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The Dashboard: Project Information portlet gives a set of high-level information about the project. The portlet will pull the "id" from the page it is placed on, so this portlet is usually placed on the project dashboard tab. The portlet displays the name, project ID, project manager, description, start date, finish date, baseline start, and baseline finish.
The Dashboard: Project Information portlet gives a set of high-level information about the project. The portlet will pull the "id" from the page it is placed on, so this portlet is usually placed on the project dashboard tab. The portlet displays the name, project ID, project manager, description, start date, finish date, baseline start, and baseline finish.
The Dashboard: Project Status Single-line portlet gives an overview of the project overall status as well as the status indicators on the "current" status report object. The portlet will pull the "id" from the page it is placed on, so this portlet is usually placed on the project dashboard tab. This portlet displays the report date, symbols relating to the overall status, scope, schedule, cost/effort, and the overall explanation across a single line in the portlet.
The Dashboard: Project Status Single-line portlet gives an overview of the project overall status as well as the status indicators on the "current" status report object. The portlet will pull the "id" from the page it is placed on, so this portlet is usually placed on the project dashboard tab. This portlet displays the report date, symbols relating to the overall status, scope, schedule, cost/effort, and the overall explanation across a single line in the portlet.
The Dashboard: Project Status Single-line portlet gives an overview of the project overall status as well as the status indicators on the "current" status report object. The portlet will pull the "id" from the page it is placed on, so this portlet is usually placed on the project dashboard tab. This portlet displays the report date, symbols relating to the overall status, scope, schedule, cost/effort, and the overall explanation across a single line in the portlet.
You can’t wait, integrate! Clarity is highly capable of being the center of a hub and spoke ecosystem for your project delivery. With flexible integration options and robust portfolio reporting and decision support functionality, Clarity will help you consolidate data from multiple systems of record into one source of truth. Join this class to see common use cases for optimizing a PPM delivery value stream that cuts across a diverse suite of applications, including HR, Finance, ITSM, Agile, Work Management, and many more.
Course Description: This unique session is divided into presentation and open discussion segments, where we will focus on offering philosophies and practical tips to increase the wisdom we have about ourselves as we navigate our corporate lives. Using conscious leadership principles as a guide, we will cover topics such as empathy in the workplace, understanding and working through internal drama, and the benefits of meditation and silence.
The Missing Time by OBS portlet displays all missing or late timesheets for resources staffed within a specific OBS. Resources will be included if they are open for time entry, have the track mode of ‘Clarity’ and have a timesheet that is not posted. The portlet accommodates for hire and termination dates. Also, the portlet only shows resources that the active user has the security rights to view. Administrators and the Project Management Office may use this portlet to determine the timesheet status of all resources within a specific OBS in open time periods. This portlet allows a user to quickly search by OBS and view all timesheets under that area. After selecting the OBS, the user can also filter on time period start date, Resource Manager and/or Project Manager. The portlet will display a ‘Stop Light’ indicator based on timesheet status, the status, period start, Resource Name, Resource Manager and any actual hours entered for the timesheet.
The Missing Time by OBS portlet displays all missing or late timesheets for resources staffed within a specific OBS. Resources will be included if they are open for time entry, have the track mode of ‘Clarity’ and have a timesheet that is not posted. The portlet accommodates for hire and termination dates. Also, the portlet only shows resources that the active user has the security rights to view. Administrators and the Project Management Office may use this portlet to determine the timesheet status of all resources within a specific OBS in open time periods. This portlet allows a user to quickly search by OBS and view all timesheets under that area. After selecting the OBS, the user can also filter on time period start date, Resource Manager and/or Project Manager. The portlet will display a ‘Stop Light’ indicator based on timesheet status, the status, period start, Resource Name, Resource Manager and any actual hours entered for the timesheet.
The Missing Time by OBS portlet displays all missing or late timesheets for resources staffed within a specific OBS. Resources will be included if they are open for time entry, have the track mode of ‘Clarity’ and have a timesheet that is not posted. The portlet accommodates for hire and termination dates. Also, the portlet only shows resources that the active user has the security rights to view. Administrators and the Project Management Office may use this portlet to determine the timesheet status of all resources within a specific OBS in open time periods. This portlet allows a user to quickly search by OBS and view all timesheets under that area. After selecting the OBS, the user can also filter on time period start date, Resource Manager and/or Project Manager. The portlet will display a ‘Stop Light’ indicator based on timesheet status, the status, period start, Resource Name, Resource Manager and any actual hours entered for the timesheet.
The My Allocations portlet will display the allocations for the logged in user - pulling data from the timeslices. It is used as a quick reference for the users to view their allocations across all of the projects where their allocation is greater than 0 for the specified date range the user wants. This will display both active and inactive projects.
The My Allocations portlet will display the allocations for the logged in user - pulling data from the timeslices. It is used as a quick reference for the users to view their allocations across all of the projects where their allocation is greater than 0 for the specified date range the user wants. This will display both active and inactive projects.
