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** No Download - Do not Add to Cart ** As the world’s largest advanced wastewater treatment plant operator, DC Water depends on a well-designed and comprehensive Project Management Office (PMO) to ensure that its 2.1 million customers have safe drinking water. In this webinar, you'll learn how DC Water joined with Rego to construct an award-winning, metrics-based PMO using Rego’s Clarity innovations. You’ll learn how their partnership resulted in a PMO that: - Drives effective Demand and Portfolio Management for IT projects and programs - Fosters real-time communication between Clarity and Microsoft 365 to keep DC Water’s Management team and Project Management community informed - Allows the IT PMO to measure progress on objectives through metrics ** No Download ** follow this link to sign up to view the recorded webinar - http://info.regoconsulting.com/how-dc-water-partnered-with-rego-march-2021
The Allow PM to Give Certain Rights modification allows the project manager to delegate rights (chosen by the administrator on the PM Rights object) on his or her projects. This modification eliminates the need for project managers to request additional rights through the PMO/management and simplifies the entire process for everyone involved. The system administrator is able to customize the PM Rights object to pick which rights should be granted to users by the process. The process begins when a change is made on the newly created “Grant / Revoke” field on the project object. The process will then grant or revoke (depending on what option is selected) any rights listed in the PM Rights object to the user in the “Assign PM Rights” field on the project object.
All Issues report provides the Project Managers a single place to view all the Issues across multiple projects. User can view only the projects that he has access to. This report provides Issue information such as ID, Name, Category, Assigned To, Status, Priority, Target Resolution Date and Days Open ( # of days Issue is open ) User can further narrow their search by OBS Type & Path, Issue Name, Project Name, Project ID, Is Project Active?, Issue Owner, Issue Status, Issue Target Resolution Date, Issue Category and Issue Priority.
Capacity Graph report provides the Resource Managers & PMO a single place to view Monthly Availability, Allocations, Actuals and Assignments for one or more active resources. Information is displayed in the form of a line chart. Legend displays the color associated with each metric. Mouse over the line chart displays hours associated with that corresponding metric. This report provides Managers a simple means to analyze: Allocations vs. Availability, Allocations vs. Actuals, Allocations vs. ETC and ETC vs. Availability and helps in determining the areas of improvement. User can further narrow their search by OBS Type & Path, Month Start Date, Resource Name, Resource Manager, Primary Role & Employment Type.
All Risks report provides the project manager a single place to view risks across multiple projects. This report displays Project Information such as ID & Name, Risk Information such as its ID, Category, Owner, Status, Probability, Impact, Priority, Created Date, Target Resolution Date & Days Open. You can further narrow your search by Risk Status, Risk Name, Risk Category, Risk Impact, Risk Priority, Risk Owner, Project Name and Project Manager.
Course description: “Did you implement tool functionality without best practice processes? This class will review some of the critical business processes that we recommend organizations put in place before implementing a PPM tool. We will provide tips and tricks on defining process frameworks while leveraging tools for successful enablement.” Download file is the presentation slide deck.
Course description: “Are you struggling with decision making processes? This session will show you the ins and outs of how a good governance framework provides the foundation for better project decisions to help achieve goals and finish on time and within budget.” Download file is the presentation slide deck.
This is workflow that allows you to copy documents from one item to another. This can be altered to move documents from any place they are stored to another. In this particular instance, the focus is on moving documents from one risk to another. When creating a risk that you want to copy from, utilize the attachments section of the page and the associated lookup. The lookup is filtered to only show those risks that already have documents associated with them. Upon clicking the save button, a process runs in the background to copy the requested documents from the requested risk to this newly created risk.
This is workflow that allows you to copy documents from one item to another. This can be altered to move documents from any place they are stored to another. In this particular instance, the focus is on moving documents from one risk to another. When creating a risk that you want to copy from, utilize the attachments section of the page and the associated lookup. The lookup is filtered to only show those risks that already have documents associated with them. Upon clicking the save button, a process runs in the background to copy the requested documents from the requested risk to this newly created risk.
This is workflow that allows you to copy documents from one item to another. This can be altered to move documents from any place they are stored to another. In this particular instance, the focus is on moving documents from one risk to another. When creating a risk that you want to copy from, utilize the attachments section of the page and the associated lookup. The lookup is filtered to only show those risks that already have documents associated with them. Upon clicking the save button, a process runs in the background to copy the requested documents from the requested risk to this newly created risk.
“PM Stalker – Project Validations & Issues” executes various queries against the Clarity database and sends an email to all PMs who have one or more projects with any of the following conditions:
- Resources have booked time in the past week (validation needed)
- Inactive Resources with ETCs still on the project
- Tasks past their Finish Date but not completed
- Task Role Assignments in the past
“PM Stalker – Project Validations & Issues” executes various queries against the Clarity database and sends an email to all PMs who have one or more projects with any of the following conditions:
- Resources have booked time in the past week (validation needed)
- Inactive Resources with ETCs still on the project
- Tasks past their Finish Date but not completed
- Task Role Assignments in the past
This notification process sends an email to the Manager of an investment (Project, Application, Idea, etc) when the resource assigned to the team has been hard booked. The process should be scheduled to run on a daily basis as the logic in it looks to all resources where their Booking Status has been changed from Soft to Hard on the day that the process is run. It compares the audit trail date change field to the system date. If the process is not scheduled to run daily no notification will occur on hardbookings from previous days.
