790 results
Projects by Status Indicator is a pie chart that displays count of projects by out of box Status Indicator attribute. Legend displays the colors associated with various Status Indicator values. Mouse over the pie chart slice displays the count of projects associated with that respective Status Indicator value. You can further narrow your search by OBS Path, Project Manager and Is Project Active?.
Pie Chart displays counts of all projects by out-of-box Status Indicator attribute. Filterable by OBS structure and Manager. Data label displays count. Mouse-over and Legend display Indicator name. Chart also displays count for projects with no Indicator. By clicking on a pie slice, a grid portlet appears displaying all projects with that indicator value.
Pie Chart displays counts of all projects by out-of-box Status Indicator attribute. Filterable by OBS structure and Manager. Data label displays count. Mouse-over and Legend display Indicator name. Chart also displays count for projects with no Indicator. By clicking on a pie slice, a grid portlet appears displaying all projects with that indicator value.
Pie Chart displays counts of all projects by out-of-box Status Indicator attribute. Filterable by OBS structure and Manager. Data label displays count. Mouse-over and Legend display Indicator name. Chart also displays count for projects with no Indicator. By clicking on a pie slice, a grid portlet appears displaying all projects with that indicator value.
The Projects Marked for Deletion portlet displays information about projects that are currently pending deletion but excludes templates and programs. This portlet provides an easy way to view all projects that are marked for deletion before the background job actually erases them. The portlet provides all necessary information as well as the project manager in case there are questions about why the project was marked for deletion.
The Projects Marked for Deletion portlet displays information about projects that are currently pending deletion but excludes templates and programs. This portlet provides an easy way to view all projects that are marked for deletion before the background job actually erases them. The portlet provides all necessary information as well as the project manager in case there are questions about why the project was marked for deletion.
The Projects Marked for Deletion portlet displays information about projects that are currently pending deletion but excludes templates and programs. This portlet provides an easy way to view all projects that are marked for deletion before the background job actually erases them. The portlet provides all necessary information as well as the project manager in case there are questions about why the project was marked for deletion.
The Projects That Should Be Closed portlet displays all projects that have been created before the specified filter date and has had no new time, tasks, or risks/issues updated after the dates specified in the filter. This can assist in identifying projects that are completed or cancelled and should be closed. The table below describes the available columns in the portlet. Column Label Description Project Name Name of the project PM Manager of the project Created Date Created Date of the project Start Start Date of the project Finish Finish Date of the project Created Date Check Identifies if the project meets the Created Before (Days) filter Risks/Issues Check Identifies if the project meets the Risk/Issues – Days Back filter Task Check Identifies if the project meets the Task – Days Back filter Time Check Identifies if the project meets the Time – Days Back filter Project Check Identifies if the project meets the portlet filter Criteria id Internal code used by the query -
The Projects That Should Be Closed portlet displays all projects that have been created before the specified filter date and has had no new time, tasks, or risks/issues updated after the dates specified in the filter. This can assist in identifying projects that are completed or cancelled and should be closed. The table below describes the available columns in the portlet. Column Label Description Project Name Name of the project PM Manager of the project Created Date Created Date of the project Start Start Date of the project Finish Finish Date of the project Created Date Check Identifies if the project meets the Created Before (Days) filter Risks/Issues Check Identifies if the project meets the Risk/Issues – Days Back filter Task Check Identifies if the project meets the Task – Days Back filter Time Check Identifies if the project meets the Time – Days Back filter Project Check Identifies if the project meets the portlet filter Criteria id Internal code used by the query -
The Projects That Should Be Closed portlet displays all projects that have been created before the specified filter date and has had no new time, tasks, or risks/issues updated after the dates specified in the filter. This can assist in identifying projects that are completed or cancelled and should be closed. The table below describes the available columns in the portlet. Column Label Description Project Name Name of the project PM Manager of the project Created Date Created Date of the project Start Start Date of the project Finish Finish Date of the project Created Date Check Identifies if the project meets the Created Before (Days) filter Risks/Issues Check Identifies if the project meets the Risk/Issues – Days Back filter Task Check Identifies if the project meets the Task – Days Back filter Time Check Identifies if the project meets the Time – Days Back filter Project Check Identifies if the project meets the portlet filter Criteria id Internal code used by the query -
The movement from managing technology organizations and development by Products instead of Projects has grown in recent years. This has many advantages, but only if there are critical changes in defining and funding the development. First, we shift from defining specific solutions to developing and defining the outcomes we want to accomplish with that development. Second, we should rethink how we fund development. Instead of funding a specific scope of work, we should fund the capacity to develop products.
The Projects Within Baseline Effort portlet will display all projects’ baseline effort in a pie chart by three different categories: Out of Baseline, Within Baseline, and Within 10% of Baseline. This portlet is used by the PMO to provide management with a snapshot of all projects and their baselines.
