  • Portlet to quickly show License Compliance for all license types.  Simply Enter your License Limits in the filter – The portlet will display the three license types in a grid format with compliance chart and RYG Icons.
  • This portlet displays the % allocation of resources to projects. The portlet shows if the resource is allocated to the projects as an individual resource or as part of an Agile team, in which case it will display the resource % allocation to the team and what that will represent in terms of % allocation to the project. The Total Allocation % display the allocation of the resource to all investments is allocated to. Remaining Capacity and Over/Under columns will help identify the resources that still have availability and the ones that are over allocated.
  • The Resources Demand Summary portlet displays the total Estimate to Complete (ETC’s) for Resources. The portlet displays the total per time scale value selected per resource and a grand total of all ETC’s for the selected time period. Filtering capabilities allow the user to filter by an individual resource, resource manager, time scale values, dates, and OBS. The portlet provides a Resource Manager with a single location to view ETC’s by Resource.
  • The Resources Demand Summary portlet displays the total Estimate to Complete (ETC’s) for Resources. The portlet displays the total per time scale value selected per resource and a grand total of all ETC’s for the selected time period. Filtering capabilities allow the user to filter by an individual resource, resource manager, time scale values, dates, and OBS. The portlet provides a Resource Manager with a single location to view ETC’s by Resource.
  • The Resources Demand Summary portlet displays the total Estimate to Complete (ETC’s) for Resources. The portlet displays the total per time scale value selected per resource and a grand total of all ETC’s for the selected time period. Filtering capabilities allow the user to filter by an individual resource, resource manager, time scale values, dates, and OBS. The portlet provides a Resource Manager with a single location to view ETC’s by Resource.
  • The Timesheet Notes portlet displays all timesheet notes split out by resource, investment and task.  This is very useful in situations where you want to review multiple notes as you do not have to open each note separately. The table below describes the available filter fields in the portlet.
    Column Label Description
    Timesheet Period Start Range of time periods to display filtered by start date
    Timesheet Period Finish Range of time periods to display filtered by finish date
    Resource Resource(s) to display
    Type Note on a timesheet or time entry (task specific)
  • The Timesheet Notes portlet displays all timesheet notes split out by resource, investment and task.  This is very useful in situations where you want to review multiple notes as you do not have to open each note separately. The table below describes the available filter fields in the portlet.
    Column Label Description
    Timesheet Period Start Range of time periods to display filtered by start date
    Timesheet Period Finish Range of time periods to display filtered by finish date
    Resource Resource(s) to display
    Type Note on a timesheet or time entry (task specific)
  • The Timesheet Notes portlet displays all timesheet notes split out by resource, investment and task.  This is very useful in situations where you want to review multiple notes as you do not have to open each note separately. The table below describes the available filter fields in the portlet.
    Column Label Description
    Timesheet Period Start Range of time periods to display filtered by start date
    Timesheet Period Finish Range of time periods to display filtered by finish date
    Resource Resource(s) to display
    Type Note on a timesheet or time entry (task specific)
  • This portlet displays the monthly allocation per resource. The PM can view by the RM or the resource to get the data for monthly resource allocations. The table below describes the available filter fields in the portlet.
    Column Label Description
    Work Effort Manager Manager of the Investment the Work Effort is on
    Work Effort Active Active status of the Investment the Work Effort is on
    Resource Resource’s Name
    Internal Resource ID Resource’s ID
    Zero Allocation Show Allocations that equal zero
    Open for Time Entry Is the Resource Open for Time Entry
    Resource Active Resource’s Active status
    Role Resource’s Primary Role
    OBS Unit Resource’s OBS
    Start Allocation Start Time to filter by
    End Allocation Finish time to filter by
  • The Customized Object/Portlet Views portlet displays all user edited object/portlet views and the resource(s) that have edited them.  This can assist in identifying users who need to be notified prior to publishing view changes. The table below describes the available columns on the object.
    Column Label Description
    Resource Name Name of the resource
    Resource ID ID of the resource
    Type Object or Portlet
    Portlet Code ID of the portlet
    Portlet Name Name of the portlet
    Object Associated Object
    Object View ID of the modified view on the object
    Object Code Internal code used by the query
    pkid Internal code used by the query
    portlet_dbid Database id of the portlet
    res_dbid Database id of the resource
  • This is a graphic portlet that pulls the average schedule variance by OBS node of the project.  The portlet allows you to choose any OBS that is associated to the Project Object. Users can filter by:
    1. OBS Type
    2. If the project is financially approved?
    3. Financial Status
  • This is a graphic portlet that pulls the average schedule variance by OBS node of the project.  The portlet allows you to choose any OBS that is associated to the Project Object. Users can filter by:
    1. OBS Type
    2. If the project is financially approved?
    3. Financial Status
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