A Quick Reference Guide to assist in the process of adding filtering for the data to be presented in a Jaspersoft Report. If a report output contains more information than desired, Jaspersoft Reporting provides an interactive filtering capability so only the necessary data is displayed. The filtering conditions can include fields, numbers, dates and text. Filters can be added to reports as they are being created or adding to saved views. Filters cannot be added to a Report.
Out of the box, there is no way to export or report on the Modern UX Roadmap Grid view. This report allows the end user to select one or more roadmaps and provides an exportable view of several OOTB fields from those roadmaps. When exported to and open in excel, the first tab will display a combined view of all selected Roadmaps, one row for every Roadmap Item, and additional tabs will display Roadmap-specific views. Custom attributes may be added to the report by your developers.
The Rego Estimation Module Provides a more accurate estimate earlier in the idea/project lifecycle.
- Is applied consistently so it can be improved.
- Retains the data in Clarity to enable analysis.
- Provides ongoing feedback by comparing estimates to current EAC.
- Provides historical record of estimating for projects overall as well as change requests.
The Cost Type field was introduced in CA PPM 13.3, but had some limitations because it wasn’t available in certain financial areas. The CA PPM 14.3 release includes the addition of Cost Type in the Cost/Rate Matrix, Chargebacks, Transactions and WIP Adjustments. This Technical Trick assists you in moving from Charge Code to Cost Type.
Looking for metrics that you can implement immediately in CA PPM? This class will be a working session to review all of the content available out of the box and within the CA and Rego content packs. This will provide you the options for metrics the represent industry best practice without the costs to develop them.
This portlet pulls back the Availability and Allocation totals by Role between a user-specified Start and Finish Date, then the user can drilldown to look at the information for Applications. The Time Period filter allows for comparing these values across different timeframes (monthly, weekly, quarterly, annual) as desired. Other filters allow for looking at Active or Inactive Roles (or both) and including Active or Inactive Projects (or both) in the totals.
The Capacity Planning by Skill portlet displays the capacity and demand by skill for a selected timeframe. This portlet is used to determine which skills are in high demand, being used efficiently, and how much capacity may be remaining for the time period. The portlet may be filtered by skill name, resource OBS or project OBS to narrow the results.
The Capacity Planning by Skill portlet displays the capacity and demand by skill for a selected timeframe. This portlet is used to determine which skills are in high demand, being used efficiently, and how much capacity may be remaining for the time period. The portlet may be filtered by skill name, resource OBS or project OBS to narrow the results.
The Capacity Planning by Role and Skill portlet displays all availability and demand in the system summarized by role. The portlet also allows the user to drill-down further into the role and separate the hours by primary skill. This portlet leverages the timeslices, and pulls availability from resources and allocation from the team records. The user is able to narrow the results by filtering on start/finish date, time period, active projects, and active resources. Using this portlet, a resource manager can quickly determine resource needs, skill needs, and overall allocation/availability of roles.
The Capacity Planning by Role and Skill portlet displays all availability and demand in the system summarized by role. The portlet also allows the user to drill-down further into the role and separate the hours by primary skill. This portlet leverages the timeslices, and pulls availability from resources and allocation from the team records. The user is able to narrow the results by filtering on start/finish date, time period, active projects, and active resources. Using this portlet, a resource manager can quickly determine resource needs, skill needs, and overall allocation/availability of roles.