Time by Investment report displays time spent by resources on investment(s). User can view only the investments that he has access to view. Information can be drilled to Yearly, Quarterly or Monthly level. User can further narrow their search by OBS Type & Path, Investment Name, Month Start Date and Is Project Active?.
Time by Assignment report displays time logged to assignments and its associated actuals on monthly basis for all filtered investments. It also displays total ETC and Actual hours associated with an assignment. User can further narrow their search by OBS Type & Path, Investment Type, Investment Charge Code, Investment Name, Task Name, Resource Name, Assignment Start Date and Assignment Finish Date. User can use exact dates or relative dates for Assignment Start and Finish Dates filter parameters.
“Of course we have a plan for PPM!” This might be the response of any organization that’s considering PPM or has a solution in place. But having the technology doesn’t necessarily mean having an effective plan for it. This white paper breaks down what it means to have a strategic PPM roadmap, and why your organization should always keep it current and close at hand. We’ll define the elements that make a roadmap effective and provide seven reasons it can make the business journey worthwhile. This White Paper is downloaded from the Rego Consulting site. You will be asked to provide your email address and current ppm tool. - http://info.regoconsulting.com/ppm-roadmap-white-paper ** No Download - Do not Add to Cart **
This paper will help you launch a PMO—or facelift the one you’ve got—by making sure your PMO charter can handle strategic heavy lifting. It covers everything from getting stakeholder buy-in to achieving successful adoption throughout your organization. This White Paper is downloaded from the Rego Consulting site. You will be asked to provide your email address and current ppm tool. - http://info.regoconsulting.com/launch-pmo-whitepaper ** No Download - Do not Add to Cart **
The Project Status Summary report is a transaction based Jaspersoft report that does not require the Load Jaspersoft Datawarehouse job to be run. The report will pull real-time data from the transaction tables in Clarity. This report can be run from either the Advanced Reporting or Reports and Jobs area within Clarity. The Project Status Summary report displays summary information about a project, including current stage, overall status, key accomplishments, upcoming activities, the cost and amount of resources that are consumed, mapped risks indicating categories with a high number of risks, and a high-level Gantt chart displaying information about the project phases and key milestones.
The Concatenate Multi-Value Lookup into One Field for Display Purposes technical trick provides an overview of how to group or concatenate the various levels and values of a Multi-Value lookup into one field in both Oracle and SQL Server environments. This allows the lookup values to be more easily displayed in a portlet. The function concatenates the values together using a choice of delimiter, which then allows the multi-value lookup to be viewed as one portlet column, in the same manner as any other object attribute.
The Bubble Chart Quick Reference Guide provides the user instructions to customize bubble charts and their color schemes by modifying the query associated with the chart, as well as the portlet options. This is very beneficial as it allows the user to match or blend colors among all of the bubble portlets to better display the information the portlets are delivering. Similar data can be one color while different data can be its own color to better show the overall picture.