  • Many times Roles are spread out geographically or by function and these Roles will have different rates.  For example, a developer in India may charge $25/hour vs a Developer in US may charge $50/hour. When the project team has a requirement of several developers, the PM will have to add a region specific role (Developer-US, Developer-India) so that the right rates can be applied when a cost plan is created. This creates a challenge in terms of Resource Management. As the Demand and Capacity can be spread between different region specific roles. Proper configuration on the Rate Matrix can allow you to have one Role name but different rates based on Location or Department.  This allows greater flexibility and takes away the redundancy of Role Names.  You can do so with the Project Team Member Properties.
  • Actuals & ETC by Resource Assignment report provides project managers a single place to view Actuals and ETC associated with resources across multiple Tasks and Projects. It displays the following: Actual and ETC Hours by Start Date: Stacked Column chart that displays the total Actual hours and ETC hours per month of fiscal period. Grey color indicates Actuals and Purple indicates ETC hours during that month. Grid: Displays Investment name, Task, Assigned resource ETC and Actual hours per month of fiscal period. It also displays aggregated column and row totals for Actuals and ETC hours. You can further narrow your search by OBS Type, OBS Path & Start Date range.
  • Benefits by year report provide the project manager a single place to view Benefit plan (Forecast /Budgeted) and its associated benefit for various years across multiple projects. Information is displayed in a bar graph and user can further drill down the details to investment level. Project Managers can use this report to analyze if the projects are giving intended benefits and take appropriate decisions accordingly. User can further narrow their search by OBS Type & Path, Plan Type (Budget/Forecast), Year and Is Plan of Record?.
  • Project Budget vs Planned vs Actual by Month report provides the Project Managers a single place to view Project Budget, Planned and Actual Cost for multiple projects. This report displays Project Budget vs Planned vs Actual by Month in the form of clustered bar chart over a period of time. User can further drill down the information to investment level by selecting a particular bar within the chart. User can further narrow their search by OBS Type & Path, Project(s), Project Manager, Month Start and End Date.
  • Project Cost within Budget report displays count of projects that are within or exceeding budget in the form of a bar chart.   It also displays Total budget cost and Planned cost. User can further drill down the details to investment level.  You can further narrow your search by OBS Type & Path and Investment Manager.
  • Benefits by year report provides the project manager a single place to view Benefit plan and its associated benefit for various years across multiple projects.  Project Managers can use this report to analyze if the projects are giving intended benefits and take appropriate decisions accordingly.  User can further narrow their search by OBS Type & Path, Investment Name, Investment Manager, Investment Type, Plan Type and Is Plan of Record?.
  • Course description: “How does my financial forecast and budget (project/program/portfolio) relate to the department/cost center budgets that finance prepares? Is there a better way to link the two together? This is a topic many organizations struggle with, and this session will review tools and processes that can help solve this problem.”
  • A process creating a new Cost Plan. Cost Plan properties:
    Name Cost Plan created on: yyyy/mm/dd hh:mm:ss
    Grouping attributes Charge Code, Transaction Type
    Start Period The earliest fiscal period with Actuals (from PPA_WIP table) or current period, if there are no actuals
    Finish Period The latest fiscal period with a non-zero allocation (from PRJ_BLB_SLICES table, SLICE_REQUEST_ID = 6
    Period Type Monthly
    Plan of Record True
    Planned Cost For periods in the past – from Actuals (Charge Code, Transaction Type, Quantity (Units), Cost (Amount) taken from Transactions (PPA_WIP & PPA_WIP_DETAILS); For current and future periods – from Allocations (Charge Code taken from the Project, Transaction Class from the Resource, Quantity from allocation slices, Cost from the Rate Matrix (NBI_PROJ_RES_RATES_AND_COSTS table)
    • the Project must be financially enabled.
    • if a new Team Member is added, Rate Matrix job must be run, so the rates are populated in the NBI table.
    • if the Allocation changes, allow the timeslice job to finish before running the process.
    • the Project should have the Charge Code set.
  • A process creating a new Cost Plan. Cost Plan properties:
    Name Cost Plan created on: yyyy/mm/dd hh:mm:ss
    Grouping attributes Charge Code, Transaction Type
    Start Period The earliest fiscal period with Actuals (from PPA_WIP table) or current period, if there are no actuals
    Finish Period The latest fiscal period with a non-zero allocation (from PRJ_BLB_SLICES table, SLICE_REQUEST_ID = 6
    Period Type Monthly
    Plan of Record True
    Planned Cost For periods in the past – from Actuals (Charge Code, Transaction Type, Quantity (Units), Cost (Amount) taken from Transactions (PPA_WIP & PPA_WIP_DETAILS); For current and future periods – from Allocations (Charge Code taken from the Project, Transaction Class from the Resource, Quantity from allocation slices, Cost from the Rate Matrix (NBI_PROJ_RES_RATES_AND_COSTS table)
    • the Project must be financially enabled.
    • if a new Team Member is added, Rate Matrix job must be run, so the rates are populated in the NBI table.
    • if the Allocation changes, allow the timeslice job to finish before running the process.
    • the Project should have the Charge Code set.
