  • Course Description:   This session will walk you through a step-by-step approach to doing application rationalization within your organization. We will also review how to sell the benefits and processes within your organization.
  • Do you want to report on TCO for your organization by business function, application, or service?  This should be the financial management goal of every organization.  This class will discuss a path and some architecture choices to make this a reality.  We will highlight want some customers are doing today and share some best practices on the journey.
  • Course description: “People are the #1 key to successful implementation, acceptance and sustaining adoption after the project is long gone. Find out some tips and tricks on how to keep those key stakeholders engaged.”  Download file is the presentation slide deck.
  • Have you looked in the regoXchange or reviewed Rego’s innovation offerings? This class will show you the power of Rego’s pre-built content library, integrations, and other assets. See example after example of portlets, processes, and materials you can use to add value to your instance of Clarity.  Learn how you can introduce email-based approvals with Rego's action item responder.  Get a peek at Rego's new MSP integration that avoids the issues faced with the OOTB integration.  Finally, understand Rego's pre-built connectors and how they can benefit your instance.  Including blueprint migrator.  Include free tools like GEL builder, query, XOGbridge.
  • An HTML portlet that displays two buttons that link the user instantly to an object create page.  The portlet comes with two buttons and the buttons can be modified to link to any creation page.  Administrator can choose: Project, Idea, Application, Program, etc.
  • An HTML portlet that displays two buttons that link the user instantly to an object create page.  The portlet comes with two buttons and the buttons can be modified to link to any creation page.  Administrator can choose: Project, Idea, Application, Program, etc.
  • Course Description:   Does your organization struggle to understand your fully burdened TCO for the applications that enable your business? Do you use spreadsheets and disparate data sources to manually calculate TCO? This session explores the data sources needed to calculate the fully burdened TCO for applications. We will also cover marketplace tools that allow you to track spending, providing trends of applications broken down by run and development costs.
  • The Populate Timesheets process converts task level ETC into time entered on the timesheet. The process relies on the resource “opting in” to the process by checking a new attribute called “Auto Populate Timesheet?”, as well as the project manager “opting in” at the project level via a new attribute called “Auto Populate Timesheet?” Once the resource opts in and the PM opts in, the process will create a timesheet for the resource, pulling in the ETCs for the tasks that week and moving them to the actual hours. Once the process runs, an email will be sent to the resource letting them know the hours have been applied.
  • The Populate Timesheets process converts task level ETC into time entered on the timesheet. The process relies on the resource “opting in” to the process by checking a new attribute called “Auto Populate Timesheet?”, as well as the project manager “opting in” at the project level via a new attribute called “Auto Populate Timesheet?” Once the resource opts in and the PM opts in, the process will create a timesheet for the resource, pulling in the ETCs for the tasks that week and moving them to the actual hours. Once the process runs, an email will be sent to the resource letting them know the hours have been applied.
  • Course Description:   Do you know what PPM, APM, Agile, ITFM, and other tools are available in the marketplace? Have you taken a strategic look at the key IT processes and tools that exist to support them? Have you been asked to evaluate and recommend a PPM tool? This class will review other ITBM tools and examine their pros and cons. We will also provide six keys to evaluating a PPM solution.
  • A .pdf file that has the slide by slide presentation at 2015 RegoU on how other companies are using CA PPM.  The agenda covers an overview, definitions, business value, key requirements and best practices.
  • Course description: “What can leaders do after a CA PPM deployment to ensure continued success of the product? This session will discuss how sponsors can drive compliance within the organization through continued involvement. Strong sponsorship is the key to long term success.”  Download file is the slide deck used during the presentation.
  • A .pdf file that has the slide by slide presentation at 2015 RegoU on enhancing CA PPM performance with a review of root causes and quick solutions.
  • The Communications Object allows a user to send an html-based email to all users on a project, in a security group, or to individual users directly from Clarity.  An email can be sent by creating a new entry on the Communication List page, upon saving a new entry the email process with trigger and send the email. Auto Start Solution: An email can be sent by creating a new entry on the Communication List page, upon saving a new entry the email process with trigger. On Demand Solution: All emails could be sent together as a broadcast communication by running the process manually from the Organizer. This process could also be scheduled to run on a specific time using Jobs The table below describes the available columns on the object.
