  • Late Tasks with Assignments report displays the list of all Tasks (with their Total ETC Hours) that are not closed but are past their finish date or past their baseline finish date. The report provides Project Manager the ability to view and track late tasks across multiple projects without going into each project individually. This report displays Project Name, Project Manager, Task Name, Task Status, Task Start Date, Task Finish Date,  Days Old (Elapsed days between Task Finish Date and Today's Date), Days Late (Elapsed days between Task Finish date and Task Baseline Finish date). User can further narrow their search by Task Name,  Task Status,  Project ID, Project Name, Project Manager, Is Milestone?, Is late?, Task Start Date, Task Finish Date and  Is Template?. User can use exact dates or relative dates for  Task Start Date and  Task Finish Date filter parameters.
  • Course description: “Learn how to take advantage of the dashboard reporting capabilities of Jaspersoft, which comes embedded in CA PPM 14.2 and later. This class is designed to provide hands on exercises to teach individuals how to utilize the power of this Excelius-like capability. Leveraging the advanced UI features of dashboards, CA PPM perception will increase, giving executives the views they want.”  Download file is the presentation slide deck.
  • Course description: “Learn how to take advantage of the ad-hoc reporting capabilities of Jaspersoft, which comes embedded in CA PPM 14.2 and later. This class is designed to provide hands on exercises to teach individuals how to utilize the power of this new product. As users begin building their own reports and dashboards, the burden on developers will decrease and CA PPM perception and adoption will increase.”  Download file is the presentation slide deck.
  • Course description: “Does your organization struggle with resource management? Have you considered creating a Resource Management Office (RMO)? This session will review how some organizations are using RMOs to drive adoption and effectively manage resources, including real world examples of RMO setup and execution.”  Download file is the presentation slide deck.
  • Course description: “Do you have users that just want an XLS or CSV file emailed to them with data? This session will be a hands-on lab to create a workflow process that will pull data from CA PPM and email that data in a file to a user or group of users.”  Download file is the slide deck used during the presentation.
  • Course Description: “For clients that have both ServiceNow and CA PPM, passing information between the systems becomes vital for the enterprise with both ITSM and PPM toolsets. One of the biggest areas of interaction is around Demand Management. Come and see Rego's Integration solution which flexibly allows for ServiceNow records (Incident, Problem, Idea, Enhancement, and Demands) to generate CA PPM Ideas or Projects. This lets you control where you want to perform Demand Management, and the work lands in CA PPM's Project either way.”  Download is the slide deck used for the presentation.
  • The Timesheet Smoothing Process Workflow kicks-off when an individual timesheet is Submitted.  It splits each transaction on the timesheet when total timesheet actuals exceed total weekly availability for the resource.  Total weekly availability is determined by multiplying resource availability rate by the number of workdays in the week.  Non-workdays include weekends, holidays, PTO, and other scheduled days off, as set on the resource calendar.  If timesheet actuals <= total weekly availability, then the timesheet remains unchanged.  But if timesheet actuals > total weekly availability, then the following occurs. Each timesheet transaction is reduced by a calculated percentage that will reduce the total regular hours to equal the total weekly availability.  Then the remaining transaction hours are placed in a “Split” row for that task on that day, with an Input Type Code set based on a process parameter (which parameter can be set within the script action on the process). Note:  If a single day has overtime hours, but the total timesheet actuals <= total weekly availability, no splitting occurs.
  • Notify the PM with a list of tasks for their project as soon as the Timesheet is submitted.  This is a good substitute for PM approval. When a timesheet is submitted, then the PM knows the time entered by person. This is an Auto-start process in Clarity named PM Time Notification - On Timesheet Submission and will be automatically spawned when a Timesheet is submitted. When the process is started it will be seen in the Initiated on the Processes tab. The process status can be monitored from Running to the Completed stage. The Progress when 100% and the Status is Completed, an email would have arrived to the Project Manager with subject: “Resource <Name> has entered the following time on your Investment(s) for the week starting <Timesheet Start Date> ”. This email will list the Investments managed by the PM where task was entered by the Resource submitting the timesheet.  Each PM would get a separate notification. PM for project X notified, and PM for project Y gets notified in another email. Therefore, one timesheet may spawn out multiple emails. But, if both the Projects have the Same PM, then only a single email gets sent out. “Opt-out Timesheet Notifications" checkbox is provided on the Project for PM’s who do not want to get notified on those projects.
  • Notify the PM with a list of tasks for their project as soon as the Timesheet is submitted.  This is a good substitute for PM approval. When a timesheet is submitted, then the PM knows the time entered by person. This is an Auto-start process in Clarity named PM Time Notification - On Timesheet Submission and will be automatically spawned when a Timesheet is submitted. When the process is started it will be seen in the Initiated on the Processes tab. The process status can be monitored from Running to the Completed stage. The Progress when 100% and the Status is Completed, an email would have arrived to the Project Manager with subject: “Resource <Name> has entered the following time on your Investment(s) for the week starting <Timesheet Start Date> ”. This email will list the Investments managed by the PM where task was entered by the Resource submitting the timesheet.  Each PM would get a separate notification. PM for project X notified, and PM for project Y gets notified in another email. Therefore, one timesheet may spawn out multiple emails. But, if both the Projects have the Same PM, then only a single email gets sent out. “Opt-out Timesheet Notifications" checkbox is provided on the Project for PM’s who do not want to get notified on those projects.
  • The process is built to clear the random timesheet locks that happens occasionally.  There are three Processes and one lookup component and one job definition in the package.
    • PRLock (Timesheets) Record Removal (ID: rego_prlock_rec_rmvl). This process requires PRNAME, PRTABLENAME and PRRECORDID from PRLock Table.
