  • Traditional project management isn’t dead, but it is heavily influenced by Agile teams and thinking. This course looks at ways you can help bring together disparate delivery units across the enterprise.
  • Course Description:   Does your organization own Workfront in a marketing or other group doing digital asset management? In this session, we will dive into what Workfront is and how it complements your current Clarity PPM solution.
  • Make sure project deliverables are completed on time by tracking work progress and monitoring task assignments.  Report Views include:
    • Work Details
    • Work Overview
    • Work Risk Issue and Change
    The main .rpt file will access data through the Data Warehouse.  For clients on Rego’s AWS hosting, we have versions that work with Oracle and Postgres DB and access the live database, if the Rego Odata connector is being used.
  • ** No Download - Do not Add to Cart ** As Clarity's Modern UX continues to evolve with each release, so has the transition conversation among Clarity Product Owners and Administrators. It's no longer a question of "if" and "when;" the question is, how? In this webinar, we'll explore some best practices that enable a successful shift from Classic to Modern. Through a collaborative discussion of overarching strategies to a step-by-step checklist, this session is designed to help you quickly position your users to take advantage of Clarity's latest and greatest capabilities. Nothing to Download - See Link below.
  • A presentation slide deck from Rego University 2022.   This document reviews the principles of Scaled Agile Framework.
    1. Understanding Agile, Scrum, and Kanban
    2. The Limits of Team Agile
    3. Scaling Agile
  • A process that:
    • is a weekly email to a project manager.  All of the content will be for where the person getting the email is the PM
    • shows aggregate data for all of their projects
    • sends the PM a reminder email at the end of each week showing the items that the PM needs to do.  Maybe call it Weekly PM reminder.
    • Shows the mentioned data in sections as follows:
      • Past Due issues
        • Only active projects
        • Only open issues – not resolved or closed
        • Show project name, project ID, issue name, issue priority, target resolution date, color (only red or yellow)
        • Logic for Yellow = where target resolution is within the next week
        • Logic for Red = target resolution date is in the past
        • URL LINK:  to that issue
      • Past Due Risks
        • Only active projects
        • Only open risks – not resolved or closed
        • Show project name, project ID, risk name, risk priority, target resolution date, color (only red or yellow)
        • Logic for Yellow = where target resolution is within the next week
        • Logic for Red = target resolution date is in the past
        • URL LINK:  to that risk
      • Past Due Status Report
        • Only active projects
        • Show project name, project ID, report date, most recent overall status, color (only red or yellow)
        • Only 1 line per project – show even if there is no status report
        • Logic for Yellow = where latest status report date > 7 days ago
        • Logic for Red = latest status report date is > 14 days ago
        • URL LINK:  to status report list
      • Past Due Milestones
        • Only active projects
        • Only open milestones
        • Show project name, project ID, task name, task finish date, color (only red or yellow)
        • Logic for Yellow = where finish is within the next week
        • Logic for Red = finish date is in the past
        • URL LINK:  to that milestone
      • Past Due Forecast
        • Only active projects
        • Show project name, project ID, last updated date, most recent total plan of record amount, color (only red or yellow)
        • Only 1 line per project – show even if there is no finish plan
        • Logic for Yellow = where last updated date of the plan of record > 14 days ago
        • Logic for Red = where last updated date of the plan of record > 30 days ago
        • URL LINK:  to cost plan
      • Allocation Summary for the Project Team
    • Unfilled Roles that need to be staffed
    • Resources Actuals +/- 25% of Allocation
    • Resource ETC +/- 25% of Allocation
      • Pending Change Controls / Approval Status
      • In addition to the Past Due Milestones, upcoming milestones
      • Budget Summary
    • Actual vs. Planned
    • Burndown estimate
  • A process that:
    • is a weekly email to a project manager.  All of the content will be for where the person getting the email is the PM
    • shows aggregate data for all of their projects
    • sends the PM a reminder email at the end of each week showing the items that the PM needs to do.  Maybe call it Weekly PM reminder.
