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Part of the Business Transformations collection, this portlet displays planned revenue as defined by a project whose goal is "Grow the business". It uses the Planned Revenue Query as a data provider. This portlet provides a holistic overview of how many projects following the goal “Grow the Business” are Critical/ At Risk / On Track with regard to the planned revenue.
Part of the Business Transformations collection, this portlet displays planned revenue as defined by a project whose goal is "Grow the business". It uses the Planned Revenue Query as a data provider. This portlet provides a holistic overview of how many projects following the goal “Grow the Business” are Critical/ At Risk / On Track with regard to the planned revenue.
The portlet shows the Overall Status and Budget Status and Amounts. It displays one row per project. The portlet shows the following main fields: Overall Status, Budget Status, Capital Budget, Operating Budget, Total Budget, Capital Planed, Operating Planned, Total Planned, Capital Actuals, Operating Actuals, Total Actuals, Budget Variance ($), Budget Variance (%) Displaying the budget variance allows the PM to understand of the project is over / under spent, and thus the costs planning needs to be re-visited.
The portlet shows the Overall Status and Budget Status and Amounts. It displays one row per project. The portlet shows the following main fields: Overall Status, Budget Status, Capital Budget, Operating Budget, Total Budget, Capital Planed, Operating Planned, Total Planned, Capital Actuals, Operating Actuals, Total Actuals, Budget Variance ($), Budget Variance (%) Displaying the budget variance allows the PM to understand of the project is over / under spent, and thus the costs planning needs to be re-visited.
The portlet shows the Overall Status and Budget Status and Amounts. It displays one row per project. The portlet shows the following main fields: Overall Status, Budget Status, Capital Budget, Operating Budget, Total Budget, Capital Planed, Operating Planned, Total Planned, Capital Actuals, Operating Actuals, Total Actuals, Budget Variance ($), Budget Variance (%) Displaying the budget variance allows the PM to understand of the project is over / under spent, and thus the costs planning needs to be re-visited.
The portlet shows the project spend to vendors by month. The Vendor field picked on the portlet comes from the Vendor mentioned when creating the voucher (as displayed on the first screenshot). This provides a nice view of identifying how much is spent by an organization on the vendor employees on their workforce.
The portlet shows the project spend to vendors by month. The Vendor field picked on the portlet comes from the Vendor mentioned when creating the voucher (as displayed on the first screenshot). This provides a nice view of identifying how much is spent by an organization on the vendor employees on their workforce.
The portlet shows the project spend to vendors by month. The Vendor field picked on the portlet comes from the Vendor mentioned when creating the voucher (as displayed on the first screenshot). This provides a nice view of identifying how much is spent by an organization on the vendor employees on their workforce.
“Resources with No Basic Matrix Entry” portlet displays combinations of project and resource where the assigned resource does or does not have a rate established for that project. Portlet is filterable by Projects, Project ID, Resources, and Missing Rate (Yes, No, All). How does this work? The Rate Matrix Extraction job populates a record into the NBI_PROJ_RES_RATES_AND_COSTS table for every resource/project combination that meets any of the rate matrix criteria. This portlet checks that table, and sets the Missing Rate attribu
“Resources with No Basic Matrix Entry” portlet displays combinations of project and resource where the assigned resource does or does not have a rate established for that project. Portlet is filterable by Projects, Project ID, Resources, and Missing Rate (Yes, No, All). How does this work? The Rate Matrix Extraction job populates a record into the NBI_PROJ_RES_RATES_AND_COSTS table for every resource/project combination that meets any of the rate matrix criteria. This portlet checks that table, and sets the Missing Rate attribu
“Resources with No Basic Matrix Entry” portlet displays combinations of project and resource where the assigned resource does or does not have a rate established for that project. Portlet is filterable by Projects, Project ID, Resources, and Missing Rate (Yes, No, All). How does this work? The Rate Matrix Extraction job populates a record into the NBI_PROJ_RES_RATES_AND_COSTS table for every resource/project combination that meets any of the rate matrix criteria. This portlet checks that table, and sets the Missing Rate attribu
Part of the Business Transformation Package, this pie chart portlet shows planned benefits across the system grouped by Goal. The data is displayed form the investments in a portfolio. The portlet lets the Portfolio Manager know on which GOAL the planned benefit is allocated, so as to target the overall investment spread in the portfolio.
Part of the Business Transformation Package, this pie chart portlet shows planned benefits across the system grouped by Goal. The data is displayed form the investments in a portfolio. The portlet lets the Portfolio Manager know on which GOAL the planned benefit is allocated, so as to target the overall investment spread in the portfolio.
Part of the Business Transformation Package, this pie chart portlet shows planned benefits across the system grouped by Goal. The data is displayed form the investments in a portfolio. The portlet lets the Portfolio Manager know on which GOAL the planned benefit is allocated, so as to target the overall investment spread in the portfolio.
Bar Chart displays average percent variance for all active projects by OBS unit. Percent variance = Planned Cost - Budgeted Cost / Budgeted Cost * 100. Projects with no Budgeted Cost are ignored for the calculation. Then all project variance percentages are algebraically added (some may be negative), and divided by total projects with a variance. This yields the Average Percent Variance. This calculation is performed for active projects in each OBS unit. OBS units include all units at all levels where projects are attached. Portlet filterable by OBS, Financial Status, and Financially Approved. Vertical axis = OBS Unit Name. Horizontal axis = Variance Percent. Data value = Average Percent Variance. Mouseover value = OBS Name + Average Variance Percent.
Bar Chart displays average percent variance for all active projects by OBS unit. Percent variance = Planned Cost - Budgeted Cost / Budgeted Cost * 100. Projects with no Budgeted Cost are ignored for the calculation. Then all project variance percentages are algebraically added (some may be negative), and divided by total projects with a variance. This yields the Average Percent Variance. This calculation is performed for active projects in each OBS unit. OBS units include all units at all levels where projects are attached. Portlet filterable by OBS, Financial Status, and Financially Approved. Vertical axis = OBS Unit Name. Horizontal axis = Variance Percent. Data value = Average Percent Variance. Mouseover value = OBS Name + Average Variance Percent.
Bar Chart displays average percent variance for all active projects by OBS unit. Percent variance = Planned Cost - Budgeted Cost / Budgeted Cost * 100. Projects with no Budgeted Cost are ignored for the calculation. Then all project variance percentages are algebraically added (some may be negative), and divided by total projects with a variance. This yields the Average Percent Variance. This calculation is performed for active projects in each OBS unit. OBS units include all units at all levels where projects are attached. Portlet filterable by OBS, Financial Status, and Financially Approved. Vertical axis = OBS Unit Name. Horizontal axis = Variance Percent. Data value = Average Percent Variance. Mouseover value = OBS Name + Average Variance Percent.