The Projects Within Baseline Effort portlet will display all projects’ baseline effort in a pie chart by three different categories: Out of Baseline, Within Baseline, and Within 10% of Baseline. This portlet is used by the PMO to provide management with a snapshot of all projects and their baselines.
Projects within baseline effort report is a pie chart that displays projects baseline effort by their categories. Legend displays various baseline effort categories: Within Baseline, Out of Baseline, Within 10% Baseline and No Baseline. Mouse over on the pie chart displays the total number of projects within that particular category. You can further narrow your search by OBS Type & Path and Is Project Active?.
Pie Chart displays projects by Baseline Finish Variance—is current project finish beyond baseline finish; or is current project finish on or before baseline finish. Filterable by OBS structure and Finish Date range. Data labels show percent within baseline vs percent outside baseline. Mouse-over shows Within or Outside label and percent of total projects. Legend shows color coded Within Baseline and Outside Baseline labels. Drilldown: Clicking on a pie slice yields a grid portlet of projects either Within or Outside Baseline.
Pie Chart displays projects by Baseline Finish Variance—is current project finish beyond baseline finish; or is current project finish on or before baseline finish. Filterable by OBS structure and Finish Date range. Data labels show percent within baseline vs percent outside baseline. Mouse-over shows Within or Outside label and percent of total projects. Legend shows color coded Within Baseline and Outside Baseline labels. Drilldown: Clicking on a pie slice yields a grid portlet of projects either Within or Outside Baseline.
Pie Chart displays projects by Baseline Finish Variance—is current project finish beyond baseline finish; or is current project finish on or before baseline finish. Filterable by OBS structure and Finish Date range. Data labels show percent within baseline vs percent outside baseline. Mouse-over shows Within or Outside label and percent of total projects. Legend shows color coded Within Baseline and Outside Baseline labels. Drilldown: Clicking on a pie slice yields a grid portlet of projects either Within or Outside Baseline.
Projects within baseline finish report is a pie chart that displays projects that have a baseline or do not have a baseline. Projects with baseline are further segregated into within or outside baseline finish. Mouse over on the pie chart displays the % of projects within a particular category. You can further narrow your search by OBS Type & Path, Project Finish Date and Is Project Active?.
The Proposed Estimates vs. Task Estimates portlet gives the ability to identify when the Proposed Estimates for any given task exceed the Task Estimates. The portlet filters by investment name, investment ID, project OBS unit, investment active (yes/no/all), investment manager, resource name, resource ID, resource OBS unit, resource active (yes/no/all), and resource manager. Additionally, the results can be filtered by the proposed ETC greater than task ETC flag (yes/no/all). The information provided on the portlet includes the investment name, investment ID, investment active (yes/no), investment start/end dates, task name, resource name, resource active (yes/no), resource manager, total hours, total ETC, proposed ETC greater than task ETC flag (yes/no), pending actual hours, and proposed ETC hours.
The Proposed Estimates vs. Task Estimates portlet gives the ability to identify when the Proposed Estimates for any given task exceed the Task Estimates. The portlet filters by investment name, investment ID, project OBS unit, investment active (yes/no/all), investment manager, resource name, resource ID, resource OBS unit, resource active (yes/no/all), and resource manager. Additionally, the results can be filtered by the proposed ETC greater than task ETC flag (yes/no/all). The information provided on the portlet includes the investment name, investment ID, investment active (yes/no), investment start/end dates, task name, resource name, resource active (yes/no), resource manager, total hours, total ETC, proposed ETC greater than task ETC flag (yes/no), pending actual hours, and proposed ETC hours.
This training document is a Rego Consulting Quick Reference Guide to assist with Project creations in Clarity’s Modern User Experience. This doc references version 16.0.2 views. Doc covers create project from project page, create project via the New from Template button, selection of template and project creation from the project tiles view.
This training document is a Rego Consulting Quick Reference Guide to assist with Project creations in Clarity’s Modern User Experience. This doc references version 16.0.3 views. Doc covers create project from project page, create project via the New from Template button, selection of template and project creation from the project tiles view.
This training document is a Rego Consulting Quick Reference Guide to assist with Project creations in Clarity’s Modern User Experience. This doc references version 16.1 views. Doc covers create project from project page, create project via the New from Template button, selection of template and project creation from the project tile view.
This training document is a Rego Consulting Quick Reference Guide to assist with Project creations in Clarity’s Modern User Experience. This doc references version 16.1.2 views. Doc covers create project from project page, create project via the New from Template button, selection of template and project creation from the project tile view.
This training document is a Rego Consulting Quick Reference Guide to assist with Project creations in Clarity’s Modern User Experience. This doc references version 16.2.1 views. Doc covers create project from project page, create project via the New from Template button, selection of template and project creation from the project tile view.