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The Active Workflow Processes allows you to view all of the workflow processes within the system. It shows information about the process: the objects related, the start type, and if the process has sub-processes, jobs, or GEL scripts. This portlet is used by admins to determine how many processes are currently running in the system and on which objects. It will also display the start action, how many GEL scripts reside in the process, the run count and how many the sub-processes each process has. This information is helpful during upgrades and other testing.
The Active Workflow Processes allows you to view all of the workflow processes within the system. It shows information about the process: the objects related, the start type, and if the process has sub-processes, jobs, or GEL scripts. This portlet is used by admins to determine how many processes are currently running in the system and on which objects. It will also display the start action, how many GEL scripts reside in the process, the run count and how many the sub-processes each process has. This information is helpful during upgrades and other testing.
The Active Workflow Processes allows you to view all of the workflow processes within the system. It shows information about the process: the objects related, the start type, and if the process has sub-processes, jobs, or GEL scripts. This portlet is used by admins to determine how many processes are currently running in the system and on which objects. It will also display the start action, how many GEL scripts reside in the process, the run count and how many the sub-processes each process has. This information is helpful during upgrades and other testing.
The Audit Trail portlet displays information about audited attributes. It is nearly identical to the view and functionality of the “Global Audit Trail” offering on the admin side. It offers filters for the Object ID (resource internal id, project internal id, etc.), Object Name (Jim Brown, Project A, etc.), Changed By, a date range for the changed date and the operation of the change. It is capable of reporting on the following:
- Object (Resource, Project, etc.)
- Object Name (Jim Brown, Project A, etc.)
- Parent Name (if the object were a sub-object)
- Attribute code (the attribute id from the attributes list on the object)
- Operation (Update, Insert, Delete)
- Changed By
- Old Value
- New Value
- Date Changed
The Audit Trail portlet displays information about audited attributes. It is nearly identical to the view and functionality of the “Global Audit Trail” offering on the admin side. It offers filters for the Object ID (resource internal id, project internal id, etc.), Object Name (Jim Brown, Project A, etc.), Changed By, a date range for the changed date and the operation of the change. It is capable of reporting on the following:
- Object (Resource, Project, etc.)
- Object Name (Jim Brown, Project A, etc.)
- Parent Name (if the object were a sub-object)
- Attribute code (the attribute id from the attributes list on the object)
- Operation (Update, Insert, Delete)
- Changed By
- Old Value
- New Value
- Date Changed
The Audit Trail portlet displays information about audited attributes. It is nearly identical to the view and functionality of the “Global Audit Trail” offering on the admin side. It offers filters for the Object ID (resource internal id, project internal id, etc.), Object Name (Jim Brown, Project A, etc.), Changed By, a date range for the changed date and the operation of the change. It is capable of reporting on the following:
- Object (Resource, Project, etc.)
- Object Name (Jim Brown, Project A, etc.)
- Parent Name (if the object were a sub-object)
- Attribute code (the attribute id from the attributes list on the object)
- Operation (Update, Insert, Delete)
- Changed By
- Old Value
- New Value
- Date Changed
The Capacity Graph portlet displays Availability, Allocations, Actuals and Assignments for one or more active resource(s) in a single view. This portlet pulls data from timeslices, and allows the user to filter on a weekly, monthly or quarterly data. The Estimated Time to Complete (ETC) and Allocation data will only show for projects that are active. This portlet provides Resource Managers, PMOs and Executives with a simple way to analyse: Allocations vs. Availability, Allocations vs. Actuals, Allocations vs. ETC and ETC vs. Availability. The graph allows the user to determine where areas of improvement may exist and quickly identify potential areas of constraint. Note: the information displayed is dependent on what the user has security rights to view.