      • The Lookup PRLock Check (Timesheet) (Id: REGO_PRLOCK_CHECK) should be used to update the GEL parameters for the above process.
    • PRLock (Timesheets) Record Removal All (ID: rego_prlk_rc_rmv_all) This deletes ALL prtimesheet locks.
    • Rego Remove Timesheet Locks (ID: rego_rmv_ts_locks). This process is run as a job “PrLock Clear for Timesheet Locks” which performs the same functionality as the above two processes. The process and job definition are separate XOG files.
  • The interface runs using a MS Excel template called Project Allocation Upload that will be distributed to users.
    1. Configuration
      1. A master object called Allocation Upload Files will be created.  The object will contain a required attachment field on the create page that will receive the Project Allocation Upload MS Excel file.
      2. A new sub-object called Allocation Upload Records will be created.  This object will contain the fields necessary to receive the data rows from the Project Allocation Upload template.
      3. The master object will store the file level data while the sub-object will store the rows that belong to the file.
      4. Users must be granted security to view and edit the master and sub-objects in order to run the upload process.
    2. Project Allocation Upload Template
      1. The Project Allocation Upload template must remain static.  Any changes other than creating additional time periods or additional rows will cause the process to error.
      2. Only the Project Allocation Upload template can be used to load records to the new objects.
      3. The Project Allocation Upload will only accept months across the x-axis in the format DD/MM/YYYY.  The month headers must appear in the first row of the template and contain the first day of the month.
      4. The template must be distributed to the users that will be using the upload functionality.
      5. Users will be required to enter an Investment ID and Resource ID so the process can correctly identify investments and resources to upload the allocation hours against.
      6. A Staff OBS is not required but can be populated by users to have the data uploaded into CA PPM.
      7. The owner of the Project Allocation Upload template is responsible for providing users a valid list of Staff OBS Units.
      8. Investments will not be created through the interface. As such a valid Investment ID must be provided.
      9. Resources can be added to the investment team through the interface.  If a valid Resource ID is provided the resource’s allocation will be updated if the resource already exists on the investment.  If the resource does not already exist on the investment the resource will be added to the team along with the allocation hours.
      10. The Project Allocation Upload template will accept hours, not allocation percentages.  Because CA PPM stores allocations as percentages of a resource’s availability the upload process must convert hours to a percentage.  As a result small rounding errors may occur in the neighborhood of .01 hours per month.
      11. Resources cannot be removed from investment teams through the interface.
      12. The Project Allocation Upload template will support allocation uploads to different instances of the same role on the same investment as long as different Staff OBS units are provided.
        1. If multiple instances of the same role are assigned to the investment with the same Staff OBS the process will not know which instance of the role to upload the hours to.  In these cases the process will consider these records as invalid.  The PM will need to manually remove one of the instances or upload the hours manually..
        2. If multiple instances of the same role with the same Staff OBS unit are assigned to the same investment in the upload template the monthly hours will be totaled by investment, by role, by Staff OBS.
      13. The allocation template will follow the format in the screenshot area.
    3. Process
      1. To initiate the Allocation Interface a user will create a new Allocation Upload File instance, attach the Project Allocation Upload Template, and save the record.  The file attachment field is an “enter-once” field, meaning that once a value has been set it cannot be changed.  If a user wishes to upload another field they will create a new record.
      2. After the file has been attached the user will be presented with two check box fields, one to Validate and one to Validate and Upload.  Checking either or both options will initiate the process.
      3. The process will first determine if any sub-object instances exist for the file.  In other words, do any records already exist in the Allocation Upload Records sub-object pertaining to the newly uploaded file.  If there are no records in the sub-object the process will use the uploaded file and read its contents into the sub-object.  If errors are encountered during the file read they will be written to the process console, the process will throw an error, and end.
      4. Next, records will be validated.  Only the sub-object instances that belong to the master object will be validated.  Records belonging to other master object instances will not be validated or processed.  All records in a status of Ready for Processing, Failed Validation, or Xog Load Error will be validated.  Records will fail validation if an investment is not found corresponding to the investment ID provided, a resource is not found corresponding to the resource ID provided, or the date provided is not valid, or a provided Staff OBS does not yield a match.  Records that fail validation will be flagged as invalid along with a description as to why they failed validation.  Records that pass validation will be flagged as Ready for Processing and locked.  The sub-object instances can be exported to excel if further analysis is required.  If the Validate & Upload option was not selected the process will end here.
        1. Regarding the Staff OBS.  Only one OBS can be designed as the OBS that the interface will use to validate the Staff OBS records.
        2. The Staff OBS value from the template must match against the name of an OBS node in the designed Staff OBS.
        3. If the Staff OBS value matches against multiple nodes in the Staff OBS the record will be flagged as invalid as the process will not know which node to use.
      5. If the Validate & Upload option was selected the process will continue and any valid records will be xog’ed into the investment team.  The xog will be executed as the user that initiated the process so any security rules enforced by xog will be respected by the process.
      6. Successful records will be flagged as Processed Successfully in the sub-object and remain locked.  Records that did not load successfully, due to a xog error or security limitation will be flagged as Xog Load Error, unlocked, and updated with a description containing the full xog output.
      7. Records that failed validation or failed the xog load can be manually edited and revalidated, and attempt to be uploaded again.  Subsequent runs of the process will not read in data from the file, but rather process only sub-object instances that currently exist.
  • Process sends an email to RM, for resources assigned, that indicates the allocation percentage for each resource for the next 6 weeks.  Email has links to each resource so that allocation modifications can be made as required.
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