    • Shows the mentioned data in sections as follows:
      • Past Due issues
        • Only active projects
        • Only open issues – not resolved or closed
        • Show project name, project ID, issue name, issue priority, target resolution date, color (only red or yellow)
        • Logic for Yellow = where target resolution is within the next week
        • Logic for Red = target resolution date is in the past
        • URL LINK:  to that issue
      • Past Due Risks
        • Only active projects
        • Only open risks – not resolved or closed
        • Show project name, project ID, risk name, risk priority, target resolution date, color (only red or yellow)
        • Logic for Yellow = where target resolution is within the next week
        • Logic for Red = target resolution date is in the past
        • URL LINK:  to that risk
      • Past Due Status Report
        • Only active projects
        • Show project name, project ID, report date, most recent overall status, color (only red or yellow)
        • Only 1 line per project – show even if there is no status report
        • Logic for Yellow = where latest status report date > 7 days ago
        • Logic for Red = latest status report date is > 14 days ago
        • URL LINK:  to status report list
      • Past Due Milestones
        • Only active projects
        • Only open milestones
        • Show project name, project ID, task name, task finish date, color (only red or yellow)
        • Logic for Yellow = where finish is within the next week
        • Logic for Red = finish date is in the past
        • URL LINK:  to that milestone
      • Past Due Forecast
        • Only active projects
        • Show project name, project ID, last updated date, most recent total plan of record amount, color (only red or yellow)
        • Only 1 line per project – show even if there is no finish plan
        • Logic for Yellow = where last updated date of the plan of record > 14 days ago
        • Logic for Red = where last updated date of the plan of record > 30 days ago
        • URL LINK:  to cost plan
      • Allocation Summary for the Project Team
    • Unfilled Roles that need to be staffed
    • Resources Actuals +/- 25% of Allocation
    • Resource ETC +/- 25% of Allocation
      • Pending Change Controls / Approval Status
      • In addition to the Past Due Milestones, upcoming milestones
      • Budget Summary
    • Actual vs. Planned
    • Burndown estimate
  • A process that:
    • is a weekly email to a project manager.  All of the content will be for where the person getting the email is the PM
    • shows aggregate data for all of their projects
    • sends the PM a reminder email at the end of each week showing the items that the PM needs to do.  Maybe call it Weekly PM reminder.
    • Shows the mentioned data in sections as follows:
      • Past Due issues
        • Only active projects
        • Only open issues – not resolved or closed
        • Show project name, project ID, issue name, issue priority, target resolution date, color (only red or yellow)
        • Logic for Yellow = where target resolution is within the next week
        • Logic for Red = target resolution date is in the past
        • URL LINK:  to that issue
      • Past Due Risks
        • Only active projects
        • Only open risks – not resolved or closed
        • Show project name, project ID, risk name, risk priority, target resolution date, color (only red or yellow)
        • Logic for Yellow = where target resolution is within the next week
        • Logic for Red = target resolution date is in the past
        • URL LINK:  to that risk
      • Past Due Status Report
        • Only active projects
        • Show project name, project ID, report date, most recent overall status, color (only red or yellow)
        • Only 1 line per project – show even if there is no status report
        • Logic for Yellow = where latest status report date > 7 days ago
        • Logic for Red = latest status report date is > 14 days ago
        • URL LINK:  to status report list
      • Past Due Milestones
        • Only active projects
        • Only open milestones
        • Show project name, project ID, task name, task finish date, color (only red or yellow)
        • Logic for Yellow = where finish is within the next week
        • Logic for Red = finish date is in the past
        • URL LINK:  to that milestone
      • Past Due Forecast
        • Only active projects
        • Show project name, project ID, last updated date, most recent total plan of record amount, color (only red or yellow)
        • Only 1 line per project – show even if there is no finish plan
        • Logic for Yellow = where last updated date of the plan of record > 14 days ago
        • Logic for Red = where last updated date of the plan of record > 30 days ago
        • URL LINK:  to cost plan
      • Allocation Summary for the Project Team
    • Unfilled Roles that need to be staffed
    • Resources Actuals +/- 25% of Allocation
    • Resource ETC +/- 25% of Allocation
      • Pending Change Controls / Approval Status
      • In addition to the Past Due Milestones, upcoming milestones
      • Budget Summary
    • Actual vs. Planned
    • Burndown estimate
  • Course Description:   Struggling to figure out how to best organize your blueprints? This class will walk through best practice blueprint design, including how many to have, how to use channels, using custom subobjects within the blueprint, and swapping blueprints at various project stages to mimic project phases or ideas. We’ll highlight some of the creative ways we’ve seen blueprints used in client implementations.
  • This process updates the team, assignment and timesheet roles with the primary role where they do not match. This way, the PM can push all roles to team and assignment for that project before they do a cost plan.
  • This process updates the team, assignment and timesheet roles with the primary role where they do not match. This way, the PM can push all roles to team and assignment for that project before they do a cost plan.
  • This process updates the team, assignment and timesheet roles with the primary role where they do not match. This way, the PM can push all roles to team and assignment for that project before they do a cost plan.
  • By its very nature, the shift to Product Funding is going to require that tracking of that funding. Agile tools do not have much, if any, financial capabilities, so it is important to create an eco-system that can support this value stream—from funding, through delivery, and finally to tracking the realization of financial value. Learn how Rally and Clarity PPM do this very well together.
  • By its very nature, the shift to Product Funding is going to require that tracking of that funding. Agile tools do not have much, if any, financial capabilities, so it is important to create an eco-system that can support this value stream—from funding, through delivery, and finally to tracking the realization of financial value. Learn how Rally and Clarity PPM do this very well together.
