  • This video describes the process to Autoschedule a project using OWB. The video is available in both .m4v and .wmv formats.
  • This video describes the process to baseline a project using OWB. The video is available in both .m4v and .wmv formats.
  • This video describes the process review and approve/reject Pending Actuals and ETCs within OWB. The video is available in both .m4v and .wmv formats.
  • The leadership of your organization plays a vital role in the success of your Agile transformation. It is not always known or understood what role and what specific activities and behaviors are needed by leadership. In this session you will gain some guidance on how to appropriately get your senior leaders on board and ensure they are positioned to support the Agile journey in the most effective manner
  • The Pending Actuals portlet displays pending actuals for resources by task. This portlet allows the user to filter on Project, Project Manager, Is Active and Is Open for Time Entry. This portlet provides Resource Managers and Project Managers a simple way to analyse which actuals have been submitted but not posted on specific tasks, as well as the aggregate pending hour total. Note: the information displayed is dependent on what the user has security rights to view.
  • The Pending Actuals portlet displays pending actuals for resources by task. This portlet allows the user to filter on Project, Project Manager, Is Active and Is Open for Time Entry. This portlet provides Resource Managers and Project Managers a simple way to analyse which actuals have been submitted but not posted on specific tasks, as well as the aggregate pending hour total. Note: the information displayed is dependent on what the user has security rights to view.
  • The Pending Actuals portlet displays pending actuals for resources by task. This portlet allows the user to filter on Project, Project Manager, Is Active and Is Open for Time Entry. This portlet provides Resource Managers and Project Managers a simple way to analyse which actuals have been submitted but not posted on specific tasks, as well as the aggregate pending hour total. Note: the information displayed is dependent on what the user has security rights to view.
  • Pending Actuals report provides the Project Managers a single place to view all the pending actuals on tasks across multiple projects. User can view only the projects that he has access to.  Managers can use this portlet to analyze the actuals that have been submitted but not posted on tasks.  You can further narrow your search by OBS Type & Path and Assignment Total.
  • Pending Actuals report provides the Project Managers a single place to view all the pending actuals on tasks across multiple projects. This report provides graphical representation (bar chart) of pending actual hours by business unit. User can further drill down the details by clicking on particular business unit Managers can use this portlet to analyze the actuals that have been submitted but not posted on tasks. You can further narrow your search by OBS Type & Path.
  • Part of the Business Transformations collection, this portlet displays planned revenue as defined by a project whose goal is "Grow the business". It uses the Planned Revenue Query as a data provider.  This portlet provides a holistic overview of how many projects following the goal “Grow the Business” are Critical/ At Risk / On Track with regard to the planned revenue.
  • Part of the Business Transformations collection, this portlet displays planned revenue as defined by a project whose goal is "Grow the business". It uses the Planned Revenue Query as a data provider.  This portlet provides a holistic overview of how many projects following the goal “Grow the Business” are Critical/ At Risk / On Track with regard to the planned revenue.
  • Part of the Business Transformations collection, this portlet displays planned revenue as defined by a project whose goal is "Grow the business". It uses the Planned Revenue Query as a data provider.  This portlet provides a holistic overview of how many projects following the goal “Grow the Business” are Critical/ At Risk / On Track with regard to the planned revenue.
  • Part of the Business Transformation collection, this portlet displays count of the planned benefits (savings) per project manager. It also displays if any of the planned benefits are Critical/ At Risk / On Track, along with the total planned benefit amount.
  • Part of the Business Transformation collection, this portlet displays count of the planned benefits (savings) per project manager. It also displays if any of the planned benefits are Critical/ At Risk / On Track, along with the total planned benefit amount.
  • Part of the Business Transformation collection, this portlet displays count of the planned benefits (savings) per project manager. It also displays if any of the planned benefits are Critical/ At Risk / On Track, along with the total planned benefit amount.
