  • A quick reference card to assist in the creation of a Financial Summary for an investment.
  • The Dashboard: Financial Summary by Charge Code portlet displays financial information from the project summarized by Charge Code. The portlet is added to the dashboard page of a project and will pull all actuals by charge code on the project. The user may filter by date range to narrow the results.
  • The Dashboard: Financial Summary by Charge Code portlet displays financial information from the project summarized by Charge Code. The portlet is added to the dashboard page of a project and will pull all actuals by charge code on the project. The user may filter by date range to narrow the results.
  • The Dashboard: Financial Summary by Charge Code portlet displays financial information from the project summarized by Charge Code. The portlet is added to the dashboard page of a project and will pull all actuals by charge code on the project. The user may filter by date range to narrow the results.
  • A presentation slide deck from Rego University 2022.   A class on building a defensible cost model.
    • Characteristics of a defensible model
    • Steps to build an accurate TBM model
    • Allocation best practices
  • A Quick Reference Guide to assist in entering financial transactions into Clarity’s Classic UX.  The guide reviews the basics of transactions entry, create voucher header, entering the line item - details, and entering the line item - transaction.
  • This training document is a Rego Consulting Quick Reference Guide to assist with transaction entry in Clarity’s Modern User Experience.  The document covers transaction entry basics, creating a voucher header, entering line-item details, and entering line detail transactions.
  • Does project and idea estimation take too long and lack visibility? This class will address one of the most common pain points within organizations: how to involve the right people within a timely project estimate. Learn some Rego best practices for defining, calculating, and modifying idea and project estimates, so you can increase throughput and ROI.
  • This training document is a Rego Consulting Quick Reference Guide to assist with the process of creating financial actuals and the supporting reports in Clarity’s Modern User Experience.  The document covers running jobs to sync data, analyzing cost plans, reviewing transactions, and analyzing cost and budget plans.
  • This configuration and accompanying process allows users to capture Financial and Non-Financial (Metrics, Soft, etc.) Benefit in a custom sub-object, then programmatically create an out-of-the-box Benefit Plan with just the Financial Portion from the custom sub-object.  The solution is comprised of:
    • Sub-Object (Benefit Plan Details, Parent = Project)
    • Process: Create Benefit Plan (uses sub-object as primary input, native BP is output)
    • Process: Update sql - Cost Benefit Plans (one-time script to update Projects)
    The Process to create the Benefit Plan is initiated when users check the Create Benefit Plan box on the sub-object.  Every time the Process runs it aggregates all rows from the sub-object that are flagged as Financial and creates a new Benefit Plan.  The resulting BP is not linked to any Cost Plans. Users who install this base solution will want to consider:
    • Ensure on the Benefit Details List view the Planned and Realized Amounts are displayed
    • Modifying the Create Benefit Plan Process in support of a BP naming convention consistent with local PMO Practices
    • Modifying the Create Benefit Plan Process to link the BP to the Cost Plan of Record
    • Creating a Portlet that pulls together rows of data from the sub-object across multiple projects in a summarized view as well as a detailed view
    Once installed, please refer to the Benefit Detail Functionality Document for how to create Benefit Detail records, initiate the process, and the Benefit Plan Creation.
  • This configuration and accompanying process allows users to capture Financial and Non-Financial (Metrics, Soft, etc.) Benefit in a custom sub-object, then programmatically create an out-of-the-box Benefit Plan with just the Financial Portion from the custom sub-object.  The solution is comprised of:
    • Sub-Object (Benefit Plan Details, Parent = Project)
    • Process: Create Benefit Plan (uses sub-object as primary input, native BP is output)
    • Process: Update sql - Cost Benefit Plans (one-time script to update Projects)
    The Process to create the Benefit Plan is initiated when users check the Create Benefit Plan box on the sub-object.  Every time the Process runs it aggregates all rows from the sub-object that are flagged as Financial and creates a new Benefit Plan.  The resulting BP is not linked to any Cost Plans. Users who install this base solution will want to consider:
    • Ensure on the Benefit Details List view the Planned and Realized Amounts are displayed
    • Modifying the Create Benefit Plan Process in support of a BP naming convention consistent with local PMO Practices
    • Modifying the Create Benefit Plan Process to link the BP to the Cost Plan of Record
    • Creating a Portlet that pulls together rows of data from the sub-object across multiple projects in a summarized view as well as a detailed view
    Once installed, please refer to the Benefit Detail Functionality Document for how to create Benefit Detail records, initiate the process, and the Benefit Plan Creation.
