The Time by Task portlet displays time logged to tasks for all investments the logged in user has security rights to view - pulling data from the timeslices. It is capable of displaying the data by weekly, monthly, quarterly or annually segments. The portlet may also be filtered by investment and resource OBS.
The Time by Task portlet displays time logged to tasks for all investments the logged in user has security rights to view - pulling data from the timeslices. It is capable of displaying the data by weekly, monthly, quarterly or annually segments. The portlet may also be filtered by investment and resource OBS.
Connect with user and get familiar with them via Office 365/Azure Profile photos synced with the Clarity PPM Avatars. This is a good way to collaborate with the team and users for any quick update or interaction. This is a scheduled process in Clarity named Sync Profile Photo from Office 365 and will be scheduled to run as a job. When the process is executed, it will be setting the Microsoft O365 profile photo into the users Avatar photo in Clarity PPM and optionally, sync custom attribute of the Resource with profile photo, which can be used for quick identification of the user. Sync Process come with some parameters for the Support team, which they can use as per there environment configurations. These some important Gel parameters for quick configuration are:
- msProfilePicField : Custom Resource Field to store Photo, if not provided process will skip syncing the custom field.
- msTenantId: Microsoft Azure Tenant Id
- msClientId: Microsoft Azure Application client Id
- msClientSecret: Microsoft Azure Application client Secret
- msTeamPhotoSize: Define size of the photo to be fetched
- syncPPMAvatar: Parameter to Sync PPM User Avatar photo from MS Team
Launch a Team chat with your users directly from the Clarity PPM tool. This is a good way to collaborate with the team and users for any quick update or interaction. This is a scheduled process in Clarity named Sync MS Team Launching Chat URL and will be scheduled to run for various frequency. When the process kick in it will be setting the Team link into the custom URL attribute of the Resource, which can be used to Launch Team chat from the tool. Sync Process come with two parameters for the Support team, which they can use as per there environment configurations. These two Gel parameters for quick configuration are:
- launchMSTeamField: parameter for the Custom Resource Field to store Launch URL
- emailAddressField: parameter for field to pick mail address in SRM_RESOURCES table
Installation files are not provided with the download. While the MUX Migration Tool is free, it does require some time by Rego Technical Staff to install. Approximately 4 hours is required. If you are current Rego Customer, this time can be applied against a current project if you choose, or against an Ad Hoc SOW/PO you have in place with us. Please reach out to your friendly Rego Account Director to arrange to have the tool installed. Installation files are not provided with this download. They will be installed by our staff. If you are currently not a Rego client, we invite you to reach out to us at info@regoconsulting.com and we can arrange to set up an Ad Hoc bucket of hours for this install and any future work we can do for you. After a successful populate, they would navigate to the “MUX Configuration” module where they can decide on what content they want to migrate between environments. They can select one to many components they wish to migrate. Once the “MUX Configuration” sub-object is populated, the user can navigate back to the “Properties” module. Once a password is populated, the user can use the Actions drop-down to run the “Migrate Content to Environment” workflow. This will run a process that will migrate the content from the source environment to the target environment. JSON Approach The user would first create an ‘MUX Migrator’ instance and populate the associated details. They would navigate to the “MUX Configuration” module where they can decide on what content they want to migrate between environments. They can select one to many components they wish to migrate. Once the “MUX Configuration” sub-object is populated, the user can navigate back to the “Properties” module. The user can use the Actions drop-down to run the “Export JSON” workflow. This will run a process that will generate a .txt file located in the “JSON File” attribute. That file can be downloaded from the Source Environment. The user can then login to the Target Environment. The user would first create an ‘MUX Migrator’ instance and populate the associated details. Once the ‘MUX Migrator’ instance is created, they can upload the JSON File that was downloaded from the Source Environment. The user can use the Actions drop-down to run the “Import JSON” workflow. This will run a process that will generate read the file located in the “JSON File” attribute and load the configuration into the Target Environment. View Administration The user would first create an ‘MUX Migrator’ instance and populate the associated details. They would navigate to the “MUX View Administration” module where they can decide on what views they would like to update the creator of. They can also reset the “default” view displayed when logged in for a resource(s), Security Group(s), or Resource OBS Node(s). Prerequisites - The user will create the migrator instances/run the processes in the Target Environment they wish to migrate content to (E.g., Run this in PROD to migrate the content from a lower environment to PROD)
- Any attributes that are part of the Blueprints, Views, or Field Level Security must exist in the target environment.
- The user that is utilizing the content must have the following security rights associated to their account.
- XOG rights to all the associated objects
- View/edit security rights to the MUX Migrator Object and MUX Migrator Content Object
- oView rights to the MUX Migrator Staging Table Object
- API-Access
- Process Start or Process AutoStart – All
The Update Email Ids workflow sets all users’ email addresses to non-working by appending a “ZZZZ” to the end of the email address. This process is used for when there are refreshes to your Development or Testing environments and do not want emails going to users. When complete, the log will display the total amount of email addresses updated. A second process is included in this workflow that will revert the email addresses to remove the “ZZZZ” added in the first workflow. In some instances, the process may be run in error, or you may want to send emails from a Development or Testing environment; using this second process you will be able to enable all emails again.
The Update Email Ids workflow sets all users’ email addresses to non-working by appending a “ZZZZ” to the end of the email address. This process is used for when there are refreshes to your Development or Testing environments and do not want emails going to users. When complete, the log will display the total amount of email addresses updated. A second process is included in this workflow that will revert the email addresses to remove the “ZZZZ” added in the first workflow. In some instances, the process may be run in error, or you may want to send emails from a Development or Testing environment; using this second process you will be able to enable all emails again.
The Update Email Ids workflow sets all users’ email addresses to non-working by appending a “ZZZZ” to the end of the email address. This process is used for when there are refreshes to your Development or Testing environments and do not want emails going to users. When complete, the log will display the total amount of email addresses updated. A second process is included in this workflow that will revert the email addresses to remove the “ZZZZ” added in the first workflow. In some instances, the process may be run in error, or you may want to send emails from a Development or Testing environment; using this second process you will be able to enable all emails again.
The Users Logged In portlet displays all users logged into the system. This portlet is helpful to determine the capacity during peak times, users still working before downtime, and the ability to view users logged in during the day. The portlet will display the resource, ID, OBS unit, OBS path, and when the user’s session was last updated.
The Users Logged In portlet displays all users logged into the system. This portlet is helpful to determine the capacity during peak times, users still working before downtime, and the ability to view users logged in during the day. The portlet will display the resource, ID, OBS unit, OBS path, and when the user’s session was last updated.
The Users Logged In portlet displays all users logged into the system. This portlet is helpful to determine the capacity during peak times, users still working before downtime, and the ability to view users logged in during the day. The portlet will display the resource, ID, OBS unit, OBS path, and when the user’s session was last updated.
The Auto-Approve Old Timesheets workflow process can be run through the "Execute a Process" job and may be used to quickly close out timesheets for a specified timeframe for period closure. The workflow will execute a query that will automatically approve ALL (no matter the status of the timesheet) timesheets that have a time period start date before the Approve Date specified within the process itself.