  • The My Resource Vacation portlet allows a resource to view the current logged in users' annual vacation allowance, as set by the resource manager, against the resource vacation calendar hours and actual posted timesheet hours. The portlet is useful for determining the amount of hours a resource has requested off and has remaining. The portlet also ensures the resource has accounted for all annual vacation allowance hours in the calendar and has posted time for all past calendar request hours.
  • The My Resource Vacation portlet allows a resource to view the current logged in users' annual vacation allowance, as set by the resource manager, against the resource vacation calendar hours and actual posted timesheet hours. The portlet is useful for determining the amount of hours a resource has requested off and has remaining. The portlet also ensures the resource has accounted for all annual vacation allowance hours in the calendar and has posted time for all past calendar request hours.
  • Project managers may use this portlet to show the planned effort and the remaining effort on projects.  Includes actual hours as well as estimate at completion. You may narrow the results by filtering by project name, project manager, project OBS, or active flag. The portlet will display each project by ID, name, project manager, planned effort (total allocation hours), actual hours, remaining effort (ETC), and estimate at complete (actual + ETC).
  • Project managers may use this portlet to show the planned effort and the remaining effort on projects.  Includes actual hours as well as estimate at completion. You may narrow the results by filtering by project name, project manager, project OBS, or active flag. The portlet will display each project by ID, name, project manager, planned effort (total allocation hours), actual hours, remaining effort (ETC), and estimate at complete (actual + ETC).
  • Project managers may use this portlet to show the planned effort and the remaining effort on projects.  Includes actual hours as well as estimate at completion. You may narrow the results by filtering by project name, project manager, project OBS, or active flag. The portlet will display each project by ID, name, project manager, planned effort (total allocation hours), actual hours, remaining effort (ETC), and estimate at complete (actual + ETC).
  • The purpose is to show actual hours, planned effort and remaining effort at the resource level, with the addition of OBS levels to support filtering and manipulation of the exported data.
  • The purpose is to show actual hours, planned effort and remaining effort at the resource level, with the addition of OBS levels to support filtering and manipulation of the exported data.
  • The purpose is to show actual hours, planned effort and remaining effort at the resource level, with the addition of OBS levels to support filtering and manipulation of the exported data.
  • The Pending Actuals portlet displays pending actuals for resources by task. This portlet allows the user to filter on Project, Project Manager, Is Active and Is Open for Time Entry. This portlet provides Resource Managers and Project Managers a simple way to analyse which actuals have been submitted but not posted on specific tasks, as well as the aggregate pending hour total. Note: the information displayed is dependent on what the user has security rights to view.
  • The Pending Actuals portlet displays pending actuals for resources by task. This portlet allows the user to filter on Project, Project Manager, Is Active and Is Open for Time Entry. This portlet provides Resource Managers and Project Managers a simple way to analyse which actuals have been submitted but not posted on specific tasks, as well as the aggregate pending hour total. Note: the information displayed is dependent on what the user has security rights to view.
  • The Pending Actuals portlet displays pending actuals for resources by task. This portlet allows the user to filter on Project, Project Manager, Is Active and Is Open for Time Entry. This portlet provides Resource Managers and Project Managers a simple way to analyse which actuals have been submitted but not posted on specific tasks, as well as the aggregate pending hour total. Note: the information displayed is dependent on what the user has security rights to view.
  • The Timesheet Audit portlet displays timesheet information in order to perform an audit.  The only required data needed to search the portlet is start and finish date. Additionally, you may narrow the results by filtering by resource, resource ID, OBS Unit, resource manager, timesheet status, project, and task. The portlet provides reporting on the following:
    • Resource
    • Resource ID
    • Email Icon of Resource (So the reviewer can quickly email the Resource)
    • Resource is Active
    • Resource Open for Time
    • Time Period (Start and Finish Dates)
    • Timesheet Status
    • Is Adjustment (If the timesheet is adjusted)
    • Timesheet Modified Date
    • Timesheet Posted Date
    • Timesheet Submitted By
    • Timesheet Approved By
    • Project
    • Task
    • Proposed ETC Hours
    • Pending Actual Hours
    • Total Actual Hours
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