  • This configuration and accompanying process allows users to capture Financial and Non-Financial (Metrics, Soft, etc.) Benefit in a custom sub-object, then programmatically create an out-of-the-box Benefit Plan with just the Financial Portion from the custom sub-object.  The solution is comprised of:
    • Sub-Object (Benefit Plan Details, Parent = Project)
    • Process: Create Benefit Plan (uses sub-object as primary input, native BP is output)
    • Process: Update sql - Cost Benefit Plans (one-time script to update Projects)
    The Process to create the Benefit Plan is initiated when users check the Create Benefit Plan box on the sub-object.  Every time the Process runs it aggregates all rows from the sub-object that are flagged as Financial and creates a new Benefit Plan.  The resulting BP is not linked to any Cost Plans. Users who install this base solution will want to consider:
    • Ensure on the Benefit Details List view the Planned and Realized Amounts are displayed
    • Modifying the Create Benefit Plan Process in support of a BP naming convention consistent with local PMO Practices
    • Modifying the Create Benefit Plan Process to link the BP to the Cost Plan of Record
    • Creating a Portlet that pulls together rows of data from the sub-object across multiple projects in a summarized view as well as a detailed view
    Once installed, please refer to the Benefit Detail Functionality Document for how to create Benefit Detail records, initiate the process, and the Benefit Plan Creation.
  • This session offers practical solutions to financial challenges faced in enterprise agile environments. Participants will learn best practices for budgeting, forecasting, capitalization, and labor cost allocation, as well as both short-term tactical advice and longer-term strategic insights. The session covers topics such as participatory budgeting, flipping the iron triangle, and funding teams, products, and capabilities instead of projects.
  • Do you want to understand the OOTB configuration and functionality of financial management?  In this class, we will review the OOTB objects, views, views, and functions of financial plans, rates, and other related areas.  We will cover both classic and new UX highlighting differences.
  • Do you want to understand the OOTB configuration and functionality of financial management?  In this class, we will review the OOTB objects, views, views, and functions of financial plans, rates, and other related areas.  We will cover both classic and new UX highlighting differences.
  • Course Description:   Do you want to talk to other customers that are using or plan to use financial management? In this moderated round table, customers can share experiences and provide insights on process, configurations, challenges, and successes. We will divide into small groups and discuss customer selected topics—100% sharing.
  • Do you want to talk to other customers that are using or plan to use financial management? In this moderated Round Table where customers can share experiences and provide insights on process, configurations, challenges, and successes. We will have an expert panel and then divide into small groups and discuss customer selected topics - 100% sharing.
  • The Financial Summary by Charge Code - Graph portlet displays yearly charge code financial information across all projects in a bar graph. This portlet provides management with a snapshot of all projects’ financial information totaled and sorted by expense, capital, depreciation, benefit, and net cash flow.   The depreciation is calculated based on a straight line method.  The user may filter on OBS unit and/or portfolio to narrow down the search results.
  • The Financial Summary by Charge Code - Graph portlet displays yearly charge code financial information across all projects in a bar graph. This portlet provides management with a snapshot of all projects’ financial information totaled and sorted by expense, capital, depreciation, benefit, and net cash flow.   The depreciation is calculated based on a straight line method.  The user may filter on OBS unit and/or portfolio to narrow down the search results.
  • The Financial Summary by Charge Code - Graph portlet displays yearly charge code financial information across all projects in a bar graph. This portlet provides management with a snapshot of all projects’ financial information totaled and sorted by expense, capital, depreciation, benefit, and net cash flow.   The depreciation is calculated based on a straight line method.  The user may filter on OBS unit and/or portfolio to narrow down the search results.
  • The Financial Summary by Charge Code – Grid portlet displays yearly charge code financial information across all projects.  This portlet provides management with a snapshot of all projects’ financial information totaled and sorted by expense, capital, depreciation, benefit, and net cash flow.   The depreciation is calculated based on a straight-line method.  The user may filter on OBS unit and/or portfolio to narrow down the search results.
  • The Financial Summary by Charge Code – Grid portlet displays yearly charge code financial information across all projects.  This portlet provides management with a snapshot of all projects’ financial information totaled and sorted by expense, capital, depreciation, benefit, and net cash flow.   The depreciation is calculated based on a straight-line method.  The user may filter on OBS unit and/or portfolio to narrow down the search results.
  • The Financial Summary by Charge Code – Grid portlet displays yearly charge code financial information across all projects.  This portlet provides management with a snapshot of all projects’ financial information totaled and sorted by expense, capital, depreciation, benefit, and net cash flow.   The depreciation is calculated based on a straight-line method.  The user may filter on OBS unit and/or portfolio to narrow down the search results.
  • The Financial Summary by Charge Code – Graph Stacked portlet displays yearly charge code financial information across all projects in a stacked bar graph.  This portlet provides management with a snapshot of all projects’ financial information totaled and sorted by expense, capital, depreciation, benefit, and net cash flow.   The depreciation is calculated based on a straight-line method.  The user may filter on OBS unit and/or portfolio to narrow down the search results.
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