    Column Label Description
    From Who the email is coming from
    Sent To Individual users the message should send to
    Send to Group Security groups the message should send to (users within the security groups)
    Message Project Team Should this message be sent to a project team
    Associated Investment If Message Project Team is checked, which project should the team list be pulled from
    Message Subject Subject line of the email
    Message Content Body of the email (html)
    Message date Internal code used by the query
    Either of the on-demand process or auto start process should be active at a time. The package provides two Processes: 1.  Send Notification (ID:rego_send_notification) This is an auto start process. The notification is sent immediately when a new entry is created on the Communication object. Only one email notification will be sent for one entry. Any updates to the same entry will not trigger any new notifications. 2.  Email Communication (ID:rego_email_comm) This is an on-demand process that could be run from the Organizer. This send notification to all the entries on the Communication objects for which a communication was not already sent. This process does not have a Primary object. The processes are designed to work both in Oracle and Postgres environment. If the DB vendor information from Properties.xml is Postgres the SQL query for Postgres will be called. If not, the default SQL is Oracle. Important Note: Either of the processes should be active for an Implementation. If both the processes are active the on-demand process has no effect and will never send any communication. All object entries have a sent flag which will be marked whenever a notification is sent. Both the processes set the same flag on the object instance. Only with admin DB rights this flag could be overwritten. Object Name:Communication Object ID: rego_communication Flag Attribute Name: Sent (Id: rego_sent)
  • The Communications Object allows a user to send an html-based email to all users on a project, in a security group, or to individual users directly from Clarity.  An email can be sent by creating a new entry on the Communication List page, upon saving a new entry the email process with trigger and send the email. Auto Start Solution: An email can be sent by creating a new entry on the Communication List page, upon saving a new entry the email process with trigger. On Demand Solution: All emails could be sent together as a broadcast communication by running the process manually from the Organizer. This process could also be scheduled to run on a specific time using Jobs The table below describes the available columns on the object.
    Column Label Description
    From Who the email is coming from
    Sent To Individual users the message should send to
    Send to Group Security groups the message should send to (users within the security groups)
    Message Project Team Should this message be sent to a project team
    Associated Investment If Message Project Team is checked, which project should the team list be pulled from
    Message Subject Subject line of the email
    Message Content Body of the email (html)
    Message date Internal code used by the query
    Either of the on-demand process or auto start process should be active at a time. The package provides two Processes: 1.  Send Notification (ID:rego_send_notification) This is an auto start process. The notification is sent immediately when a new entry is created on the Communication object. Only one email notification will be sent for one entry. Any updates to the same entry will not trigger any new notifications. 2.  Email Communication (ID:rego_email_comm) This is an on-demand process that could be run from the Organizer. This send notification to all the entries on the Communication objects for which a communication was not already sent. This process does not have a Primary object. The processes are designed to work both in Oracle and Postgres environment. If the DB vendor information from Properties.xml is Postgres the SQL query for Postgres will be called. If not, the default SQL is Oracle. Important Note: Either of the processes should be active for an Implementation. If both the processes are active the on-demand process has no effect and will never send any communication. All object entries have a sent flag which will be marked whenever a notification is sent. Both the processes set the same flag on the object instance. Only with admin DB rights this flag could be overwritten. Object Name:Communication Object ID: rego_communication Flag Attribute Name: Sent (Id: rego_sent)
  • The Communications Object allows a user to send an html-based email to all users on a project, in a security group, or to individual users directly from Clarity.  An email can be sent by creating a new entry on the Communication List page, upon saving a new entry the email process with trigger and send the email. Auto Start Solution: An email can be sent by creating a new entry on the Communication List page, upon saving a new entry the email process with trigger. On Demand Solution: All emails could be sent together as a broadcast communication by running the process manually from the Organizer. This process could also be scheduled to run on a specific time using Jobs The table below describes the available columns on the object.
