The Financial Summary by Charge Code – Grid portlet displays yearly charge code financial information across all projects. This portlet provides management with a snapshot of all projects’ financial information totaled and sorted by expense, capital, depreciation, benefit, and net cash flow. The depreciation is calculated based on a straight-line method. The user may filter on OBS unit and/or portfolio to narrow down the search results.
The My Documents on Projects portlet displays all of the documents the user has uploaded to projects. This portlet provides the user a single place to view documents across multiple projects without having to go into each project individually. This is efficient and time saving for the user. The filter allows the user to narrow their search by Project, File Name, Active Projects and Description. You may also narrow the view to display documents with a created date within a certain date range. Note: In v13, clicking the file name will link to the collaboration tab where the document resides.
The My Documents on Projects portlet displays all of the documents the user has uploaded to projects. This portlet provides the user a single place to view documents across multiple projects without having to go into each project individually. This is efficient and time saving for the user. The filter allows the user to narrow their search by Project, File Name, Active Projects and Description. You may also narrow the view to display documents with a created date within a certain date range. Note: In v13, clicking the file name will link to the collaboration tab where the document resides.
The My Documents on Projects portlet displays all of the documents the user has uploaded to projects. This portlet provides the user a single place to view documents across multiple projects without having to go into each project individually. This is efficient and time saving for the user. The filter allows the user to narrow their search by Project, File Name, Active Projects and Description. You may also narrow the view to display documents with a created date within a certain date range. Note: In v13, clicking the file name will link to the collaboration tab where the document resides.
The My Resource Count by Project portlet displays project information, total team count and the current user’s resource count assigned to each project. The user may narrow the results by filtering on project name, manager, status, team count, managed resource count or percentage managed resource count. Using this portlet, resource managers can quickly identify which projects their resources are allocated to without having to navigate to each resource individually. Not only does this portlet display the overall team count on the project (team count), but it also displays the managed resource count (logged in user’s number of resources allocated to the project) as well as the percentage of managed resource count to team count.
The My Resource Count by Project portlet displays project information, total team count and the current user’s resource count assigned to each project. The user may narrow the results by filtering on project name, manager, status, team count, managed resource count or percentage managed resource count. Using this portlet, resource managers can quickly identify which projects their resources are allocated to without having to navigate to each resource individually. Not only does this portlet display the overall team count on the project (team count), but it also displays the managed resource count (logged in user’s number of resources allocated to the project) as well as the percentage of managed resource count to team count.
The My Resource Count by Project portlet displays project information, total team count and the current user’s resource count assigned to each project. The user may narrow the results by filtering on project name, manager, status, team count, managed resource count or percentage managed resource count. Using this portlet, resource managers can quickly identify which projects their resources are allocated to without having to navigate to each resource individually. Not only does this portlet display the overall team count on the project (team count), but it also displays the managed resource count (logged in user’s number of resources allocated to the project) as well as the percentage of managed resource count to team count.
The Invalid Transactions portlet displays all of the transactions that did/will not post in Clarity. The benefit of this portlet is that you can use the filter to select a specific project, resource, or error to display all transactions associated to your selection. There are several reasons a transaction may fail to post such as inactive resource, no location or inactive location selected on the Financial sub-page, project on hold, etc. To resolve the error, the user must go into the project or resource and make the noted change. Once all corrections are complete, the Post Transactions to Financials job must be run to evaluate the corrected WIP transactions to be sure the data is now complete and accurate. If additional incorrect data is found, the transaction will fail to post again and the new error/reason will display.
The Invalid Transactions portlet displays all of the transactions that did/will not post in Clarity. The benefit of this portlet is that you can use the filter to select a specific project, resource, or error to display all transactions associated to your selection. There are several reasons a transaction may fail to post such as inactive resource, no location or inactive location selected on the Financial sub-page, project on hold, etc. To resolve the error, the user must go into the project or resource and make the noted change. Once all corrections are complete, the Post Transactions to Financials job must be run to evaluate the corrected WIP transactions to be sure the data is now complete and accurate. If additional incorrect data is found, the transaction will fail to post again and the new error/reason will display.
The Invalid Transactions portlet displays all of the transactions that did/will not post in Clarity. The benefit of this portlet is that you can use the filter to select a specific project, resource, or error to display all transactions associated to your selection. There are several reasons a transaction may fail to post such as inactive resource, no location or inactive location selected on the Financial sub-page, project on hold, etc. To resolve the error, the user must go into the project or resource and make the noted change. Once all corrections are complete, the Post Transactions to Financials job must be run to evaluate the corrected WIP transactions to be sure the data is now complete and accurate. If additional incorrect data is found, the transaction will fail to post again and the new error/reason will display.