  • The Rego: Transfer Primary Skill process updates the primary skill on the team object by running the process with the execute process job. The process takes the primary skill that is on the resource object and moves it to all of that resource's team records where the primary skill on the team record is null.  Utilizing these fields and process provide a quick way to determine what skill each resource is bringing to the project. This process makes the transition seamless from resource primary skill to team primary skill.
  • The Rego: Transfer Primary Skill process updates the primary skill on the team object by running the process with the execute process job. The process takes the primary skill that is on the resource object and moves it to all of that resource's team records where the primary skill on the team record is null.  Utilizing these fields and process provide a quick way to determine what skill each resource is bringing to the project. This process makes the transition seamless from resource primary skill to team primary skill.
  • The Rego: Transfer Primary Skill process updates the primary skill on the team object by running the process with the execute process job. The process takes the primary skill that is on the resource object and moves it to all of that resource's team records where the primary skill on the team record is null.  Utilizing these fields and process provide a quick way to determine what skill each resource is bringing to the project. This process makes the transition seamless from resource primary skill to team primary skill.
  • The Transaction Adapter – is a text based CSV file which automates the importing of monthly non labor financial data into Clarity directly from your financial system.  This integration eliminates the need to create non-labor transactions manually in Clarity and will provide more accurate project, program, and portfolio financial reporting.
  • This training document is a Rego Consulting Quick Reference Guide to assist with the use of the To Dos functionality in Clarity.  It illustrates accessing the To Do list from the Menu and then the functionality of the To Do page.
  • The Timesheet Notes portlet displays all timesheet notes split out by resource, investment and task.  This is very useful in situations where you want to review multiple notes as you do not have to open each note separately. The table below describes the available filter fields in the portlet.
    Column Label Description
    Timesheet Period Start Range of time periods to display filtered by start date
    Timesheet Period Finish Range of time periods to display filtered by finish date
    Resource Resource(s) to display
    Type Note on a timesheet or time entry (task specific)
  • The Timesheet Notes portlet displays all timesheet notes split out by resource, investment and task.  This is very useful in situations where you want to review multiple notes as you do not have to open each note separately. The table below describes the available filter fields in the portlet.
    Column Label Description
    Timesheet Period Start Range of time periods to display filtered by start date
    Timesheet Period Finish Range of time periods to display filtered by finish date
    Resource Resource(s) to display
    Type Note on a timesheet or time entry (task specific)
  • The Timesheet Notes portlet displays all timesheet notes split out by resource, investment and task.  This is very useful in situations where you want to review multiple notes as you do not have to open each note separately. The table below describes the available filter fields in the portlet.
    Column Label Description
    Timesheet Period Start Range of time periods to display filtered by start date
    Timesheet Period Finish Range of time periods to display filtered by finish date
    Resource Resource(s) to display
    Type Note on a timesheet or time entry (task specific)
  • The Timesheet Approval - RM and PM process is an auto-start process that begins once the resource submits his or her timesheet. This process provides a checks-and-balances style to ensure that all resources entering time have entered the 40 hours. Once the timesheet is submitted, the process will lock the user’s timesheet to prevent editing. The process will then select the next action based on three different factors:
    1. The timesheet has less than 40 hours.
    2. The timesheet has 40 or more hours.
    3. The resource’s availability is less than 8hrs/day.
    If the user has submitted a timesheet with less than 40 hours, then the process will email the user informing him/her of issue, unlocks the timesheet, and changes the status to “Returned”. If the user has an availability of less than 8hrs/day or the timesheet has 40 or more hours, then an action item will be sent to the resource manager informing him/her of the timesheet. If the resource manager (RM) AND project manager (PM) approves the action item, then the process will approve the timesheet and unlock the timesheet. However, if the RM or PM selects “Return” on the action item, then the process will return the timesheet, mail the user that informing him/her that the timesheet has been returned, and unlock the timesheet.
  • The Timesheet Approval - RM and PM process is an auto-start process that begins once the resource submits his or her timesheet. This process provides a checks-and-balances style to ensure that all resources entering time have entered the 40 hours. Once the timesheet is submitted, the process will lock the user’s timesheet to prevent editing. The process will then select the next action based on three different factors:
    1. The timesheet has less than 40 hours.
    2. The timesheet has 40 or more hours.
    3. The resource’s availability is less than 8hrs/day.
    If the user has submitted a timesheet with less than 40 hours, then the process will email the user informing him/her of issue, unlocks the timesheet, and changes the status to “Returned”. If the user has an availability of less than 8hrs/day or the timesheet has 40 or more hours, then an action item will be sent to the resource manager informing him/her of the timesheet. If the resource manager (RM) AND project manager (PM) approves the action item, then the process will approve the timesheet and unlock the timesheet. However, if the RM or PM selects “Return” on the action item, then the process will return the timesheet, mail the user that informing him/her that the timesheet has been returned, and unlock the timesheet.
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