  • The Revenue Forecast by Role portlet displays forecasted revenue by both resource and role on the given project, broken out by month. The table below describes the available filter fields in the portlet.
    Column Label Description
    Months Fiscal months to display
  • Part of the Business Transformation collection, this pie chart portlet displays realized benefit, grouped by category for portfolio investments. It uses System Provider: Portfolio Investment Provider.
  • This configuration and accompanying process allows users to capture Financial and Non-Financial (Metrics, Soft, etc.) Benefit in a custom sub-object, then programmatically create an out-of-the-box Benefit Plan with just the Financial Portion from the custom sub-object.  The solution is comprised of:
    • Sub-Object (Benefit Plan Details, Parent = Project)
    • Process: Create Benefit Plan (uses sub-object as primary input, native BP is output)
    • Process: Update sql - Cost Benefit Plans (one-time script to update Projects)
    The Process to create the Benefit Plan is initiated when users check the Create Benefit Plan box on the sub-object.  Every time the Process runs it aggregates all rows from the sub-object that are flagged as Financial and creates a new Benefit Plan.  The resulting BP is not linked to any Cost Plans. Users who install this base solution will want to consider:
    • Ensure on the Benefit Details List view the Planned and Realized Amounts are displayed
    • Modifying the Create Benefit Plan Process in support of a BP naming convention consistent with local PMO Practices
    • Modifying the Create Benefit Plan Process to link the BP to the Cost Plan of Record
    • Creating a Portlet that pulls together rows of data from the sub-object across multiple projects in a summarized view as well as a detailed view
    Once installed, please refer to the Benefit Detail Functionality Document for how to create Benefit Detail records, initiate the process, and the Benefit Plan Creation.
  • Part of the Business Transformation Collection, this bubble-chart portlet displays investments per their alignment, status and total planned benefit. The: X-axis displays the alignment Y-axis displays the status Bubble-size displays the total planned benefit
  • Part of the Business Transformation Collection, this bubble-chart portlet displays investments per their alignment, status and total planned benefit. The: X-axis displays the alignment Y-axis displays the status Bubble-size displays the total planned benefit
  • The Financial Summary by Transaction Class - Graph provides a visual graph for each years financial picture beginning with current year and going forward into the future. It will show the user where they need to concentrate their efforts in order to meet financial commitments.
  • The Financial Summary by Cost Type - Grid  is very beneficial as it provides actual numbers for each years financial picture beginning with current year and going forward into the future. It will show the user where they need to concentrate their efforts in order to meet financial commitments.
  • This stacked bar graph portlet displays the financial summary by transaction class for the current and future fiscal annual periods.  Filters are provided for:
    1. OBS
    2. Portfolio
  • This stacked bar graph portlet displays the financial summary by transaction class for the current and future fiscal annual periods.  Filters are provided for:
    1. OBS
    2. Portfolio
  • The Financial Summary by Cost Type  - Graph provides a visual stacked graph for each years financial picture beginning with current year and going forward into the future. It will show the user where they need to concentrate their efforts in order to meet financial commitments.
  • The Program Costs portlet looks like a cost plan.  It will summarize all cost plans from projects within the program and display the totals.
  • Part of the Business Transformation collection, this pie chart portlet displays realized benefit, grouped by type of project, for portfolio investments. It uses System Provider: Portfolio Investment Provider.
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