type Relationship to above project, Parent Project (P) or Sub Project (S) Manager Manager of the project Start Start Date of the project Finish Finish Date of the project Gantt Visualization of project timelines Sort Column Used to order the columns for proper display of the portlet dimkey Internal code used by the query Inv_hlth_int Internal code used by the query Link_dbid Internal code used by the query link_toggle Internal code used by the query rel_active Internal code used by the query rel_dbid Internal code used by the query rel_mgr_dbid Internal code used by the query rel_sort Internal code used by the query -
Bar Chart displays average percent variance for all active projects by OBS unit. Percent variance = Planned Cost - Budgeted Cost / Budgeted Cost * 100. Projects with no Budgeted Cost are ignored for the calculation. Then all project variance percentages are algebraically added (some may be negative), and divided by total projects with a variance. This yields the Average Percent Variance. This calculation is performed for active projects in each OBS unit. OBS units include all units at all levels where projects are attached. Portlet filterable by OBS, Financial Status, and Financially Approved. Vertical axis = OBS Unit Name. Horizontal axis = Variance Percent. Data value = Average Percent Variance. Mouseover value = OBS Name + Average Variance Percent.
Bar Chart displays average percent variance for all active projects by OBS unit. Percent variance = Planned Cost - Budgeted Cost / Budgeted Cost * 100. Projects with no Budgeted Cost are ignored for the calculation. Then all project variance percentages are algebraically added (some may be negative), and divided by total projects with a variance. This yields the Average Percent Variance. This calculation is performed for active projects in each OBS unit. OBS units include all units at all levels where projects are attached. Portlet filterable by OBS, Financial Status, and Financially Approved. Vertical axis = OBS Unit Name. Horizontal axis = Variance Percent. Data value = Average Percent Variance. Mouseover value = OBS Name + Average Variance Percent.
Bar Chart displays average percent variance for all active projects by OBS unit. Percent variance = Planned Cost - Budgeted Cost / Budgeted Cost * 100. Projects with no Budgeted Cost are ignored for the calculation. Then all project variance percentages are algebraically added (some may be negative), and divided by total projects with a variance. This yields the Average Percent Variance. This calculation is performed for active projects in each OBS unit. OBS units include all units at all levels where projects are attached. Portlet filterable by OBS, Financial Status, and Financially Approved. Vertical axis = OBS Unit Name. Horizontal axis = Variance Percent. Data value = Average Percent Variance. Mouseover value = OBS Name + Average Variance Percent.
Pie Chart Portlet displays counts of active projects with various Stale ratings. Calculation is Percent Stale Tasks = number of open (not completed) tasks with a finish date over 15 days old, divided by total open tasks. Filterable by OBS structure and project manager. Data label = project count. Mouse-over and Legend labels = stale rating. More than 90% Stale means 90 to 100% of open tasks on a project have finish dates older than 15 days. More than 71% Stale means 71 to 89% of open tasks on a project have finish dates older than 15 days. 0 - 70% Stale means fewer than 70% of open tasks on a project have finish dates older than 15 days.
Pie Chart Portlet displays counts of active projects with various Stale ratings. Calculation is Percent Stale Tasks = number of open (not completed) tasks with a finish date over 15 days old, divided by total open tasks. Filterable by OBS structure and project manager. Data label = project count. Mouse-over and Legend labels = stale rating. More than 90% Stale means 90 to 100% of open tasks on a project have finish dates older than 15 days. More than 71% Stale means 71 to 89% of open tasks on a project have finish dates older than 15 days. 0 - 70% Stale means fewer than 70% of open tasks on a project have finish dates older than 15 days.
The Milestone Task Dependency portlet shows the milestone task dependency count and has a drilldown to the details. The portlet looks at the dependency impact on milestones, and is not limited to just dependencies that are on different projects. The lag days calculation is based off of the maximum dependency impact and the drilldown portlet (Milestone Task Dependency Details :::: rego_milestone_dependency_det)shows the details for each.
This portlet displays the projects by Stage in a pie chart. Every piece of the pie chart represents a stage of the Project Management methodology applied. The portlet also shows the number of projects on each stage. The legend displays all the different project stages appearing on the portlet. This portlet can be filtered to show only projects from a particular OBS unit or for a particular Project Manager.
This portlet displays the projects by Stage in a pie chart. Every piece of the pie chart represents a stage of the Project Management methodology applied. The portlet also shows the number of projects on each stage. The legend displays all the different project stages appearing on the portlet. This portlet can be filtered to show only projects from a particular OBS unit or for a particular Project Manager.
This grid displays Skill Proficiency and Interest Level by Resource. Users can utilize this view to search for Resources by Skill, Parent Skill, Interest, Role, Parent Role, Resource and Resource OBS. This portlet grants a Project Manager or Resource Manager the ability to determine which Resources best fit the needs for their project.
This grid displays Skill Proficiency and Interest Level by Resource. Users can utilize this view to search for Resources by Skill, Parent Skill, Interest, Role, Parent Role, Resource and Resource OBS. This portlet grants a Project Manager or Resource Manager the ability to determine which Resources best fit the needs for their project.
This grid displays Skill Proficiency and Interest Level by Resource. Users can utilize this view to search for Resources by Skill, Parent Skill, Interest, Role, Parent Role, Resource and Resource OBS. This portlet grants a Project Manager or Resource Manager the ability to determine which Resources best fit the needs for their project.