  • Course Description:  A review of the basics around APM.  Covering Business Capabilities, Application Scoring, and Best Practices.
  • Course Description:   Does your organization want to implement application portfolio management (APM)? Are you trying to determine the value in implementing APM? Are you struggling to know what tool you should use and what data is important to collect? This session will review specific use cases of companies that have implemented APM and effectively used the data to drive value for the organization.
  • Are you on an older version of Clarity?  Do you want to understand the value of the new features and functions in recent versions?  This class is a demonstration of the new features and the value of these features for customers.
  • A presentation by the Broadcom leadership on the meaning of ValueOps and the future of Clarity and Rally.
  • A presentation slide deck from Rego University 2021.  This course covered configuration basics, security basics, installing JS Studio, Interface introduction, data adapter setup, server connection setup.
  • MITRE will discuss the recent revival of Clarity enabled by an upgrade and elimination of on-premise non-compliant customizations and their success story.  The project leader will address the steps to execute this transformation and the approach taken towards organizational change management.
  • Has your organization made significant investments in technology solutions without seeing precise results? Do you have the right capabilities yet lack an interconnected, end-to-end solution?  A holistic Ecosystem Assessment will evaluate the current state of your project management practices across People, Process, Tools and Governance to compare against industry best practice.  Join Rego Expert Guides, Jacob Cancelliere and Nipun Karla, as they discuss our proven process that can help optimize your ecosystem and drive strategic results.
  • Portlet to quickly show License Compliance for all license types.  Simply Enter your License Limits in the filter – The portlet will display the three license types in a grid format with compliance chart and RYG Icons.
  • The Customized Object/Portlet Views portlet displays all user edited object/portlet views and the resource(s) that have edited them.  This can assist in identifying users who need to be notified prior to publishing view changes. The table below describes the available columns on the object.
    Column Label Description
    Resource Name Name of the resource
    Resource ID ID of the resource
    Type Object or Portlet
    Portlet Code ID of the portlet
    Portlet Name Name of the portlet
    Object Associated Object
    Object View ID of the modified view on the object
    Object Code Internal code used by the query
    pkid Internal code used by the query
    portlet_dbid Database id of the portlet
    res_dbid Database id of the resource
  • This portlet displays list of resources with OBS rights. This would be helpful for admins to know if a user can perform any actions on object instances of an OBS.
  • This allows users without admin access to see the timeslice settings and also allows the data to be exported to excel easily.  Many organizations like to document their timeslice settings which is a manual process as you cannot export the timeslice page to excel.  This allows them to periodically export the portlet results to excel to meet their documentation requirements.
  • This allows users without admin access to see the timeslice settings and also allows the data to be exported to excel easily.  Many organizations like to document their timeslice settings which is a manual process as you cannot export the timeslice page to excel.  This allows them to periodically export the portlet results to excel to meet their documentation requirements.
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