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RegoXchange Content ID: EX1659
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Content Type: Technical Tricks
Related Modules: Administrative Support
Company: Rego Consulting
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Versions Supported: 14.4+, 15.x+
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REST API Summary
Jaspersoft’s REST API is a standard HTTP interface to GET and PUT data into Jaspersoft. There are two REST APIs that can be used but the go to is REST API V2. This version has better performance and utilizes JSON.
The current constraints with Jaspersoft have been identified below.
1. It utilizes the values found in the Input Control on the server. You must have the Report setup on the Jaspersoft server completely before the API can utilize it.
2. Security parameters used in Jaspersoft Out of the Box reports cannot be passed into the parameters. As a developer you will need to make a copy of the reports and remove these security conditions.