  • The My Risks portlet displays all risks related to active projects that the logged in user has been assigned as the owner.  The portlet provides the logged in user a single place to view risks across multiple projects without having to go into each project individually. The filter then allows the user to narrow their search by Risk ID, Risk Name, Project ID, Project Name, and Risk Status. You may also narrow the view to display issues with a target resolution date or impact date within a certain date range.
  • The My Resource Vacation Details portlet returns the logged in users calendar at a glance by week or month for a selected time period.  It shows the Resource Name, Resource Manager, Calendar, H (holiday), and V (vacation) hours for the select time frame.
  • The My Issues portlet displays all issues within active project that the logged in user is assigned to.  The portlet provides the logged in user a single place to view issues across multiple projects without having to go into each project individually. The filter then allows the user to narrow their search by Issue ID, Issue Name, Project ID, Project Name, and Issue Status. You may also narrow the view to display issues with a target resolution date within a certain date range.
  • The My Issues portlet displays all issues within active project that the logged in user is assigned to.  The portlet provides the logged in user a single place to view issues across multiple projects without having to go into each project individually. The filter then allows the user to narrow their search by Issue ID, Issue Name, Project ID, Project Name, and Issue Status. You may also narrow the view to display issues with a target resolution date within a certain date range.
  • The Locked Resources portlet displays all resources that are locked within Clarity. It also displays the resource manager and last updated date for the user. The portlet can be filtered on resource manager and last updated date range. This portlet can be used by an administrator to determine which resources are locked by the system.
  • The Locked Projects portlet displays all of the projects in the system that are currently in a ‘locked’ state.  The user may view the project ID, Project Name, Project Manager, the user who locked the project, the user's email address, and the date the project was locked. Administrators may utilize the data in this portlet in order to determine if a manual unlock should be executed on a project that has been locked for an extended period of time. Extended locks may indicate the individual has forgotten that he or she had obtained the lock. The portlet includes a hyperlink on the Project Name field, which will allow the administrator to more easily access and unlock the project as well as an email link to mail the user who locked the project.
  • The Locked Projects portlet displays all of the projects in the system that are currently in a ‘locked’ state.  The user may view the project ID, Project Name, Project Manager, the user who locked the project, the user's email address, and the date the project was locked. Administrators may utilize the data in this portlet in order to determine if a manual unlock should be executed on a project that has been locked for an extended period of time. Extended locks may indicate the individual has forgotten that he or she had obtained the lock. The portlet includes a hyperlink on the Project Name field, which will allow the administrator to more easily access and unlock the project as well as an email link to mail the user who locked the project.
  • The Late Milestones portlet displays all action items related to active projects that the logged in user has view rights to.  The milestones displayed are those that are not closed but are past their finish date or past their baseline finish date.  The portlet provides a Project Manager the ability to view and track action items across multiple projects without going into each project individually. This portlet provides a single consolidated view of late milestones based on the current project baseline, and the age of the milestone. The portlet will display the Project ID, Project Name, Project Manager, Milestone Name, Due Date, Baseline Date, Days Late (calculated from baseline dates), and Days Old (calculated from today’s date).
  • The Inactive Resource Data Cleanup portlet displays information for inactive resources that still have pending items on active objects:
    • Inactive User is the Project Manager
    • Inactive User is the Idea Manager
    • Inactive User is the Resource Manager
    • Tasks assigned to the user
    • Action items assigned to the user
    • Risks assigned to the user
    • Issues assigned to the user
    • Change requests assigned to the user
    • Incidents assigned to the user
  • The Inactive Resource Data Cleanup portlet displays information for inactive resources that still have pending items on active objects:
    • Inactive User is the Project Manager
    • Inactive User is the Idea Manager
    • Inactive User is the Resource Manager
    • Tasks assigned to the user
    • Action items assigned to the user
    • Risks assigned to the user
    • Issues assigned to the user
    • Change requests assigned to the user
    • Incidents assigned to the user
  • The Resource Data Issues portlet is used to identify data exceptions related to resource setup.  This portlet helps to identify where resources are missing key data or are possibly sitting in an exception state.  This view will show resources that have one or many exceptions, including inactive resources. There is no security built into this portlet - all resources will show.  The only required field in the filter is Days, which is the number of days since the user last logged in. The user may also narrow the results by resource, OBS, or project type.
  • The Project Data Issues portlet is used to identify data exceptions related to project setup.  This portlet helps to identify where projects are missing key data or are possibly sitting in an exception state.  This view will show projects that have one or many exceptions, including inactive projects. The user may also narrow the results by project, OBS, or project type.
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