The Capacity Graph portlet displays Availability, Allocations, Actuals and Assignments for one or more active resource(s) in a single view. This portlet pulls data from timeslices, and allows the user to filter on a weekly, monthly or quarterly data. The Estimated Time to Complete (ETC) and Allocation data will only show for projects that are active. This portlet provides Resource Managers, PMOs and Executives with a simple way to analyse: Allocations vs. Availability, Allocations vs. Actuals, Allocations vs. ETC and ETC vs. Availability. The graph allows the user to determine where areas of improvement may exist and quickly identify potential areas of constraint. Note: the information displayed is dependent on what the user has security rights to view.
The Capacity Graph portlet displays Availability, Allocations, Actuals and Assignments for one or more active resource(s) in a single view. This portlet pulls data from timeslices, and allows the user to filter on a weekly, monthly or quarterly data. The Estimated Time to Complete (ETC) and Allocation data will only show for projects that are active. This portlet provides Resource Managers, PMOs and Executives with a simple way to analyse: Allocations vs. Availability, Allocations vs. Actuals, Allocations vs. ETC and ETC vs. Availability. The graph allows the user to determine where areas of improvement may exist and quickly identify potential areas of constraint. Note: the information displayed is dependent on what the user has security rights to view.
The Custom License Count portlet displays the license type and number of users with each type of license. This portlet can be modified by adjusting the query to exclude certain rights within manager licenses based on negotiated license types with CA. For example, if CA allows creation of a sub-object to Incident to be included in a Team Member license, this portlet can be used to reflect the true license counts vs. the standard CA license counts.
The Custom License Count portlet displays the license type and number of users with each type of license. This portlet can be modified by adjusting the query to exclude certain rights within manager licenses based on negotiated license types with CA. For example, if CA allows creation of a sub-object to Incident to be included in a Team Member license, this portlet can be used to reflect the true license counts vs. the standard CA license counts.
The Custom License Count portlet displays the license type and number of users with each type of license. This portlet can be modified by adjusting the query to exclude certain rights within manager licenses based on negotiated license types with CA. For example, if CA allows creation of a sub-object to Incident to be included in a Team Member license, this portlet can be used to reflect the true license counts vs. the standard CA license counts.
The Custom License Count Detail portlet displays the license type information for all users within Clarity as well as last login date for clean-up. This portlet can be modified by adjusting the query to exclude certain rights within manager licenses based on negotiated license types with CA. For example, if CA allows creation of a sub-object to Incident to be included in a Team Member license, this portlet can be used to reflect the true license counts vs. the standard CA license counts.
The Custom License Count Detail portlet displays the license type information for all users within Clarity as well as last login date for clean-up. This portlet can be modified by adjusting the query to exclude certain rights within manager licenses based on negotiated license types with CA. For example, if CA allows creation of a sub-object to Incident to be included in a Team Member license, this portlet can be used to reflect the true license counts vs. the standard CA license counts.
The Custom License Count Detail portlet displays the license type information for all users within Clarity as well as last login date for clean-up. This portlet can be modified by adjusting the query to exclude certain rights within manager licenses based on negotiated license types with CA. For example, if CA allows creation of a sub-object to Incident to be included in a Team Member license, this portlet can be used to reflect the true license counts vs. the standard CA license counts.
The Custom Portlet Configs portlet will display all portlets where the user has modified any settings like the filter or list views. This portlet is helpful for troubleshooting and to determine which users may be affected during an upgrade. The portlet may be filtered by several criteria and displays the resource name, ID, OBS path, portlet, and portlet ID.
The Custom Portlet Configs portlet will display all portlets where the user has modified any settings like the filter or list views. This portlet is helpful for troubleshooting and to determine which users may be affected during an upgrade. The portlet may be filtered by several criteria and displays the resource name, ID, OBS path, portlet, and portlet ID.
The Custom Portlet Configs portlet will display all portlets where the user has modified any settings like the filter or list views. This portlet is helpful for troubleshooting and to determine which users may be affected during an upgrade. The portlet may be filtered by several criteria and displays the resource name, ID, OBS path, portlet, and portlet ID.
