142 results
The All Assignments portlet displays resource assignments across multiple projects. Currently, assignment information displayed for the project, in OWB, or MSP is limited to a single project. This portlet will provide a single view of the assigned data for all assignments across multiple projects. The portlet displays project actuals and estimates from the project (datamart tables). The Days Late field is calculated by the baseline date, while the Days Old field is calculated by today's date. Note: Only the projects that the user has viewer rights to will show up in the list. Filters provide the PM, RM, and individual resource the ability to monitor work progress across multiple projects. For example: ~ PMs can filter for all assignments that were to be completed by a given date but still have "Started" or "Not Started" status. ~ If multiple projects are utilizing the same resource, the PM or RM can filter for assignments utilizing that specific resource to prevent over-utilization. ~ A resource may filter for all assignments assigned to them, providing a picture of their total body of work.
The All Skills portlet displays active skills available in the skills hierarchy, thus providing visibility to these values, without requiring administrative rights to be granted to the user. Viewing the skills list together in one view will allow the user to easily determine which skills they wish to add to their profile. The user may filter by Skill Name, or for skills associated with a particular parent skill.
The All Skills portlet displays active skills available in the skills hierarchy, thus providing visibility to these values, without requiring administrative rights to be granted to the user. Viewing the skills list together in one view will allow the user to easily determine which skills they wish to add to their profile. The user may filter by Skill Name, or for skills associated with a particular parent skill.
The All Skills portlet displays active skills available in the skills hierarchy, thus providing visibility to these values, without requiring administrative rights to be granted to the user. Viewing the skills list together in one view will allow the user to easily determine which skills they wish to add to their profile. The user may filter by Skill Name, or for skills associated with a particular parent skill.
A Process run via Execute a Process job; sends an email to active resources, containing a facsimile of their Resource Allocation Detail page. It shows the next six weeks of allocations by investment, with a column total. The email also contains a click here link to this page in CA PPM, to enable editing of the data, as appropriate.
A Process run via Execute a Process job; sends an email to active resources, containing a facsimile of their Resource Allocation Detail page. It shows the next six weeks of allocations by investment, with a column total. The email also contains a click here link to this page in CA PPM, to enable editing of the data, as appropriate.
A Process run via Execute a Process job; sends an email to active resources, containing a facsimile of their Resource Allocation Detail page. It shows the next six weeks of allocations by investment, with a column total. The email also contains a click here link to this page in CA PPM, to enable editing of the data, as appropriate.
The Auto-Approve Old Timesheets workflow process can be run through the "Execute a Process" job and may be used to quickly close out timesheets for a specified timeframe for period closure. The workflow will execute a query that will automatically approve ALL (no matter the status of the timesheet) timesheets that have a time period start date before the Approve Date specified within the process itself.
The Auto-Approve Old Timesheets workflow process can be run through the "Execute a Process" job and may be used to quickly close out timesheets for a specified timeframe for period closure. The workflow will execute a query that will automatically approve ALL (no matter the status of the timesheet) timesheets that have a time period start date before the Approve Date specified within the process itself.
The Auto-Approve Old Timesheets workflow process can be run through the "Execute a Process" job and may be used to quickly close out timesheets for a specified timeframe for period closure. The workflow will execute a query that will automatically approve ALL (no matter the status of the timesheet) timesheets that have a time period start date before the Approve Date specified within the process itself.