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The Late Milestones portlet displays all action items related to active projects that the logged in user has view rights to. The milestones displayed are those that are not closed but are past their finish date or past their baseline finish date. The portlet provides a Project Manager the ability to view and track action items across multiple projects without going into each project individually. This portlet provides a single consolidated view of late milestones based on the current project baseline, and the age of the milestone. The portlet will display the Project ID, Project Name, Project Manager, Milestone Name, Due Date, Baseline Date, Days Late (calculated from baseline dates), and Days Old (calculated from today’s date).
The Late Project Action Items portlet displays all action items related to active projects that the logged in user has view rights to. The action items displayed are those that are past their due date with a status of “In Progress” or “Open”. The portlet provides a Project Manager the ability to view and track action items across multiple projects without going into each project individually. In a single consolidated list, all late project action items can be easily viewed, along with the project with which they are associated, the individual assigned, and the owner of the action item.
The Late Project Action Items portlet displays all action items related to active projects that the logged in user has view rights to. The action items displayed are those that are past their due date with a status of “In Progress” or “Open”. The portlet provides a Project Manager the ability to view and track action items across multiple projects without going into each project individually. In a single consolidated list, all late project action items can be easily viewed, along with the project with which they are associated, the individual assigned, and the owner of the action item.
The Late Project Action Items portlet displays all action items related to active projects that the logged in user has view rights to. The action items displayed are those that are past their due date with a status of “In Progress” or “Open”. The portlet provides a Project Manager the ability to view and track action items across multiple projects without going into each project individually. In a single consolidated list, all late project action items can be easily viewed, along with the project with which they are associated, the individual assigned, and the owner of the action item.
The Late Risks portlet displays all risks related to active projects that the logged in user has view rights to. The risks displayed are those that are past their target resolution date but not Closed or Resolved. The portlet provides a Project Manager the ability to view and track Risks across multiple projects without going into each project individually. This portlet displays the risk, the associated project name and project manager, as well as the risk owner, target resolution date, status, priority of the risk, and the total number of days the risk has been open.
The Late Risks portlet displays all risks related to active projects that the logged in user has view rights to. The risks displayed are those that are past their target resolution date but not Closed or Resolved. The portlet provides a Project Manager the ability to view and track Risks across multiple projects without going into each project individually. This portlet displays the risk, the associated project name and project manager, as well as the risk owner, target resolution date, status, priority of the risk, and the total number of days the risk has been open.
The Late Tasks portlet provides a Project Manager the ability to view and track tasks across multiple projects with due dates in the past. This portlet provides a single consolidated view of late tasks, their task start and finish date, and ETCs remaining for the task. Also displayed is the number of days that the Task Finish Date is different from the current baseline finish date (Days Late) as well as the number of days that have passed beyond the task finish date and the current date (Days Old). The user will see all tasks associated with the projects to which they have access.
The Late Tasks portlet provides a Project Manager the ability to view and track tasks across multiple projects with due dates in the past. This portlet provides a single consolidated view of late tasks, their task start and finish date, and ETCs remaining for the task. Also displayed is the number of days that the Task Finish Date is different from the current baseline finish date (Days Late) as well as the number of days that have passed beyond the task finish date and the current date (Days Old). The user will see all tasks associated with the projects to which they have access.
The Late Tasks portlet provides a Project Manager the ability to view and track tasks across multiple projects with due dates in the past. This portlet provides a single consolidated view of late tasks, their task start and finish date, and ETCs remaining for the task. Also displayed is the number of days that the Task Finish Date is different from the current baseline finish date (Days Late) as well as the number of days that have passed beyond the task finish date and the current date (Days Old). The user will see all tasks associated with the projects to which they have access.
The Missing Time by OBS portlet displays all missing or late timesheets for resources staffed within a specific OBS. Resources will be included if they are open for time entry, have the track mode of ‘Clarity’ and have a timesheet that is not posted. The portlet accommodates for hire and termination dates. Also, the portlet only shows resources that the active user has the security rights to view. Administrators and the Project Management Office may use this portlet to determine the timesheet status of all resources within a specific OBS in open time periods. This portlet allows a user to quickly search by OBS and view all timesheets under that area. After selecting the OBS, the user can also filter on time period start date, Resource Manager and/or Project Manager. The portlet will display a ‘Stop Light’ indicator based on timesheet status, the status, period start, Resource Name, Resource Manager and any actual hours entered for the timesheet.
The Missing Time by OBS portlet displays all missing or late timesheets for resources staffed within a specific OBS. Resources will be included if they are open for time entry, have the track mode of ‘Clarity’ and have a timesheet that is not posted. The portlet accommodates for hire and termination dates. Also, the portlet only shows resources that the active user has the security rights to view. Administrators and the Project Management Office may use this portlet to determine the timesheet status of all resources within a specific OBS in open time periods. This portlet allows a user to quickly search by OBS and view all timesheets under that area. After selecting the OBS, the user can also filter on time period start date, Resource Manager and/or Project Manager. The portlet will display a ‘Stop Light’ indicator based on timesheet status, the status, period start, Resource Name, Resource Manager and any actual hours entered for the timesheet.
The Missing Time by OBS portlet displays all missing or late timesheets for resources staffed within a specific OBS. Resources will be included if they are open for time entry, have the track mode of ‘Clarity’ and have a timesheet that is not posted. The portlet accommodates for hire and termination dates. Also, the portlet only shows resources that the active user has the security rights to view. Administrators and the Project Management Office may use this portlet to determine the timesheet status of all resources within a specific OBS in open time periods. This portlet allows a user to quickly search by OBS and view all timesheets under that area. After selecting the OBS, the user can also filter on time period start date, Resource Manager and/or Project Manager. The portlet will display a ‘Stop Light’ indicator based on timesheet status, the status, period start, Resource Name, Resource Manager and any actual hours entered for the timesheet.