  • The Global Action Items portlet will help users and clarity admins to keep track of action items in the CA PPM system. This is useful to keep track of Timesheet Approval through Action Item or any other Action Item related workflows. The portlet displays Name, Type Assignee, Created by, Due Date, Health and Status of the Action Items as default columns. The portlet provides  Project, Project Manager, Project OBS, Assignee, Status and Due Dates of the Action Items as default filters.
  • The Timesheets by Resource portlet gives the ability to highlight the time periods where resources are working overtime or working less than 25 hours a week. The filter requires timesheet Start Date and End Date to be provided. Additionally, the information can be filtered by Resource, Resource ID, OBS Unit, Employment Type, Resource Manager, Open for Time, and Active status. This portlet displays Resource, Resource ID, Active (yes/no), Employment Type, Primary Role, Resource Manager, and Timesheet Hours Flag. The flags are set with the logic
    • Yellow = timesheets not posted / zero hour timesheets
    • Green = where number of hours posted is > 25 and less than 45
    • Red = where number of hours posted is < 25 or > 45
    The thresholds can, of course, be modified.
  • The Timesheets by Resource portlet gives the ability to highlight the time periods where resources are working overtime or working less than 25 hours a week. The filter requires timesheet Start Date and End Date to be provided. Additionally, the information can be filtered by Resource, Resource ID, OBS Unit, Employment Type, Resource Manager, Open for Time, and Active status. This portlet displays Resource, Resource ID, Active (yes/no), Employment Type, Primary Role, Resource Manager, and Timesheet Hours Flag. The flags are set with the logic
    • Yellow = timesheets not posted / zero hour timesheets
    • Green = where number of hours posted is > 25 and less than 45
    • Red = where number of hours posted is < 25 or > 45
    The thresholds can, of course, be modified.
  • The Pending Actuals portlet displays pending actuals for resources by task. This portlet allows the user to filter on Project, Project Manager, Is Active and Is Open for Time Entry. This portlet provides Resource Managers and Project Managers a simple way to analyse which actuals have been submitted but not posted on specific tasks, as well as the aggregate pending hour total. Note: the information displayed is dependent on what the user has security rights to view.
  • The purpose is to show actual hours, planned effort and remaining effort at the resource level, with the addition of OBS levels to support filtering and manipulation of the exported data.
  • Project managers may use this portlet to show the planned effort and the remaining effort on projects.  Includes actual hours as well as estimate at completion. You may narrow the results by filtering by project name, project manager, project OBS, or active flag. The portlet will display each project by ID, name, project manager, planned effort (total allocation hours), actual hours, remaining effort (ETC), and estimate at complete (actual + ETC).
  • The Hours and Cost by Vendor – Grid portlet displays vendor hour or costs by month grouped by vendor.  Using this portlet, management is provided with a quick overview of vendor costs or hours by month for a set of time without running a report or navigating to each resource individually. This portlet uses the monthly actual timeslices.  The user may filter by vendor, vendor ID, date, and hours/cost in addition to the start/finish and hours/cost. Once populated, the grid will display all vendors that currently have hours/cost for the selected time frame.
  • The Hours and Cost by Vendor - Graph portlet displays vendor hour or costs by month.  Using this portlet, management is provided with a graphical representation of vendor costs or hours by month for a set of time without running a report or navigating to each resource individually. This portlet uses the monthly actual timeslices.  Additionally, the user must select a date range and whether to display hours or costs. Once populated, the graph will display all vendors that currently have hours and cost for the selected date range.
  • The Time by Stage portlet displays time logged to each project task stage.  The portlet displays the project id, project name, task stage, and charge code for each different task stage on the project. This portlet provides management with a quick view of all project task stages by project without having to navigate into each project individually.
  • The Time by Stage and Timescale – Grid portlet displays hours for all tasks on projects by their stage for a user-defined time period. The user may narrow the results by time scale, resource OBS unit, and dates. The portlet not only provides the total hours per stage, but also the percentage of time spent on each task type. This portlet pulls data from the timeslices.  Using this portlet, management can determine if excess time is being spent on a certain task stage within a project.
  • The Time By Type - Pie Chart portlet is a graphical representation of time by type of investment for all resources the logged in user has security rights to view. This portlet pulls from the daily timeslices, and can be used for determining what types of projects receive the majority of hours.  The filter option allows for entry of a specific start date and finish date.
  • The Time By Type - Pie Chart portlet is a graphical representation of time by type of investment for all resources the logged in user has security rights to view. This portlet pulls from the daily timeslices, and can be used for determining what types of projects receive the majority of hours.  The filter option allows for entry of a specific start date and finish date.
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