The My Allocations portlet will display the allocations for the logged in user - pulling data from the timeslices. It is used as a quick reference for the users to view their allocations across all of the projects where their allocation is greater than 0 for the specified date range the user wants. This will display both active and inactive projects.
The My Assignments portlet will display the assignments for the logged in user - pulling data from the timeslices. It is used as a quick reference for the users to view their assignments across all of the projects. The portlet also displays work posted against the task, expressed in Actuals, and remaining work to be done, expressed as an Estimate to Complete (ETC). The Effort Variance reflects what the ETC variance is compared to the last current baseline of the project.
The My Assignments portlet will display the assignments for the logged in user - pulling data from the timeslices. It is used as a quick reference for the users to view their assignments across all of the projects. The portlet also displays work posted against the task, expressed in Actuals, and remaining work to be done, expressed as an Estimate to Complete (ETC). The Effort Variance reflects what the ETC variance is compared to the last current baseline of the project.
The My Assignments portlet will display the assignments for the logged in user - pulling data from the timeslices. It is used as a quick reference for the users to view their assignments across all of the projects. The portlet also displays work posted against the task, expressed in Actuals, and remaining work to be done, expressed as an Estimate to Complete (ETC). The Effort Variance reflects what the ETC variance is compared to the last current baseline of the project.
The My Documents on Projects portlet displays all of the documents the user has uploaded to projects. This portlet provides the user a single place to view documents across multiple projects without having to go into each project individually. This is efficient and time saving for the user. The filter allows the user to narrow their search by Project, File Name, Active Projects and Description. You may also narrow the view to display documents with a created date within a certain date range. Note: In v13, clicking the file name will link to the collaboration tab where the document resides.
The My Documents on Projects portlet displays all of the documents the user has uploaded to projects. This portlet provides the user a single place to view documents across multiple projects without having to go into each project individually. This is efficient and time saving for the user. The filter allows the user to narrow their search by Project, File Name, Active Projects and Description. You may also narrow the view to display documents with a created date within a certain date range. Note: In v13, clicking the file name will link to the collaboration tab where the document resides.
The My Documents on Projects portlet displays all of the documents the user has uploaded to projects. This portlet provides the user a single place to view documents across multiple projects without having to go into each project individually. This is efficient and time saving for the user. The filter allows the user to narrow their search by Project, File Name, Active Projects and Description. You may also narrow the view to display documents with a created date within a certain date range. Note: In v13, clicking the file name will link to the collaboration tab where the document resides.
The My Issues portlet displays all issues within active project that the logged in user is assigned to. The portlet provides the logged in user a single place to view issues across multiple projects without having to go into each project individually. The filter then allows the user to narrow their search by Issue ID, Issue Name, Project ID, Project Name, and Issue Status. You may also narrow the view to display issues with a target resolution date within a certain date range.
The My Issues portlet displays all issues within active project that the logged in user is assigned to. The portlet provides the logged in user a single place to view issues across multiple projects without having to go into each project individually. The filter then allows the user to narrow their search by Issue ID, Issue Name, Project ID, Project Name, and Issue Status. You may also narrow the view to display issues with a target resolution date within a certain date range.
The My Issues portlet displays all issues within active project that the logged in user is assigned to. The portlet provides the logged in user a single place to view issues across multiple projects without having to go into each project individually. The filter then allows the user to narrow their search by Issue ID, Issue Name, Project ID, Project Name, and Issue Status. You may also narrow the view to display issues with a target resolution date within a certain date range.
The My Missing Time portlet displays all open time periods for which the logged in user (assuming they are open for time entry with a track mode of Clarity) has a timesheet that is not posted (accommodates for hire and termination dates). The portlet is used as a quick reference for users to view their missing time.
The My Missing Time portlet displays all open time periods for which the logged in user (assuming they are open for time entry with a track mode of Clarity) has a timesheet that is not posted (accommodates for hire and termination dates). The portlet is used as a quick reference for users to view their missing time.
The My Missing Time portlet displays all open time periods for which the logged in user (assuming they are open for time entry with a track mode of Clarity) has a timesheet that is not posted (accommodates for hire and termination dates). The portlet is used as a quick reference for users to view their missing time.
The My Resource Vacation portlet allows a resource to view the current logged in users' annual vacation allowance, as set by the resource manager, against the resource vacation calendar hours and actual posted timesheet hours. The portlet is useful for determining the amount of hours a resource has requested off and has remaining. The portlet also ensures the resource has accounted for all annual vacation allowance hours in the calendar and has posted time for all past calendar request hours.
The My Resource Vacation portlet allows a resource to view the current logged in users' annual vacation allowance, as set by the resource manager, against the resource vacation calendar hours and actual posted timesheet hours. The portlet is useful for determining the amount of hours a resource has requested off and has remaining. The portlet also ensures the resource has accounted for all annual vacation allowance hours in the calendar and has posted time for all past calendar request hours.