  • This notification process sends an email to the Manager of an investment (Project, Application, Idea, etc) when the resource assigned to the team has been hard booked.   The process should be scheduled to run on a daily basis as the logic in it looks to all resources where their Booking  Status has been changed from Soft to Hard on the day that the process is run.  It compares the audit trail date change field to the system date. If the process is not scheduled to run daily no notification will occur on hardbookings from previous days.
  • This notification process sends an email to the Manager of an investment (Project, Application, Idea, etc) when the resource assigned to the team has been hard booked.   The process should be scheduled to run on a daily basis as the logic in it looks to all resources where their Booking  Status has been changed from Soft to Hard on the day that the process is run.  It compares the audit trail date change field to the system date. If the process is not scheduled to run daily no notification will occur on hardbookings from previous days.
  • This notification process sends an email to the Manager of an investment (Project, Application, Idea, etc) when the resource assigned to the team has been hard booked.   The process should be scheduled to run on a daily basis as the logic in it looks to all resources where their Booking  Status has been changed from Soft to Hard on the day that the process is run.  It compares the audit trail date change field to the system date. If the process is not scheduled to run daily no notification will occur on hardbookings from previous days.
  • “PM Stalker – Project Validations & Issues” executes various queries against the Clarity database and sends an email to all PMs who have one or more projects with any of the following conditions:
    • Resources have booked time in the past week (validation needed)
    • Inactive Resources with ETCs still on the project
    • Tasks past their Finish Date but not completed
    • Task Role Assignments in the past
    This notification will assist PMs to maintain their projects and keep them current.
  • “PM Stalker – Project Validations & Issues” executes various queries against the Clarity database and sends an email to all PMs who have one or more projects with any of the following conditions:
    • Resources have booked time in the past week (validation needed)
    • Inactive Resources with ETCs still on the project
    • Tasks past their Finish Date but not completed
    • Task Role Assignments in the past
    This notification will assist PMs to maintain their projects and keep them current.
  • “PM Stalker – Project Validations & Issues” executes various queries against the Clarity database and sends an email to all PMs who have one or more projects with any of the following conditions:
    • Resources have booked time in the past week (validation needed)
    • Inactive Resources with ETCs still on the project
    • Tasks past their Finish Date but not completed
    • Task Role Assignments in the past
    This notification will assist PMs to maintain their projects and keep them current.
  • Based on the pre-determined schedule frequency, this job will send an email to Project Managers that have a project meeting the criteria of: project(s) are active and scheduled finish date is less than the current date. This serves as a reminder to Project Managers to keep their schedules true. The contents of the email include a message indicating the project manager has at least one project meeting this criteria and a table indicating the Project ID, Project Name and Scheduled Finish Date.
  • Based on the pre-determined schedule frequency, this job will send an email to Project Managers that have a project meeting the criteria of: project(s) are active and scheduled finish date is less than the current date. This serves as a reminder to Project Managers to keep their schedules true. The contents of the email include a message indicating the project manager has at least one project meeting this criteria and a table indicating the Project ID, Project Name and Scheduled Finish Date.
  • Based on the pre-determined schedule frequency, this job will send an email to Project Managers that have a project meeting the criteria of: project(s) are active and scheduled finish date is less than the current date. This serves as a reminder to Project Managers to keep their schedules true. The contents of the email include a message indicating the project manager has at least one project meeting this criteria and a table indicating the Project ID, Project Name and Scheduled Finish Date.
  • The PM Stalker – Submit Status Report workflow process will email any project manager that has not submitted a status report in the last two weeks. This process will ensure that all status reports are kept up-to-date and provide management with a reliable overview of the status on the project.
  • The PM Stalker – Submit Status Report workflow process will email any project manager that has not submitted a status report in the last two weeks. This process will ensure that all status reports are kept up-to-date and provide management with a reliable overview of the status on the project.
  • The PM Stalker – Submit Status Report workflow process will email any project manager that has not submitted a status report in the last two weeks. This process will ensure that all status reports are kept up-to-date and provide management with a reliable overview of the status on the project.