The Inactive Resource Data Cleanup portlet displays information for inactive resources that still have pending items on active objects:
- Inactive User is the Project Manager
- Inactive User is the Idea Manager
- Inactive User is the Resource Manager
- Tasks assigned to the user
- Action items assigned to the user
- Risks assigned to the user
- Issues assigned to the user
- Change requests assigned to the user
- Incidents assigned to the user
The Inactive Resource Data Cleanup portlet displays information for inactive resources that still have pending items on active objects:
- Inactive User is the Project Manager
- Inactive User is the Idea Manager
- Inactive User is the Resource Manager
- Tasks assigned to the user
- Action items assigned to the user
- Risks assigned to the user
- Issues assigned to the user
- Change requests assigned to the user
- Incidents assigned to the user
The Inactive Resource Data Cleanup portlet displays information for inactive resources that still have pending items on active objects:
- Inactive User is the Project Manager
- Inactive User is the Idea Manager
- Inactive User is the Resource Manager
- Tasks assigned to the user
- Action items assigned to the user
- Risks assigned to the user
- Issues assigned to the user
- Change requests assigned to the user
- Incidents assigned to the user
The Job Schedule Details portlet shows al jobs and displays all of the scheduled and non-scheduled information for those jobs – including the months, days, hours, and minutes. It also displays the last time the job was updated and whether or not the job was custom or a CA job. The portlet will help the administrator understand the current job schedule configuration. The table below describes the available columns in the portlet. The first 10 are configured in the default view:
Column Label Description Name Name of the Job Description Description of the Job CA Job? Whether this is CA Job? Yes or No Scheduled Scheduled Status of the Job. Yes or No Months Months the Job is scheduled to run Days Days the Job is scheduled to run Hours Hours the Job is scheduled to run Minutes Minutes the Job is scheduled to run Active Status of Job. Active or Inactive Last Updated Date the Job was Last Updated Code Unique internal Code of the Job Created By Name of Resource who created the Job Date Created Date the Job was created Executable Executable of the Job Job Code Unique Code of the Job Schedule Date Scheduled date of the Job run Type Type Updated By Name of Resource who updated the Job -
The Job Schedule Details portlet shows al jobs and displays all of the scheduled and non-scheduled information for those jobs – including the months, days, hours, and minutes. It also displays the last time the job was updated and whether or not the job was custom or a CA job. The portlet will help the administrator understand the current job schedule configuration. The table below describes the available columns in the portlet. The first 10 are configured in the default view:
Column Label Description Name Name of the Job Description Description of the Job CA Job? Whether this is CA Job? Yes or No Scheduled Scheduled Status of the Job. Yes or No Months Months the Job is scheduled to run Days Days the Job is scheduled to run Hours Hours the Job is scheduled to run Minutes Minutes the Job is scheduled to run Active Status of Job. Active or Inactive Last Updated Date the Job was Last Updated Code Unique internal Code of the Job Created By Name of Resource who created the Job Date Created Date the Job was created Executable Executable of the Job Job Code Unique Code of the Job Schedule Date Scheduled date of the Job run Type Type Updated By Name of Resource who updated the Job -
The Job Schedule Details portlet shows al jobs and displays all of the scheduled and non-scheduled information for those jobs – including the months, days, hours, and minutes. It also displays the last time the job was updated and whether or not the job was custom or a CA job. The portlet will help the administrator understand the current job schedule configuration. The table below describes the available columns in the portlet. The first 10 are configured in the default view:
Column Label Description Name Name of the Job Description Description of the Job CA Job? Whether this is CA Job? Yes or No Scheduled Scheduled Status of the Job. Yes or No Months Months the Job is scheduled to run Days Days the Job is scheduled to run Hours Hours the Job is scheduled to run Minutes Minutes the Job is scheduled to run Active Status of Job. Active or Inactive Last Updated Date the Job was Last Updated Code Unique internal Code of the Job Created By Name of Resource who created the Job Date Created Date the Job was created Executable Executable of the Job Job Code Unique Code of the Job Schedule Date Scheduled date of the Job run Type Type Updated By Name of Resource who updated the Job