274 results
Part of the Business Transformations collection, this portlet displays planned revenue as defined by a project whose goal is "Grow the business". It uses the Planned Revenue Query as a data provider. This portlet provides a holistic overview of how many projects following the goal “Grow the Business” are Critical/ At Risk / On Track with regard to the planned revenue.
Part of the Business Transformations collection, this portlet displays planned revenue as defined by a project whose goal is "Grow the business". It uses the Planned Revenue Query as a data provider. This portlet provides a holistic overview of how many projects following the goal “Grow the Business” are Critical/ At Risk / On Track with regard to the planned revenue.
Part of the Business Transformations collection, this portlet displays planned revenue as defined by a project whose goal is "Grow the business". It uses the Planned Revenue Query as a data provider. This portlet provides a holistic overview of how many projects following the goal “Grow the Business” are Critical/ At Risk / On Track with regard to the planned revenue.
Part of the Business Transformation Package, this pie chart portlet shows planned benefits across the system grouped by Goal. The data is displayed form the investments in a portfolio. The portlet lets the Portfolio Manager know on which GOAL the planned benefit is allocated, so as to target the overall investment spread in the portfolio.
Part of the Business Transformation Package, this pie chart portlet shows planned benefits across the system grouped by Goal. The data is displayed form the investments in a portfolio. The portlet lets the Portfolio Manager know on which GOAL the planned benefit is allocated, so as to target the overall investment spread in the portfolio.