    Column Label Description
    From Who the email is coming from
    Sent To Individual users the message should send to
    Send to Group Security groups the message should send to (users within the security groups)
    Message Project Team Should this message be sent to a project team
    Associated Investment If Message Project Team is checked, which project should the team list be pulled from
    Message Subject Subject line of the email
    Message Content Body of the email (html)
    Message date Internal code used by the query
    Either of the on-demand process or auto start process should be active at a time. The package provides two Processes: 1.  Send Notification (ID:rego_send_notification) This is an auto start process. The notification is sent immediately when a new entry is created on the Communication object. Only one email notification will be sent for one entry. Any updates to the same entry will not trigger any new notifications. 2.  Email Communication (ID:rego_email_comm) This is an on-demand process that could be run from the Organizer. This send notification to all the entries on the Communication objects for which a communication was not already sent. This process does not have a Primary object. The processes are designed to work both in Oracle and Postgres environment. If the DB vendor information from Properties.xml is Postgres the SQL query for Postgres will be called. If not, the default SQL is Oracle. Important Note: Either of the processes should be active for an Implementation. If both the processes are active the on-demand process has no effect and will never send any communication. All object entries have a sent flag which will be marked whenever a notification is sent. Both the processes set the same flag on the object instance. Only with admin DB rights this flag could be overwritten. Object Name:Communication Object ID: rego_communication Flag Attribute Name: Sent (Id: rego_sent)
  • This portlet pulls back the Availability and Allocation totals by Role between a user-specified Start and Finish Date, then the user can drilldown to look at the information for Applications.  The Time Period filter allows for comparing these values across different timeframes (monthly, weekly, quarterly, annual) as desired.  Other filters allow for looking at Active or Inactive Roles (or both) and including Active or Inactive Projects (or both) in the totals.
  • This portlet pulls back the Availability and Allocation totals by Role between a user-specified Start and Finish Date, then the user can drilldown to look at the information for Applications.  The Time Period filter allows for comparing these values across different timeframes (monthly, weekly, quarterly, annual) as desired.  Other filters allow for looking at Active or Inactive Roles (or both) and including Active or Inactive Projects (or both) in the totals.
  • This portlet pulls back the Availability and Allocation totals by Role between a user-specified Start and Finish Date, then the user can drilldown to look at the information for Applications.  The Time Period filter allows for comparing these values across different timeframes (monthly, weekly, quarterly, annual) as desired.  Other filters allow for looking at Active or Inactive Roles (or both) and including Active or Inactive Projects (or both) in the totals.
  • Course Description: “For clients that have both ServiceNow and CA PPM, passing information between the systems becomes vital for the enterprise with both ITSM and PPM toolsets. One of the biggest areas of interaction is around Demand Management. Come and see Rego's Integration solution which flexibly allows for ServiceNow records (Incident, Problem, Idea, Enhancement, and Demands) to generate CA PPM Ideas or Projects. This lets you control where you want to perform Demand Management, and the work lands in CA PPM's Project either way.”  Download is the slide deck used for the presentation.
  • The Application Risk by Goal portlet displays a count of active applications by goal with a sub-count by risk. The graph is color-coded by risk rating:
    • 1-33 – Green
    • 34-66 – Yellow
    • 67-100 – Red
    The portlet provides a quick overview of the risk rating for each application within each goal.
  • The Application Risk by Goal portlet displays a count of active applications by goal with a sub-count by risk. The graph is color-coded by risk rating:
    • 1-33 – Green
    • 34-66 – Yellow
    • 67-100 – Red
    The portlet provides a quick overview of the risk rating for each application within each goal.
  • The Application Risk by Goal portlet displays a count of active applications by goal with a sub-count by risk. The graph is color-coded by risk rating:
    • 1-33 – Green
    • 34-66 – Yellow
    • 67-100 – Red
    The portlet provides a quick overview of the risk rating for each application within each goal.
  • Course Description:  A review of the basics around APM.  Covering Business Capabilities, Application Scoring, and Best Practices.
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