199 results
Missing Time by RM report displays Resources whose timesheets are missed by Resource Manager. There is Clustered Column Chart which displays missed timesheets count by Resource Manager. Also, there is table view of Resource Manager, Resource, Time Period Start and Finish Dates, Total Hours and Timesheet status. User can narrow their search by OBS Type & Path, Resource Manager, Resource, Timesheet Status and Time Period Start Date (Relative or Specific Date Range).
Allocation Compliance by RM report provides resource managers a single place to view Available hours, Allocation Hours and Allocation Percentage of Resources. It considers the resources of selected resource manager and it displays the following: Allocation Details Grid: Displays Resource and its Allocated hours, Available hours and Allocation percentage (Allocated hours/Available Hours) Allocation Percent by Resource: Bar chart that displays Allocation Percentage (top 10) for various resources during the selected Time frame. You can further narrow your search by Resource Manager & Month Start Date range.
Allocation Compliance by PM report provides project managers a single place to view Available hours, Allocation Hours and Allocation Percentage of Investment Team Resources. It considers the investments of selected project manager and it displays the following: Allocation Details Grid: Displays Resource and its Allocated hours, Available hours and Allocation percentage (Allocated hours/Available Hours) Allocation Percent by Resource: Column chart that displays Allocation Percentage for various resources during the selected Time frame. You can further narrow your search by Project Manager & Month Start Date range.
Timesheet compliance is a dashboard containing multiple visualizations that shows timesheet compliance data under various scenarios. Dashboard shows count of timesheets grouped by Status and total available timesheets. % Time Compliance – Gauge graph that shows percentage of completed timesheets against overall timesheets. Compliance by Resource Manager – Grid section that shows percent timesheet compliance by resource manager. Timesheet count by Employment type and Timesheet Status – Stacked column chart, each column represents Employment type and sections of the column represent count of timesheets by Status. Count of Timesheets by Months – Stacked column chart, each column represents a month and sections of the column represent count of timesheets by Status. Dashboard also const of two grid sections displaying number of Open timesheets by Organization and Vendor.
Actuals & ETC by Resource Assignment report provides project managers a single place to view Actuals and ETC associated with resources across multiple Tasks and Projects. It displays the following: Actual and ETC Hours by Start Date: Stacked Column chart that displays the total Actual hours and ETC hours per month of fiscal period. Grey color indicates Actuals and Purple indicates ETC hours during that month. Grid: Displays Investment name, Task, Assigned resource ETC and Actual hours per month of fiscal period. It also displays aggregated column and row totals for Actuals and ETC hours. You can further narrow your search by OBS Type, OBS Path & Start Date range.
Spot opportunities to improve timesheet accuracy and resource allocations by assessing timesheet compliance and allocation. Report Views include:
- Allocation Variance
- Capex vs Opex
- Hours Detail
- Resource Dtails
- Single Manager Drill Down
- Single Resource Drill Down
- Timesheet Detail
- Timesheet Summary
- Unapproved Timesheets