  • Process sends an email to RM, for resources assigned, that indicates the allocation percentage for each resource for the next 6 weeks.  Email has links to each resource so that allocation modifications can be made as required.
  • The process notifies resource who has been added to investment today and allocation is greater or equal to 100%. The process is on-demand and would require the user to have appropriate rights to run the process. Process should be scheduled as daily once job.
  • The process notifies resource who has been added to investment today and allocation is greater or equal to 100%. The process is on-demand and would require the user to have appropriate rights to run the process. Process should be scheduled as daily once job.
  • The Enhanced Time Tracking Stalker – RM workflow process automatically sends a single email to Resource Managers which contains a list of any of their resources that have not submitted their timesheet for a prior open time period.  The email informs the RM if their resources are submitting their timesheets on time.  The email includes a table that provides this information for each resource: Resource Name, Time Period, Timesheet Status and Total Hours saved on the timesheet with links to the timesheet in the Modern User Experience of Clarity. These notifications will help to ensure that time is being posted and approved in a timely manner.
  • The Enhanced Time Tracking Stalker – RM workflow process automatically sends a single email to Resource Managers which contains a list of any of their resources that have not submitted their timesheet for a prior open time period.  The email informs the RM if their resources are submitting their timesheets on time.  The email includes a table that provides this information for each resource: Resource Name, Time Period, Timesheet Status and Total Hours saved on the timesheet with links to the timesheet in the Modern User Experience of Clarity. These notifications will help to ensure that time is being posted and approved in a timely manner.
  • The Enhanced Time Tracking Stalker – RM workflow process automatically sends a single email to Resource Managers which contains a list of any of their resources that have not submitted their timesheet for a prior open time period.  The email informs the RM if their resources are submitting their timesheets on time.  The email includes a table that provides this information for each resource: Resource Name, Time Period, Timesheet Status and Total Hours saved on the timesheet with links to the timesheet in the Modern User Experience of Clarity. These notifications will help to ensure that time is being posted and approved in a timely manner.
  • The Enhanced Time Tracking Stalker – Resource workflow process is used to notify resources who failed to submit a timesheet for the prior time period they must take action. The workflow checks for active resources (by using the hire and termination dates, their track mode and that they are open for time entry). Each resource who meet the criteria receives an email asking them to submit their outstanding timesheet(s). The email includes a table that contains this information: time period, timesheet status and any hours currently saved on the timesheet. All outstanding timesheets are included in the table with links to the timesheet in the Modern User Experience side of Clarity. This process helps to ensure the timely submission of timesheets.
  • The Grant Resources Timesheet Edit Rights process will grant each resource timesheet edit instance rights to his or her own timesheets.  This process will not remove any existing timesheet edit instance rights.
  • The Grant Resources Timesheet Edit Rights process will grant each resource timesheet edit instance rights to his or her own timesheets.  This process will not remove any existing timesheet edit instance rights.
  • The Grant Resources Timesheet Edit Rights process will grant each resource timesheet edit instance rights to his or her own timesheets.  This process will not remove any existing timesheet edit instance rights.
  • The Timesheet Approval - Auto process is an auto-start process that begins once the resource submits his or her timesheet. This process bypasses a Resource Manager approval and allows the user to post his or her timesheet. Once the timesheet is submitted, the process will lock the user’s timesheet to prevent editing. The process will then select the next action based on three different factors:
    1. The timesheet has less than 40 hours.
    2. The timesheet has 40 or more hours.
    3. The resource’s availability is less than 8hrs/day.
    If the user has submitted a timesheet with less than 40 hours, then the process will email the user informing him/her of the issue, unlock the timesheet, and change the status to “Returned”. If the user has an availability of less than 8hrs/day or the timesheet has 40 or more hours, then an action item will be sent to the user as a last step before the timesheet is approved. Once the timesheet is approved, then the script will set the status of the timesheet to “Approved” and unlock the timesheet.
  • The Timesheet Approval - Auto process is an auto-start process that begins once the resource submits his or her timesheet. This process bypasses a Resource Manager approval and allows the user to post his or her timesheet. Once the timesheet is submitted, the process will lock the user’s timesheet to prevent editing. The process will then select the next action based on three different factors:
    1. The timesheet has less than 40 hours.
    2. The timesheet has 40 or more hours.
    3. The resource’s availability is less than 8hrs/day.
    If the user has submitted a timesheet with less than 40 hours, then the process will email the user informing him/her of the issue, unlock the timesheet, and change the status to “Returned”. If the user has an availability of less than 8hrs/day or the timesheet has 40 or more hours, then an action item will be sent to the user as a last step before the timesheet is approved. Once the timesheet is approved, then the script will set the status of the timesheet to “Approved” and unlock the timesheet.
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