  • Notify the PM with a list of tasks for their project as soon as the Timesheet is submitted.  This is a good substitute for PM approval. When a timesheet is submitted, then the PM knows the time entered by person. This is an Auto-start process in Clarity named PM Time Notification - On Timesheet Submission and will be automatically spawned when a Timesheet is submitted. When the process is started it will be seen in the Initiated on the Processes tab. The process status can be monitored from Running to the Completed stage. The Progress when 100% and the Status is Completed, an email would have arrived to the Project Manager with subject: “Resource <Name> has entered the following time on your Investment(s) for the week starting <Timesheet Start Date> ”. This email will list the Investments managed by the PM where task was entered by the Resource submitting the timesheet.  Each PM would get a separate notification. PM for project X notified, and PM for project Y gets notified in another email. Therefore, one timesheet may spawn out multiple emails. But, if both the Projects have the Same PM, then only a single email gets sent out. “Opt-out Timesheet Notifications" checkbox is provided on the Project for PM’s who do not want to get notified on those projects.
  • Notify the PM with a list of tasks for their project as soon as the Timesheet is submitted.  This is a good substitute for PM approval. When a timesheet is submitted, then the PM knows the time entered by person. This is an Auto-start process in Clarity named PM Time Notification - On Timesheet Submission and will be automatically spawned when a Timesheet is submitted. When the process is started it will be seen in the Initiated on the Processes tab. The process status can be monitored from Running to the Completed stage. The Progress when 100% and the Status is Completed, an email would have arrived to the Project Manager with subject: “Resource <Name> has entered the following time on your Investment(s) for the week starting <Timesheet Start Date> ”. This email will list the Investments managed by the PM where task was entered by the Resource submitting the timesheet.  Each PM would get a separate notification. PM for project X notified, and PM for project Y gets notified in another email. Therefore, one timesheet may spawn out multiple emails. But, if both the Projects have the Same PM, then only a single email gets sent out. “Opt-out Timesheet Notifications" checkbox is provided on the Project for PM’s who do not want to get notified on those projects.
  • Notify the PM with a list of tasks for their project as soon as the Timesheet is submitted.  This is a good substitute for PM approval. When a timesheet is submitted, then the PM knows the time entered by person. This is an Auto-start process in Clarity named PM Time Notification - On Timesheet Submission and will be automatically spawned when a Timesheet is submitted. When the process is started it will be seen in the Initiated on the Processes tab. The process status can be monitored from Running to the Completed stage. The Progress when 100% and the Status is Completed, an email would have arrived to the Project Manager with subject: “Resource <Name> has entered the following time on your Investment(s) for the week starting <Timesheet Start Date> ”. This email will list the Investments managed by the PM where task was entered by the Resource submitting the timesheet.  Each PM would get a separate notification. PM for project X notified, and PM for project Y gets notified in another email. Therefore, one timesheet may spawn out multiple emails. But, if both the Projects have the Same PM, then only a single email gets sent out. “Opt-out Timesheet Notifications" checkbox is provided on the Project for PM’s who do not want to get notified on those projects.
  • This process pulls in the total hours tracked, by resource, by task, for a given project for the weekly time period that ended. The information is sent to the Project Manager listed on the project. This process can be scheduled via the Execute a Process job.
  • This process pulls in the total hours tracked, by resource, by task, for a given project for the weekly time period that ended. The information is sent to the Project Manager listed on the project. This process can be scheduled via the Execute a Process job.
  • This process pulls in the total hours tracked, by resource, by task, for a given project for the weekly time period that ended. The information is sent to the Project Manager listed on the project. This process can be scheduled via the Execute a Process job.
  • Course Description:  Some PMO members have started receiving questions about the relevance of the PMO. This session will discuss why the PMO is even more relevant for an organization as it shifts to an Agile mindset.
  • Course Description:  How mature is your PMO? Where do you go from here? This class is a working session, which includes an exercise to assess how far you’ve come and help direct your course.
  • Are you considering or analyzing PMO value metrics? This class is a working session will cover lessons learned in PMOs, so you can craft guiding metrics, with or without a tool.
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