This view depicts Allocation Compliance for resources grouped by OBS. Using the daily Resource Availability and Daily Resource Allocation Time Slices this column chart groups aggregate Allocation vs Availability by OBS Unit. The chart allows quick analysis to see if resources are adequately allocated (between 80% to 120% of their capacity) or if they are significantly under or over allocated. NOTE: The grouping of OBS unit is limited to 1 level below the selected OBS in the portlet filter.
The All Issues portlet displays all Issues related to active projects that the logged in user has view rights to. The portlet provides the project manager a single place to view issues across multiple projects without having to go into each project individually, and allows for more efficient management and reporting across projects. The filter then allows the user to narrow their search by Issue ID, Issue Name, Project ID, Project Name, the individual to whom the issue is assigned, and Issue Status. You may also narrow the view to display issues with a target resolution date within a certain date range, or Issues associated with a particular Category or OBS unit. Note: Only the projects that the user has viewer rights to will show up in the list.
The All Change Request portlet displays all change requests related to active projects that the logged in user has view rights to. The portlet provides the project manager a single place to view change requests across multiple projects without having to go into each project individually and allows for more efficient management and reporting across projects. The filter allows the user to narrow their search by date ranges, resources involved, and/or the project with which the Change Request is associated. Other alternatives for filtering include the category, priority or status of the Change Request. In the list view, a status is displayed for each Change Request (CR), along with the Project with which the CR is associated, the CR ID, the CR name, the resource to whom the CR is assigned, Priority, Expected Closure Date, and number of days the CR has remained open. Note: Only the projects that the user has viewer rights to will show up in the list.
The All Assignments portlet displays resource assignments across multiple projects. Currently, assignment information displayed for the project, in OWB, or MSP is limited to a single project. This portlet will provide a single view of the assigned data for all assignments across multiple projects. The portlet displays project actuals and estimates from the project (datamart tables). The Days Late field is calculated by the baseline date, while the Days Old field is calculated by today's date. Note: Only the projects that the user has viewer rights to will show up in the list. Filters provide the PM, RM, and individual resource the ability to monitor work progress across multiple projects. For example: ~ PMs can filter for all assignments that were to be completed by a given date but still have "Started" or "Not Started" status. ~ If multiple projects are utilizing the same resource, the PM or RM can filter for assignments utilizing that specific resource to prevent over-utilization. ~ A resource may filter for all assignments assigned to them, providing a picture of their total body of work.
Learn advanced administrative development tasks—including Objects and Fields, Object Portlets, Basic Processes, and XOG. In the last portion of this class, we will walk through the high level data model within the Clarity database and walk through some basic NSQL portlets. This is a more technical class focusing on basic configurations - designed for non-technical people.
Have you never used GEL within Clarity? This class will teach you the basics of leveraging GEL within your workflow process. It’s one of the most powerful and underutilized capabilities in Clarity for updating objects, sending emails, and XOGing. This class is designed for those that have never used GEL before.
The industry has been talking about "Connecting Strategy to Execution" for years; Yet many organizations still struggle to make this a reality. During this interactive session, we will guide you through creating a one-page mapping of high-level values, missions, and vision with strategic goals and associated programs of work aligned for the delivery of value.
Are you still using the classic User Experience? Are you wondering how and when you should transition to the ModernUX? This class will be a practical guide on how to move your users to the ModernUX. We will discuss real use cases and help provide guidance on this strategic decision. We also plan to have a portion of the class that is Q&A from customers that have moved.