When a task is marked as complete the process looks to any tasks that are dependent on the newly completed task. If a task is marked as “Not Started” and all of the dependency tasks are marked as complete then the process will change the task status to “Started” and email all resources that are assigned to the task that has started. The process notifies resources that a task is ready to start and saves the project manager the manual effort of updating dependent tasks. NOTE: The process relies on task dependencies and is most useful in those environments where task dependencies are managed.
When a task is marked as complete the process looks to any tasks that are dependent on the newly completed task. If a task is marked as “Not Started” and all of the dependency tasks are marked as complete then the process will change the task status to “Started” and email all resources that are assigned to the task that has started. The process notifies resources that a task is ready to start and saves the project manager the manual effort of updating dependent tasks. NOTE: The process relies on task dependencies and is most useful in those environments where task dependencies are managed.
The Project Compliance Stalker – PM sends an email to Project Managers (and also their managers if so desired) at a set interval to alert them to project compliance issues. Areas of compliance that are reviewed include: stale project tasks (stale = past due date), late issues and risks (past due date) and late status reports.
The Project Compliance Stalker – PM sends an email to Project Managers (and also their managers if so desired) at a set interval to alert them to project compliance issues. Areas of compliance that are reviewed include: stale project tasks (stale = past due date), late issues and risks (past due date) and late status reports.
Based on the pre-determined schedule frequency, this job will send an email to Project Managers that have a project meeting the criteria of: project(s) are active and scheduled finish date is less than the current date. This serves as a reminder to Project Managers to keep their schedules true. The contents of the email include a message indicating the project manager has at least one project meeting this criteria and a table indicating the Project ID, Project Name and Scheduled Finish Date.
Based on the pre-determined schedule frequency, this job will send an email to Project Managers that have a project meeting the criteria of: project(s) are active and scheduled finish date is less than the current date. This serves as a reminder to Project Managers to keep their schedules true. The contents of the email include a message indicating the project manager has at least one project meeting this criteria and a table indicating the Project ID, Project Name and Scheduled Finish Date.
The Grant Team Project Edit Rights workflow allows a project manager to grant Project – Edit Management rights to all users staffed on the project. This workflow saves not only the project manager time by allowing all users on the project to update information, but also saves the administrator time from granting each resource these rights individually. The process will also remove any rights from members that have been removed from the project.
The Move Role to Team/Assignment process takes the role from the resource object and pushes that information into the team and assignment objects when the role is NULL on the team and assignment objects. This happens normally, assuming a resource has their primary role populated. This process is needed if a resource or set of resources were added to projects without having their primary role filled in.
The Move Role to Team/Assignment process takes the role from the resource object and pushes that information into the team and assignment objects when the role is NULL on the team and assignment objects. This happens normally, assuming a resource has their primary role populated. This process is needed if a resource or set of resources were added to projects without having their primary role filled in.
The Time Tracking Stalker - RM workflow process automatically sends an email to Resource Managers for each one of their resources that have not submitted their timesheet for a prior open time period, thus informing the RM if their resources are submitting their timesheets on time. Project Managers will also benefit since the notifications will help to ensure that time is being posted against their projects in a timely manner, helping to provide them with an accurate view of time expended on the projects.
The Grant Project Edit Rights workflow process allows a project manager to grant project edit rights to another user without contacting an administrator. The workflow uses the Out-of-the-box field for Business Owner. The script starts when the field is updated. It will assign project edit rights to whichever user is added to the Business Owner field. This process can be modified to grant project edit rights to any user within a project field.
The Convert Incident to Task workflow process allows users to quickly create tasks from incidents without the need to input the information twice. It utilizes a newly added checkbox and project fields on the incident object. The user will need to select the project that he or she wants the task added to using the “Project” field on the incident object. Next, the “Convert to Task” checkbox will kick off the process. Once ticked, the process will perform the necessary actions to create a task on the specified project.
The Convert Incident to Task workflow process allows users to quickly create tasks from incidents without the need to input the information twice. It utilizes a newly added checkbox and project fields on the incident object. The user will need to select the project that he or she wants the task added to using the “Project” field on the incident object. Next, the “Convert to Task” checkbox will kick off the process. Once ticked, the process will perform the necessary actions to create a task on the specified project.
The Convert Incident to Task workflow process allows users to quickly create tasks from incidents without the need to input the information twice. It utilizes a newly added checkbox and project fields on the incident object. The user will need to select the project that he or she wants the task added to using the “Project” field on the incident object. Next, the “Convert to Task” checkbox will kick off the process. Once ticked, the process will perform the necessary actions to create a task on the specified project.
The Re-Baseline via Change Request process is a simple method for a member of the project (who has the ability to create change requests) to request a re-baseline of the project without the project manager having to perform it. First, the user must create the change request. The user must then start the process within the change request by using the Processes tab. Once started, the process will route an action item to the Project Manager. If rejected, the process will end and the user must start it again (if needed). If approved, the process will then baseline the project and close out the change request.
Course Description: Do you want to talk to other customers that are using or plan to use project management? In this moderated round table, customers can share experiences and provide insights on process, configurations, challenges, and successes. We will divide into small groups and discuss customer selected topics—100% sharing
Course Description: Do you want to improve the success of your projects? This class will discuss some lessons learned on making projects more successful. We will discuss things like: • Developing robust test plans, creating effective use and test cases, and implementing test scripts that make sense.
- Why failures occur and what you can do to minimize the impact and plan for success—including a case study on lessons learned.
- Developing, testing, fine-tuning, and executing deployment plans for success.