The Program Dashboard Sub Project Action Items portlet display Action Items of Sub Projects in a Program. The portlet will pull the "Action Items" from all the sub projects in the Program, and this information is placed on the Dashboard tab. This portlet displays each Project, name of the Action Item as mentioned in the Subject, and the resource who Created this Action Item. Assigned To field will display the resource to whom the Action Item has been Assigned. Due Date mentions the date the Action Item will be completed and the Priority level of the Action Item is a stoplight showing red, yellow and green for the different levels of priority. The table below describes the available columns in the portlet. The first 6 are configured in the default view:
Column Label Description Project Name of the Project Subject Defines the name for Action Item Created By Resource who created the Action Item Assigned To Resource who the Action Item is Assigned to Due Date Date the Action Item is due for completion Prty Specifies the priority level of the Action Item Action Item ID Internal ID used by the query Created By ID Internal ID used by the query Created Date Date the Action Item was created Days Open No. of days the Status of Action Item has remained opened since it was created Priority Name Based on high, medium, or low priority with corresponding red, yellow, or green stoplights Project DB ID Internal ID used by the query Project ID Unique ID of the Project within Clarity Project Manager Project Manager -
The Program Dashboard Sub Project Action Items portlet display Action Items of Sub Projects in a Program. The portlet will pull the "Action Items" from all the sub projects in the Program, and this information is placed on the Dashboard tab. This portlet displays each Project, name of the Action Item as mentioned in the Subject, and the resource who Created this Action Item. Assigned To field will display the resource to whom the Action Item has been Assigned. Due Date mentions the date the Action Item will be completed and the Priority level of the Action Item is a stoplight showing red, yellow and green for the different levels of priority. The table below describes the available columns in the portlet. The first 6 are configured in the default view:
Column Label Description Project Name of the Project Subject Defines the name for Action Item Created By Resource who created the Action Item Assigned To Resource who the Action Item is Assigned to Due Date Date the Action Item is due for completion Prty Specifies the priority level of the Action Item Action Item ID Internal ID used by the query Created By ID Internal ID used by the query Created Date Date the Action Item was created Days Open No. of days the Status of Action Item has remained opened since it was created Priority Name Based on high, medium, or low priority with corresponding red, yellow, or green stoplights Project DB ID Internal ID used by the query Project ID Unique ID of the Project within Clarity Project Manager Project Manager -
The Program Dashboard Sub Project Action Items portlet display Action Items of Sub Projects in a Program. The portlet will pull the "Action Items" from all the sub projects in the Program, and this information is placed on the Dashboard tab. This portlet displays each Project, name of the Action Item as mentioned in the Subject, and the resource who Created this Action Item. Assigned To field will display the resource to whom the Action Item has been Assigned. Due Date mentions the date the Action Item will be completed and the Priority level of the Action Item is a stoplight showing red, yellow and green for the different levels of priority. The table below describes the available columns in the portlet. The first 6 are configured in the default view:
Column Label Description Project Name of the Project Subject Defines the name for Action Item Created By Resource who created the Action Item Assigned To Resource who the Action Item is Assigned to Due Date Date the Action Item is due for completion Prty Specifies the priority level of the Action Item Action Item ID Internal ID used by the query Created By ID Internal ID used by the query Created Date Date the Action Item was created Days Open No. of days the Status of Action Item has remained opened since it was created Priority Name Based on high, medium, or low priority with corresponding red, yellow, or green stoplights Project DB ID Internal ID used by the query Project ID Unique ID of the Project within Clarity Project Manager Project Manager -
The Financial Summary by Charge Code - Graph portlet displays yearly charge code financial information across all projects in a bar graph. This portlet provides management with a snapshot of all projects’ financial information totaled and sorted by expense, capital, depreciation, benefit, and net cash flow. The depreciation is calculated based on a straight line method. The user may filter on OBS unit and/or portfolio to narrow down the search results.
The Financial Summary by Charge Code - Graph portlet displays yearly charge code financial information across all projects in a bar graph. This portlet provides management with a snapshot of all projects’ financial information totaled and sorted by expense, capital, depreciation, benefit, and net cash flow. The depreciation is calculated based on a straight line method. The user may filter on OBS unit and/or portfolio to narrow down the search results.
Resource Availability by Skill over Time is a grid portlet that provides Resource Managers a single place to view Resources’ skill sets along with their availability (hrs.) over a period of time. This report also displays the assigned Investments to date and the Actual hours to date for the Resource on those respective Investments. Users can further narrow their search by Skill Name, Resource Name, Project Manager, Start Date, End Date and Period Recurrence.
Resource Availability by Skill over Time is a grid portlet that provides Resource Managers a single place to view Resources’ skill sets along with their availability (hrs.) over a period of time. This report also displays the assigned Investments to date and the Actual hours to date for the Resource on those respective Investments. Users can further narrow their search by Skill Name, Resource Name, Project Manager, Start Date, End Date and Period Recurrence.
Resource Availability by Skill over Time is a grid portlet that provides Resource Managers a single place to view Resources’ skill sets along with their availability (hrs.) over a period of time. This report also displays the assigned Investments to date and the Actual hours to date for the Resource on those respective Investments. Users can further narrow their search by Skill Name, Resource Name, Project Manager, Start Date, End Date and Period Recurrence.
This training document is a Rego Consulting Quick Reference Guide to assist with Time Entry Administration Settings for Timesheets. This doc references version 16.0.3 views. Document provides detail on Timesheet Options for the Modern UX and how to enable end user column configuration. Detail is also provided on how end users may configure their timesheet view.