  • A process creating a new Cost Plan. Cost Plan properties:
    Name Cost Plan created on: yyyy/mm/dd hh:mm:ss
    Grouping attributes Charge Code, Transaction Type
    Start Period The earliest fiscal period with Actuals (from PPA_WIP table) or current period, if there are no actuals
    Finish Period The latest fiscal period with a non-zero allocation (from PRJ_BLB_SLICES table, SLICE_REQUEST_ID = 6
    Period Type Monthly
    Plan of Record True
    Planned Cost For periods in the past – from Actuals (Charge Code, Transaction Type, Quantity (Units), Cost (Amount) taken from Transactions (PPA_WIP & PPA_WIP_DETAILS); For current and future periods – from Allocations (Charge Code taken from the Project, Transaction Class from the Resource, Quantity from allocation slices, Cost from the Rate Matrix (NBI_PROJ_RES_RATES_AND_COSTS table)
    • the Project must be financially enabled.
    • if a new Team Member is added, Rate Matrix job must be run, so the rates are populated in the NBI table.
    • if the Allocation changes, allow the timeslice job to finish before running the process.
    • the Project should have the Charge Code set.
  • This is an automation to adjust the cost in financials (WIP) based on the standard weekly hours for salaried (Exempt) personnel. The process adjusts only the cost in WIP where the hours per week that are posted for a resource are more than the standard work week. The Posted hours in the timesheet and in WIP remain untouched.   For the process to calculate correctly, all time in a given week needs to be accounted for, including all non-project time. The process has three input parameters as explained below:
    • wkStdHour: Standard Weekly Hours; this can be changed in the process gel script. The parameter is based on the organization standard work week. The default is set to 40 hours.
    • xogBatchSize: The XOG batch size.  This is used to upload data in batches to avoid high memory and performance issues. The default batch size is set to 50 records.
    • username: The resource name that the process uses for uploading data. The default is set to admin.
    • It will process all the timesheets in posted state provided the timesheet has not been adjusted earlier by this process and there are no pending transactions to be posted for it. Validation is made based on Notes field, which is populated once adjustment is done by the process.
    • Notes field should not be modified in Script nor should be worked upon by any other process.
    • All the invalid transactions should be cleared and post to WIP should be finished with no pending records.
  • Does project and idea estimation take too long and lack visibility? This class will address one of the most common pain points within organizations: how to involve the right people within a timely project estimate. Learn some Rego best practices for defining, calculating, and modifying idea and project estimates, so you can increase throughput and ROI.
  • Do you want to report on TCO for your organization by business function, application, or service?  This should be the financial management goal of every organization.  This class will discuss a path and some architecture choices to make this a reality.  We will highlight want some customers are doing today and share some best practices on the journey.
    • ITFM Introduction
    • PMO & IT Finance Collaboration
    • Where ITFM and PPM Meet
    • Connecting PPM with ITFM
  • Most organizations use CA PPM as part of an annual planning process, in conjunction with an ITFM or financial system.  There is often a struggle to know where CA PPM fits into the process and how to effectively connect the data and processes between these tools.  In this class, we will discuss how a PPM tool and an ITFM tool fit together to support annual planning.
  • Do you want to add interfaces to your CA PPM instance? This class will review the pros and cons of various integration methods and provide best practice on how to handle various interfaces. We’ll walk you through specific interface examples and showcase Rego’s pre-built interface sets you can leverage to reduce the time and cost of implementation.
  • Are you considering the use of CA PPM's benefits tracking for planned and/or realized benefits?  This session will be a review of common use cases for putting benefits forecasts and realized benefits into CA PPM along with the reporting available out of the box and within RegoXchange.
  • Course Description:   Do some folks in your organization view Clarity PPM as worthless or of little value? In this class, we will discuss how to increase the value perception of Clarity PPM and innovative ways to sell the value Clarity PPM provides to stakeholders and users.
  • Course Description:   What is Technology Business Management (TBM) or IT Financial Management (ITFM)? Why is it important for IT? This session explores the need for TBM as well as how it drives significant cost optimization and more effective business-technology management practices. We will review the TBM framework, taxonomy, model, and how TBM processes and tools compliment your existing investment in PPM tools.
  • Course Description:   Do you want to analyze the cost and utilization of Agile development resources? Do you struggle to integrate financial information with work execution information from Agile tools such as Rally Software®, Jira, or VersionOne? This session explores reporting and dashboarding approaches to provide technology leaders with KPIs and trends for Agile execution, along with views that relate Agile team activity with cost and delivery.
  • Course Description:   Does your organization struggle to understand your fully burdened TCO for the applications that enable your business? Do you use spreadsheets and disparate data sources to manually calculate TCO? This session explores the data sources needed to calculate the fully burdened TCO for applications. We will also cover marketplace tools that allow you to track spending, providing trends of applications broken down by run and development costs.
  • Course Description:  Does your IT organization struggle with IT budgeting and annual planning? Does your annual budget and planning process take months? This session explores leading approaches and purpose-built tools to shorten your budget cycle, align resources to business needs, and plan resources into future years while reducing errors and manual effort.
  • Course Description:   The single biggest risk for CIOs and IT organizations today is not being able to make good spending decisions at the pace of digital business.
    • Challenges
    • Investment Planning
    • IT Financial Management
    • Agile Financials
    • ServiceNow ITFM Capabilities
    • Apptio Introduction
    • ServiceNow / Apptio Solution
    • Best Practices
    • Pitfalls to Avoid
    • Apptio Details
  • Course Description:   In the new bimodal IT environment, does your organization lack insights into what Agile work is being done and what value is being delivered? Learn how Apptio Agile Insights merges data from multiple Agile tools, including Clarity PPM, to bring together a total picture of the value IT is delivering.
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