  • The process is built to clear the random timesheet locks that happens occasionally.  There are three Processes and one lookup component and one job definition in the package.
    • PRLock (Timesheets) Record Removal (ID: rego_prlock_rec_rmvl). This process requires PRNAME, PRTABLENAME and PRRECORDID from PRLock Table.
      • The Lookup PRLock Check (Timesheet) (Id: REGO_PRLOCK_CHECK) should be used to update the GEL parameters for the above process.
    • PRLock (Timesheets) Record Removal All (ID: rego_prlk_rc_rmv_all) This deletes ALL prtimesheet locks.
    • Rego Remove Timesheet Locks (ID: rego_rmv_ts_locks). This process is run as a job “PrLock Clear for Timesheet Locks” which performs the same functionality as the above two processes. The process and job definition are separate XOG files.
  • The process is built to clear the random timesheet locks that happens occasionally.  There are three Processes and one lookup component and one job definition in the package.
    • PRLock (Timesheets) Record Removal (ID: rego_prlock_rec_rmvl). This process requires PRNAME, PRTABLENAME and PRRECORDID from PRLock Table.
      • The Lookup PRLock Check (Timesheet) (Id: REGO_PRLOCK_CHECK) should be used to update the GEL parameters for the above process.
    • PRLock (Timesheets) Record Removal All (ID: rego_prlk_rc_rmv_all) This deletes ALL prtimesheet locks.
    • Rego Remove Timesheet Locks (ID: rego_rmv_ts_locks). This process is run as a job “PrLock Clear for Timesheet Locks” which performs the same functionality as the above two processes. The process and job definition are separate XOG files.
  • This process workflow with gel script forces billable hours on timesheet down to 40 hours, and sets overtime hours to non-billable.  Timesheets with 40 or fewer hours are not touched.  Process kicks off upon submission of timesheet.  Steps are:
    • Determine if timesheet has > 40 hours.  If so, proceed.
    • Create a SPLIT row for each timesheet row, with Input Type Code = Non-Bill.
    • Divide 40 by total timesheet ours.  Store this value.
    • Multiply each timesheet cell by the stored value, and enter the result into that cell.
    • Take the difference (original cell value – new cell value), and enter in same cell on Split row.
    • The end result will be 40 hours total on Billable rows, and overtime hours on Non-Billable rows.
  • A Resource Calendar sub-object is populated by a non-object-specific process, executed by the “Execute a Process” job, which can be scheduled. The first 7 rows of the sub-object display the standard week from the base calendar, including columns for Day of Week, Is Workday (checked/unchecked), Shifts, and work Hours available. The remaining rows display calendar exceptions, including columns for Day of Week, Exception Date, Is Exception (checked), and work Hours available.  If exception changes to a workday, Is Workday column is checked, and Shifts also display.  If exception changes to a non-workday, Is PTO column is checked. Resource Calendar object is filterable by Calendar Entry Type (All, Calendar Exception, Day of Week), Day of Week, Exception Date Range, Is Workday, Is Exception, Is PTO, and power filter.
  • A Resource Calendar sub-object is populated by a non-object-specific process, executed by the “Execute a Process” job, which can be scheduled. The first 7 rows of the sub-object display the standard week from the base calendar, including columns for Day of Week, Is Workday (checked/unchecked), Shifts, and work Hours available. The remaining rows display calendar exceptions, including columns for Day of Week, Exception Date, Is Exception (checked), and work Hours available.  If exception changes to a workday, Is Workday column is checked, and Shifts also display.  If exception changes to a non-workday, Is PTO column is checked. Resource Calendar object is filterable by Calendar Entry Type (All, Calendar Exception, Day of Week), Day of Week, Exception Date Range, Is Workday, Is Exception, Is PTO, and power filter.
  • Process sends an email to RM, for resources assigned, that indicates the allocation percentage for each resource for the next 6 weeks.  Email has links to each resource so that allocation modifications can be made as required.
  • The process notifies resource who has been added to investment today and allocation is greater or equal to 100%. The process is on-demand and would require the user to have appropriate rights to run the process. Process should be scheduled as daily once job.
  • The Grant Resources Timesheet Edit Rights process will grant each resource timesheet edit instance rights to his or her own timesheets.  This process will not remove any existing timesheet edit instance rights.
  • The Time Tracking Stalker – Resource workflow process is used to notify resources that fail to submit a timesheet in a prior week. The workflow checks for active resources, hire/termination dates, track mode, and open for time entry. This process helps to ensure resources submit timesheets in a timely manner.  In version 13, the email can be enhanced to include colors, bold, underline, and other HTML formatting.
  • Are you on an older version of CA PPM?  Do you want to understand the value of the new features and functions in recent versions?  Have you seen the new UX and do you wonder when is the right time to move over?  This class is a demonstration of the new UX, new features in both classic and new UX, and the value of these features for customers.
  • Resource Availability – 4 Weeks is a grid portlet that displays all resources with their total allocated hours by week, and an average availability percent (4 Wk Avail %) for next four weeks.  If % Available is negative, this indicates an over-allocation.  Zero% Average Availability indicates fully allocated (no remaining availability). Filterable by Role, Resource, Resource Type, Full-Time/Part-Time, Availability Range.  Contractor Type is a custom attribute (Lookup - String) created on the Resource object. It is attached to the lookup, Contractor Type (Lookup ID: REGO_CONTRACTOR_TYPE) that has static values Part Time (PT) and Full Time(FT).
  • A Process run via Execute a Process job; sends an email to active resources, containing a facsimile of their Resource Allocation Detail page.  It shows the next six weeks of allocations by investment, with a column total.  The email also contains a click here link to this page in CA PPM, to enable editing of the data, as appropriate.
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