  • When marking a Status Report 'Final' in a grid/list view, the system doesn't create a new 'Draft' report like it does when using the Status Report UI. For groups that prefer to manage in a grid/list, they need to always have a draft.
  • When marking a Status Report 'Final' in a grid/list view, the system doesn't create a new 'Draft' report like it does when using the Status Report UI. For groups that prefer to manage in a grid/list, they need to always have a draft.
  • The Audit Trail portlet displays information about audited attributes.  It is nearly identical to the view and functionality of the “Global Audit Trail” offering on the admin side.  It offers filters for the Object ID (resource internal id, project internal id, etc.), Object Name (Jim Brown, Project A, etc.), Changed By, a date range for the changed date and the operation of the change.  It is capable of reporting on the following:
    • Object (Resource, Project, etc.)
    • Object Name (Jim Brown, Project A, etc.)
    • Parent Name (if the object were a sub-object)
    • Attribute code (the attribute id from the attributes list on the object)
    • Operation (Update, Insert, Delete)
    • Changed By
    • Old Value
    • New Value
    • Date Changed
  • The Audit Trail portlet displays information about audited attributes.  It is nearly identical to the view and functionality of the “Global Audit Trail” offering on the admin side.  It offers filters for the Object ID (resource internal id, project internal id, etc.), Object Name (Jim Brown, Project A, etc.), Changed By, a date range for the changed date and the operation of the change.  It is capable of reporting on the following:
    • Object (Resource, Project, etc.)
    • Object Name (Jim Brown, Project A, etc.)
    • Parent Name (if the object were a sub-object)
    • Attribute code (the attribute id from the attributes list on the object)
    • Operation (Update, Insert, Delete)
    • Changed By
    • Old Value
    • New Value
    • Date Changed
  • The Audit Trail portlet displays information about audited attributes.  It is nearly identical to the view and functionality of the “Global Audit Trail” offering on the admin side.  It offers filters for the Object ID (resource internal id, project internal id, etc.), Object Name (Jim Brown, Project A, etc.), Changed By, a date range for the changed date and the operation of the change.  It is capable of reporting on the following:
    • Object (Resource, Project, etc.)
    • Object Name (Jim Brown, Project A, etc.)
    • Parent Name (if the object were a sub-object)
    • Attribute code (the attribute id from the attributes list on the object)
    • Operation (Update, Insert, Delete)
    • Changed By
    • Old Value
    • New Value
    • Date Changed
  • The portlet - Attributes on Portlets - details all attributes on every portlet in the system, whether the person viewing the list has rights to the returned portlets. The table below describes the available columns in the portlet.
    Column Label Description
    Portlet Name Name of the portlet
    Portlet Code ID of the portlet
    Field Name Name of the attribute
    Field Code ID of the attribute
    Virtual Is the attribute virtual or not
    id Internal code used by the query
  • The portlet - Attributes on Portlets - details all attributes on every portlet in the system, whether the person viewing the list has rights to the returned portlets. The table below describes the available columns in the portlet.
    Column Label Description
    Portlet Name Name of the portlet
    Portlet Code ID of the portlet
    Field Name Name of the attribute
    Field Code ID of the attribute
    Virtual Is the attribute virtual or not
    id Internal code used by the query
  • The portlet - Attributes on Portlets - details all attributes on every portlet in the system, whether the person viewing the list has rights to the returned portlets. The table below describes the available columns in the portlet.
    Column Label Description
    Portlet Name Name of the portlet
    Portlet Code ID of the portlet
    Field Name Name of the attribute
    Field Code ID of the attribute
    Virtual Is the attribute virtual or not
    id Internal code used by the query
  • Part of the Business Transformation collection, this bar-chart portlet displays investments and (if exists) any child investments, which are at risk with regard to the schedule of the investments.
  • Part of the Business Transformation collection, this bar-chart portlet displays investments and (if exists) any child investments, which are at risk with regard to the schedule of the investments.
  • Assignments by Task Over Time report display all assignments by task for all resources.  Information can be drilled down to yearly, quarterly or monthly level. This report helps in determining the tasks a user is assigned to or how many hours a user is assigned to a task. You can further narrow your search by OBS Type & Path, Project ID, Project Name, Task Name, Assignment Resource, Is project Active?, Is Template? And Month End date.
  • The Assignments by Task Over Time portlet displays all assignments by task for all resources using the timeslices. This portlet is useful for determining which tasks a user is assigned to or how many hours the user is assigned to a task. The user may filter on certain criteria that include: project name/ID, date range, resource name/ID, and resource OBS unit.
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